
Je suis Alyan?

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi

The human tragedy in Syria is one thing, and the hypocritical manner in which the West is dealing with it is an absolute shamble.

To begin with, it was the Western sphere of influence that destabilized four states in the region over the last two decades; namely Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. One may argue that Afghanistan had been a hotspot before the US-led invasion, but certainly that invasion did not make the situation any more stable. It is heartening to see that the world has finally woken up to the fact that the West has been instrumental in creating refugees that it finds itself not wanting to deal with.

But this is not the main subject of this article.

What we should be looking at now is the wave of Syrian refugees flooding into Europe. There are many question marks about this subject, question marks that do not meet the eye without some deeper investigation.

It is not uncompassionate or inhumane to ask legitimate questions when one smells a rat, and generally speaking, when Western mainstream media are having a frenzy, there is normally a huge dead rotten rat waiting to be uncovered. It is not uncompassionate and inhumane to ask questions even when the subject matter is refugees and when human suffering is so obvious. Quite the contrary indeed, if someone is using human suffering in order to score political, or even worse, financial gain, then such a culprit should be exposed.

Read more here.

0 thoughts on “Je Suis Alyan?”
  1. Looks like an excellent article. I’ll make comments here as I read it.
    1. “It is not uncompassionate or inhumane to ask legitimate questions when one smells a rat, and generally speaking, when Western mainstream media are having a frenzy, there is normally a huge dead rotten rat waiting to be uncovered. It is not uncompassionate and inhumane to ask questions even when the subject matter is refugees and when human suffering is so obvious. Quite the contrary indeed, if someone is using human suffering in order to score political, or even worse, financial gain, then such a culprit should be exposed.”
    YES! It is – should be! – an ordinary citizen’s sacred duty to do so! When/if the world’s first democracy eventuates, that’s how it would be.
    2. “The human tragedy in Syria is one thing, and the hypocritical manner in which the West is dealing with it is an absolute shamble.”
    YES! An issue we need to consider: in interesting times – where e.g. aggressive unnecessary defence has become mundane – at what stage does hypocrisy become genocidal? and when did the “West” reach that stage? My off-the-cuff guess would be at least 10 decades ago, maybe 15, maybe more, maybe much more.
    3. “For thousands of refugees to all decide on a route to go to Germany via Hungary cannot be by accident.”
    In other words, this tragic ‘chaos’ shows very strong signs of having been organized. The organizers? Cui bono? And who benefits most of all? Do the greatest beneficiaries – of this horrible malice! – have a history of horrible malice?
    That’ll do. It is a beautifully written article, seemingly written by Western educated Easterners. Who said West and East cannot cooperate?

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