0 thoughts on “Update on Gun-Makers Anti-Arab/Old Testament ‘Inscribed’ AR-15”
Oh Florida, you never disappoint us….Jews in Maimi ,and By bull haters everywhere else.
The moron worked for the private militia of the International Jews Blackwater.
That’s a fundamentalist run outfit.
Another ridiculous “story” – coming this time initially from the Orlando Sentinel which apparently is a daily newspaper owned by Tribune Publishing whose current publisher is named as Nancy Meyer.
Hmmm. What information are readers expected to absorb from this story?
I don’t want focus on the obvious, but on the subtle.
In the first paragraph we are informed that the weapons are “engraved with a Bible verse and a Knights Templar Long Cross — the symbol of the Christian crusades”.
The “Bible verse” quoted in the article turns out to be from an Old Testament Psalm glorifying the power of the Jewish God and of Jewish warriors. Christian warriors reading the inscription might think it is about the Christian God and Christian warriors like themselves.
And “the symbol of the Christian crusades” – the “Knights Templar Long Cross”? Hmmm. Who were these Knights Templar? Oh, they were organizations of Christians who amassed enormous wealth by practising usury during and after the Crusades. Really? Gee whizz, I thought usury was a mortal sin for Christians back in those days. Oh well, you learn something new every day, I suppose.
I guess we have to thank the Orlando Sentinel and The Raw Story for keeping us well informed.
And you’ve got to admire American patriots like “former Navy SEAL and Blackwater security contractor Ben “Mookie” Thomas” of “Spike’s Tactical”.
Tactical seems appropriate. Strategic might be going too far.
ed note (Tony)… “Who were these Knights Templar? Oh, they were organizations of Christians who amassed enormous wealth by practising usury during and after the Crusades. Really? Gee whizz, I thought usury was a mortal sin for Christians back in those days.”
They were the first international bankers
For those who may be interested in usury as a mortal sin, I’ve just read of an interesting fact in Michael Hoffman’s 2013 book “Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not” page 141.
Crunch time came on 1515-05-04 “at Lateran Council V, Session X, in the Bull, Concilii in decima sessione super materia Montis Pietatis, Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, “Pope Leo X,” overthrew the solemn dogma of the Roman Catholic Church from its founding, and, as “sovereign pontiff,” declared that the interest-bearing monte banks were in no way sinful, and were in fact meritorious. Any person who claimed they were mortally sinful would, the Medici pope declared, be henceforth excommunicated.”
The”monte banks” referred to made loans to poor people where “only a moderate rate of interest” was charged.
In a footnote on page 143, Hoffman provides his analysis:
“This is the Hegelian process – Thesis: zeal for justice and love of the truth in opposing interest on money are commendable. Antithesis: interest charged on loans to the poor is an “excellent” system and not a “direct cause” of usury, since the interest is “gratuitous.” Synthesis: interest may be charged by charitable banks – not for profit, but for “expenses and indemnity,” and is “meritorious”.”
Hoffman further comments that this pope “created a template for the overthrow of Catholic Truth which would become a model for Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as the popes of usury who came before them and after Leo.”
I guess Leo X would qualify as a virtuoso deceiver.
I suspect his family may have been cryptos, in which case he would have to rank among the most prestigious sayanim.
I recently read an article about an American female rabbi of Italian heritage working in the region of Italy her family came from seeking to counsel local cryptos coming out in our enlightened age. One of the numerous who sought her service claimed to be a descendant of the de Medici family.
Ariadnatheo: I think you’ve mixed up two different incidents. The person who shot John Paul II was a Turk – Mehmet Ali Ağca.
The alleged assassin of Robert Kennedy was a Palestinian-American, Sirhan Sirhan. He was present at the scene, he had a revolver which he did fire multiple times but was never closer than about a metre from RFK and always to the front and side. The autopsy report showed quite clearly that the fatal shot was fired at point blank range to the back of RFK’s head. The pathologist was fired for being a man of integrity but apparently appealed and won reinstatement …
Even so, the official story still stands, and Sirhan is still in jail for something he did not do. And the person who fired the shot from behind at point blank range was apparently of no interest to any law enforcement authorities. And that was 47 years ago. And that’s just one of quite a few equally outrageous assassinations.
Abusive power seems quite secure in the old US of A, eh?
Oh Florida, you never disappoint us….Jews in Maimi ,and By bull haters everywhere else.
The moron worked for the private militia of the International Jews Blackwater.
That’s a fundamentalist run outfit.
Another ridiculous “story” – coming this time initially from the Orlando Sentinel which apparently is a daily newspaper owned by Tribune Publishing whose current publisher is named as Nancy Meyer.
Hmmm. What information are readers expected to absorb from this story?
I don’t want focus on the obvious, but on the subtle.
In the first paragraph we are informed that the weapons are “engraved with a Bible verse and a Knights Templar Long Cross — the symbol of the Christian crusades”.
The “Bible verse” quoted in the article turns out to be from an Old Testament Psalm glorifying the power of the Jewish God and of Jewish warriors. Christian warriors reading the inscription might think it is about the Christian God and Christian warriors like themselves.
And “the symbol of the Christian crusades” – the “Knights Templar Long Cross”? Hmmm. Who were these Knights Templar? Oh, they were organizations of Christians who amassed enormous wealth by practising usury during and after the Crusades. Really? Gee whizz, I thought usury was a mortal sin for Christians back in those days. Oh well, you learn something new every day, I suppose.
I guess we have to thank the Orlando Sentinel and The Raw Story for keeping us well informed.
And you’ve got to admire American patriots like “former Navy SEAL and Blackwater security contractor Ben “Mookie” Thomas” of “Spike’s Tactical”.
Tactical seems appropriate. Strategic might be going too far.
ed note (Tony)… “Who were these Knights Templar? Oh, they were organizations of Christians who amassed enormous wealth by practising usury during and after the Crusades. Really? Gee whizz, I thought usury was a mortal sin for Christians back in those days.”
They were the first international bankers
For those who may be interested in usury as a mortal sin, I’ve just read of an interesting fact in Michael Hoffman’s 2013 book “Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not” page 141.
Crunch time came on 1515-05-04 “at Lateran Council V, Session X, in the Bull, Concilii in decima sessione super materia Montis Pietatis, Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, “Pope Leo X,” overthrew the solemn dogma of the Roman Catholic Church from its founding, and, as “sovereign pontiff,” declared that the interest-bearing monte banks were in no way sinful, and were in fact meritorious. Any person who claimed they were mortally sinful would, the Medici pope declared, be henceforth excommunicated.”
The”monte banks” referred to made loans to poor people where “only a moderate rate of interest” was charged.
In a footnote on page 143, Hoffman provides his analysis:
“This is the Hegelian process – Thesis: zeal for justice and love of the truth in opposing interest on money are commendable. Antithesis: interest charged on loans to the poor is an “excellent” system and not a “direct cause” of usury, since the interest is “gratuitous.” Synthesis: interest may be charged by charitable banks – not for profit, but for “expenses and indemnity,” and is “meritorious”.”
Hoffman further comments that this pope “created a template for the overthrow of Catholic Truth which would become a model for Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as the popes of usury who came before them and after Leo.”
I guess Leo X would qualify as a virtuoso deceiver.
I suspect his family may have been cryptos, in which case he would have to rank among the most prestigious sayanim.
I recently read an article about an American female rabbi of Italian heritage working in the region of Italy her family came from seeking to counsel local cryptos coming out in our enlightened age. One of the numerous who sought her service claimed to be a descendant of the de Medici family.
Ariadnatheo: I think you’ve mixed up two different incidents. The person who shot John Paul II was a Turk – Mehmet Ali Ağca.
The alleged assassin of Robert Kennedy was a Palestinian-American, Sirhan Sirhan. He was present at the scene, he had a revolver which he did fire multiple times but was never closer than about a metre from RFK and always to the front and side. The autopsy report showed quite clearly that the fatal shot was fired at point blank range to the back of RFK’s head. The pathologist was fired for being a man of integrity but apparently appealed and won reinstatement …
Even so, the official story still stands, and Sirhan is still in jail for something he did not do. And the person who fired the shot from behind at point blank range was apparently of no interest to any law enforcement authorities. And that was 47 years ago. And that’s just one of quite a few equally outrageous assassinations.
Abusive power seems quite secure in the old US of A, eh?