ed note (Tony)…”Bipartisan push” = pressure from Israel……….

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0 thoughts on “Bipartisan push grows for no-fly zones in Syria”
  1. ???? No fly-zones in Syria? So, no more attacks from the americans and the jews? No more drones? So… peace in this country??? Some people are panicking there… their little terrorist they trained and armed will be destroyed by the Russians… what a bunch… Wake up dammit!

  2. I thought that only the UN Security Council could impose a No Fly Zone. The “bipartisan” gang is not an international body. They know that the making it stick at the Security Council has the chance of a snowflake in hell with Russia and China slapping a veto on it before it was even read out loud in its entirety. So what they are proposing is naked, open aggression in defiance of international laws, as opposed to stealthy aggression by proxy which has been the case until now.

  3. ThecJews are behind this…….Russia has trumped them in Syria.
    I could just barf at the ” moderate opposition”, label.

    Are they that stupid,or do thry think we are all that dumb? Yes.

    Opposition,is opposition. Remember in Vietnam, and other conflicts they would say for the ” gooood people” of ” dear America” to believe.

    McCain is key,and he is a total ventriloquist dummy of the International Jews.

    Hilliary Clinton is a throw back to the war Jew controlled Democrats of the past….Wilson,FDR,Truman,LBJ, etc.

    The awful difference now,is the Republican Party is worse !

    But that’s the way the Jew Left/Right Matrix operates .
    One pressures the other getting more,and more.
    A vortex of power.

    A no fly zone is really a sanctuary for the CIA/Mossad, abdcwsy to keep a bridgehead in Syria.

    Who will enter such a place?
    Are non ” moderates ” allowed ?

    They better be,because Uncle Sams mercenaries are destroyed or fleeing !

  4. No matter how futile it might seem,please call all of your Federal Representative to complain.

    Believe me, knowing even a few people are smart,and aware distresses them.

    Take note….where are the always half blind ” liberal pesceniks ” ,on all of this ?
    Ohhhh noooo,they rrrrr fighting ” Fascism” , and dont like Assad .

    Wake you stooges,and get off the Jews reservation…your more in line with the Tea Party Jew lovers then you think !
    Again the Left/Right trap of the Jews in play.

  5. No fly zone??? so those thugs keep murdering more Syrian people??. The Russians will come with some thing better than that.

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