0 thoughts on “Redneck rants about ‘Them Moooz-Lums’ and learning Ay-Rabic (sic) numerals”
  1. I recall when watches,and clocks used beautiful Arabic Numerals.
    I guess she still eats, ,” Freedom Fry’s “, and puts ” Liberty Cabbage”, on her hot dog.

  2. What do they use today Dante Ardenz, ugly arabic numerals (as opposed to beautiful ones)?

  3. I didn’t realize until now that DA was probably mistaking arabic numerals with roman numerals. lol.

  4. Number 4 can you speak English well ?
    I recalled seeing many ” beautiful Arabic numerals”… I see those ” beautiful numerals ” less today.

    Where did I infer they are ” ugly”.

    My heavens read it again…I support the Arab World, including its numerals, and writing considering it ” beautiful”.
    Was that clear enough!

  5. “I recall when watches,and clocks used beautiful Arabic Numerals.”

    Oh, blame again your Android…
    Only only this judaized gadget can recall: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII as Arabic Numerals!

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