
Ed-note (Sabba) – It is not just Russia who is back: it is the Third Rome who is back.

And that terrifies them to death because they see in Christian Russia the fusion of the only 2 ghosts that can send them back crawling into the depth of the darkness of night: Jesus the Messiah (PBUH) and Titus.

And indeed,  nowadays, nothing seems to freak out world jewry more than Hezbollah glorious Roman salute and Putin waving the Cross in their faces. 

So much so that Carl Bildt spilled the beans for us in May 2014 when he declared that Orthodoxy is the main threat to ‘western values’…



0 thoughts on “(Christian) Russia is Back. Get Used to it.”
  1. I love Hezbollah’s salute ,and admire them …they know the truth ,and that gesture has real power.
    The truth is the only way to defeat the International Jews….that and REAL knowledge.
    Nothing of Judaic Foundations can be used…a total break the only way.

    Putin understands that a nation needs a spirit of unity to fight the International Jews.This fight cannot be saved by ohoney ” Democracy”, and ” multiculturalism “.
    He is more subtle ,, but the Jews get the message loud and clear.

    The Crioss of Christ has now risen boldly over the Hammer & Sycle of Yahweh .

    This is not the watered down Judized husk of oxymoronic Judeo Christianity ,but the real Orthodox type,which opposed the Jews in Russia ,before the Bokshivicks ,Jew financed overthrow.

    The Third Rome is here.
    Oswald Spangler predicted this in his Decline Of The West.

    The Jews tremble .

  2. The Jews are trembling now and have chills in their bones. As Russia builds up more and more military equipment in Syria and the Jewnited States can’t do any thing about it just waste more of our taxes in futile, never ending and unwinnable wars for greater Israel. I am glad many people are opening their eyes now. Even Samantha Powers was bombarded with very good questions from the Press about the Jewnited States role helping ISIS = Israel Secret Intelligence Services. And she conceded that the US is helping the thugs. Also Hillary Satanic Clinton say that.

  3. That is because ‘western values’ do not represent anything that Christ, peace be upon him preached, which is exactly the same thing Muhammad, peace be upon him preached. Western values is just an extension of the prophet-killing machine called Beni Israel.

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