putin pariah

“Few of the  administration’s bumbling amateur strategists likely knew that Russia claimed during the 19th century to be the rightful protector of Mideast Christians.  Russia watched in dismay the destruction of Iraq’s ancient Christian communities caused by the overthrow of their protector, President Saddam Hussein.  Moscow has vowed not to let a similar crime happen again to Syria’s Christians.”


  1. Another great article. If only this kind of commentary were brought into the mainstream. But all we get is Orwellian newspeak and outright manufacturing of the news, not true reportage.

  2. Take note how stupid Americans!Westerners ,can be manipulated into attacking protectors of Christains in the world !

    Germany in two world wars was thoroughly Christain, and their European Allies.
    Japan had an influential Christian community.

    Itvhsas not their ” evil governments ” ,doing anything to loyal ,law abiding citizens but the Alliies,and Jews ,who declared war in them !
    The churches ” not burned down ” by anyone but the glorious Allied….
    Ground Zero fir Hiroshima by the Enola Gay, was the cities Catholic Cathedral !

    Saddam,Quadaffi, Nasser, Assad, and today’s Iran all protect Christains, but NOT the International Jews Arab Allies,and certainly not the Anti Christ state of Israel ; flag Hexagram ,666.
    The Jews enhanced Muslim Fundamentalism, to destroy Arab Nationalism ,which encouraged the ” crescent and cross.

    But that’s just aok,because the Christ killers running the Wests efforts love this.
    Their into results, not ideology.

    If they achieve the elimination of traditional Christianity from the ME ( not the idiot Zio Christain variety ), its a win for Yahweh.

  3. Android awful! That should be ,” It was not,there evil governments”,and ,” but the glorious Allied Forces”.

  4. Another joo publication demonizing Putin. Time for a new playbook jooz, the American people are slowly waking up to your poisonous slander for your murderous country of IsraHel.

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