Barbie Wants to Get to Know Your Child
With the help of A.I., America’s most famous doll tries to fulfill a timeless dream —
convincing little girls that she’s a real friend. What will happen if they believe her?
[Ed. Notes: The New (some pronounce it “Jew”) York Times does a mild critique of the newest version of Barbie — the interactive “Hello Barbie” doll invention of idea man Oren Jacob and lead designer Aslan Appleman. (Nevertheless, they gave Barbie a “broad-appeal,” not a chosen, name: Barbara Millicent Roberts.)
A better name would be Barbie the Brain Washer.
If you were concerned before about the excessive time your child spent watching TV or playing electronic games, imagine what an influence such an AI toy might have on your child’s mind: a toy that has upwards of 8,000 lines of “dialog,” “records your child’s answers to probing questions and later uses them to further advance the “dialog.” One that fills their little heads not with anything of educational value but with popular culture garbage like “Taylor Swift? ‘‘She is one of my super favorites right now!’’ A cultural marxist brain washer that can talk about having “two moms.” A doll that its makers unabashedly present like this: “I like to think of her as the world’s best babysitter.”
What better recipe for the child’s alienation from parents, environment and real friends?
We don’t know what Hello Barbie has in her dialog repertoire on “right and wrong,” when Barbie is right and the parents are wrong,” or issues like sexuality, gender, ethnic or religious identity because the NYT did not explore this. Cultural marxism, however, is a given.
When you start your life with a Mattel chip being your “best fried” and guide, you are far more likely to grow up to OBEY than if your brain washing begins in adulthood.]
Read the article here.
the Bolsheviks in Russia 1st changed the ownerships of properties/possessions, then persecuted en masse the ‘enemies of the State’ , and then brainwashed /stupefied the rest en masse.
The Jewish Power Elite 1st brainwashes/stupefies the public en masse,
then slowly changes the ownership of their properties/possesions, and THEN the time will come
to persecute them en masse.
here is another example of total brainwashing American public by their Jewish corporate masters
‘..Starbucks issues ultimatum: People who believe in traditional marriage not welcomed as customers..”
The plastic-peg known as Barbie is disturbing enough, without being able to recite brainwash to children. Unfortunately, some mouth-breathing parents would definitely buy it. So just for laughs, how about talking Chuckie, Tiff, and Gage dolls — Barbie and sex-change-Ken’s children, with thousands of psychopathic quotes and ‘conversations’ — for adults only of course.