

A formal complaint has been entered with the BBC over its coverage of the terrorist attack in Jerusalem on Saturday, according to the Israeli embassy.

Two men were killed and a woman and two-year-old toddler from the same ultra-Orthodox family were wounded during the incident in the Old City, for which terrorist group Islamic Jihad has taken credit.

Yiftah Curiel, a spokesman for the embassy, reported that the complaint is related to a series of “inexcusable” headlines used by the BBC after the attack, the first of which read: “Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two”.

The next said: “Jerusalem attack: Israelis killed in Old City ‘by Palestinian’”.

The BBC then removed the inverted commas around “Palestinian,” and eventually shifted its wording to “Jerusalem: Palestinian kills two Israelis in Old City”.

Earlier, news organisation Al Jazeera apologised for a tweet sent out following the murders which said: “Palestinian shot dead after fatal stabbing in Jerusalem; 2 Israeli victims also killed.”

In an editorial, the media outlet wrote: “Many people in our audience have pointed out that the tweet appears to minimise the killings of the Israeli victims and leaves out the context that the Palestinian man was the attacker.

“This criticism is valid and we regret the wording of a tweet written under the pressure of breaking news.”

Israeli police yesterday named Mohammed Shafik Halabi, a 19-year-old resident who lived near Ramallah, as the killer.

0 thoughts on “Complaint lodged over ‘inexcusable’ BBC headlines”
  1. Never a truer word the BBC is the mouthpiece of Westminster it is the biggest propaganda channel in the UK it lies constantly ,it defends Jews and condemns -Palestinians/Putin/Russia and the 99 % in this country that criticise the government . During our vote for Independence it used the fear factor to say Scots pensioners would loose their pensions-border post would be set up-North Sea Oil has run out – we are too stupid to look after ourselves and are all drunken whisky drinkers WE cant support ourself (proved to be a lie as the others) and a whole host of Mafia type “Frighteners it is snooty-stuck up -snobbish-class ridden ” I HATE them !

  2. TThe BBC is the voice of Rothschild’s .
    Always was,and always will be……its their ” prestige ” model,pretending to be on so proper.

    It’s just s tabloid FOX set up, in proper clothing, and accents.

  3. BBC is a liar station and an accomplice of the Rothschild’s Jews Criminal Mafia. BBC is the one who reported the collapse of building 7, 30 minutes before it actually happened on the day September 11 2001.

  4. The jews are extremely fortunate that only the occasional “settler” is killed. They’re lucky dozens of the jew occupiers aren’t killed every day! The jews are a blight on humanity and live outside it. They are a tribe of Neanderthals amongst humans.

    If not for the Rothchilds, Israel wouldn’t exist and if it did, a coalition of gentile nations would’ve nuked it by now.

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