Ed-note (Sabba) – The jewish press in the jewish state has been intensively talking about the next war with Lebanon, which is really a war against Hezbollah. The IOF (israeli occupation forces) has been preparing for it and has even been bragging about it the last few months. Their rabbis have been telling us that ‘something big’ will happen after mid-September.
Are we going to see a combined attack of the jewish state and her last born, ISIS, against Hezbollah? If this is what they are planning, they should be careful what they wish for as this in turn might well become the glue that has been missing to cement the all Lebanese people under one banner. And that banner will be Hezbollah.
“This country (Lebanon) has always been the most fragile of the region,” Hahn said, noting his concern over its endemic “political instability”.
Methinks his concern is that they must take the greatest advantage possible of the situation, not make it better which is what the average citizen would read into such a statement. That is not the message he was sending out to his comrades in zionist criminal behaviour. Fragility is good by Israeli standards as we all know.
Ya just gotta love those Roman salutes! May God Almighty grant us all the upper hand against the damned jews.,,sorry, I meant to say satan’s own.
I only became aware in the last few years that this was a “Roman salute.” I saw a video of Greek troops during WW II that used the same salute (they probably got it from the Romans too). But how many people know that is a “Roman salute?” I don’t think it’s a Roman salute any more than it’s a National Socialist salute. Hezbollah isn’t pledging loyalty to either of those. The Romans may have originated it, but who brought it back and why does everyone here like it so much. Not because of the Romans. This is like the Quenelle, which is an “up yours” to those in power and the Jews, which are one and the same. And this is my Quenelle. Sieg Heil.;