“Israel has a tiny little country and it bugs the shit out of Roger Waters,” radio host says
Rolling Stone
Howard Stern shared strong words for former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters on a recent broadcast of his show, blasting the singer-songwriter Tuesday over his stance on Israel.
For years, the singer-songwriter has supported the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, supporting Palestine and urging his rock-star peers not to perform in Israel. “What is with Roger Waters and the Jews?” Stern said in a seven-minute rant on his show, via The Washington Free Beacon. “Why does Roger Waters live in America, a country that was founded on white people coming in and obliterating the native population? How does he stand it? Why don’t we just all leave?”
Most recently, Waters published an open letter to Bon Jovi, saying that the singer was “shoulder to shoulder with the settler who burned the baby.” The statement irked Stern, who went on to describe how he sees Israel and its place in the Middle East.
“Where’s the one place they can stick Jews where no one will be offended? Because the Jews are getting killed all over the world,” Stern said. “Give them a little homeland on a desert where there’s no water, where essentially no one could live. And no one did live there despite the bullshit. And the Palestinians are these Arabs that could live in Egypt, that could live in Saudi Arabia, but guess what? Those countries don’t want them either. So they have a country, and Israel has a tiny little country and it bugs the shit out of Roger Waters.”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRUjONiT9bQ&w=560&h=315]
Stern went on to say that he knows Waters and that the singer-songwriter had recently gone up to him and said, “Thanks a lot,” in a sarcastic tone. “I guess he’s offended by me pointing this out,” the radio host said. “Why can’t I talk? Why can’t I tell you I think you’re full of shit, and it seems like you’re a little too consumed with it?”
A representative for Waters declined to comment.
In August, Waters told Israeli newspaper Haaretz that it’s not Israel he hates, but what he considers apartheid there. “People are always saying, ‘BDS is trying to delegitimize Israel,'” he said. “No, it’s not. It’s trying to stop the oppression of the Palestinian, Bedouin and other Arab peoples of the region you are oppressing. It’s trying to stop you oppressing your fellow human beings. It’s not trying to delegitimize Israel.”
Stern is your typical immature, paranoid, whiny Jew who KNOWS what he says and bears false witness. He is a soulless liar just like the rest of his despicable tribesmen.
Stern says there was nothing in Palestine before Israel; how wrong he is, He also says jews are being killed all around the world; what planet is he living on? Me thinks he’s a sniveling yid who just cant stand any criticism of his pet -project, Israel. They are very strange people, these jews
Greetings all,
Howard Stern proves once again he’s just another Jewish Supremacist Israeli Firster “5th Columnist” . . .
Remember back in 2009 when the late great Helen Thomas asked newly elected President Obama point blank which countries in the Middle East had “Nuclear Weapons” (i.e. ISRAEL) . . .
“Helen Thomas Questions Obama”
And good ol’ Jew Howard Stern along with the rest of “The Tribe” immediately launched their smear campaign against her?
Note: This has been “flagged” by YouTube so you have to sign in to prove your age to listen
“Howard Stern vs. Helen Thomas”
Of course, these ad hominem rants by Howard Stern against all those “anti-Semites” is all “FREE SPEECH” . .
. . .unlike that “HATE SPEECH” (i.e. TRUTH) by Helen Thomas and Mr. Roger Waters that must be SHUT DOWN!!! 😉
– bb9
Jews like Stern can’t understand why anyone would want to live in peace with any other. Peace is a four letter word to them.
Stern is an abject idiot when it comes to anything outside the entertainment industry, especially geopolitical conflicts. He’s been extremely insulated from the outside world for decades, other than what he may glance at in the JMSM. He’s led an incredibly sheltered life.
The fact that this vile little worm has been allowed and encouraged by American men to spew his shit for as long as he has is a devastating indictment of American morality. How long can you hate the jew or the politician? It’s our people that enable this vermin. These scumbags could accomplish nothing without the cop, the soldier, the IRS agent, the NSA stooge, etc. This jackhole is a celebrity while Mr. Waters will undoubtedly be reviled now that he’s caught the attention of that piece of shit. That’s a gentile failing.
Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog Below are two very important entries from the "Jewish Encyclopedia". Read them VERY CLOSELY..
A tiny country? that’s all he has? what about the daily atrocities inflicted on the Palestinians?
A tiny country with no resources and in the middle of the dessert where all the Arab nations want to annihilate every Jew?????.
A tiny entity who has brought unimaginable suffering for millions who periodically massacre the real owners of the land of Palestine, who has attacked every one of its neighbors, who have the Palestinians in eternal occupation, who has stolen land from every one: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan etc. and who did the USS Liberty, 9/11, and made the US to go and fight wars for greater Israel. etc.. That Jew monster who looks like “The wicked witch of the East” has no clue or is too stupid to see reality. The hell with Israel.
Nothing Stern said is accurate. Nothing. It bothers the Jew when one lone voice dares to speak up against their murderous behavior. He wants to portray the most powerful group in the world that owns and / or runs all aspects of virtually every western government, including the media, foreign policy and even domestic policy (welcoming millions of non-whites into white countries, destroying the role of Christianity and Christmas is Christmas countries), as this poor defenseless group with their backs against the wall.
“the Jews are getting killed all over the world,” This Jew sounds like he could make some excellent holocaust propaganda movies every bit as good as that other storyteller Spielberg. The fact that white Christian countries let lying filth like this into their countries and then hand over everything to these foul mouthed guttersnipes is remarkable.
Even though the holocaust story has been blown to smithereens, with one Jew lie after another exposed, the only thing holding it up being censorship laws, Jew power in the media and the threat of shaming or destroying anyone’s career who dares to speak intelligently about it, Jews did suffer in WW II. In many European countries, east and west they were despised for a wide range of traits, including being liars and underhanded, doing such things as paying Churchill to attack Germany while being the leading warmongers in Europe and the USA and mass murdering millions of Russians, Ukrainians and east Europeans as the founders and leaders of the bloodiest ideology ever founded. Because of this behavior they made themselves public enemy number one in much of Europe.
But they never learn. Here is this phony and liar Stern, just like the whole Jewish people, leading themselves into the same position they were in starting about 90 years ago and the Jews, as always in denial of their despicable behavior, simply claim the others that despise them are irrational or mentally ill. How will that help them when they’re put up against a wall or into a ditch and gunned down again? They eventually get what they’ve asked for and it will happen again.
Stern is every vile about the Jews,and those who enable them.
Obsessed by bodily fluids, excrement, intestinal gas.
Sex is his obsession,dirty ,deviant, degrading to both women,and men.
A” Obsessed by a small country?”.
That’s an old one. Dirty old man Stern is showing his age
The world is ” obsessed ” , by Israel, because the Jews who own us all,keep reminding of it !
Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth and commented:
Howard Stern reveals his complete ignorance of history and geography.
desperate shrieking from the lowest levels of the gutter. lmao
YA YA STINKING JEW HOWARD….israHELL the little tiny shit that made the dessert bloom, right! NOTTT!
Howard Stern? The filthy in breeder who has pimped his way to satellite stardom. What a blob of fecal matter. A man whose conversation rarely expands beyond his genitalia, like all Jews, they cannot think beyond the the belt buckle. Arrogant. Ugly. Genetic resemblance to cane toad obvious. Howard the coward sits behind a mike and pokes fun at others whilst his goony gang of yes-men giggle at his repetitive sex jokes…… We would like to see him face to face with the real thing.
Why does nobody dare mention The Yinon Plan which is a plan to build a Greater Israel by fomenting trouble in the Middle East and expanding its borders and also the Samson Option which is to make Israel the “mad dog ” of the World with its Nuclear arsenal threatening the whole world including Europe.
Cameron is a friend of the real terrorists and source of the wars in the World but thinks he will not get found out.
This is constantly ignored by our Main Stream Media and today I was trying to put this comment on a apparently unmoderated article to no avail. I can only conclude after trying several more time that they must have a filter of some sort built in.
Stern has a 100 million dollar contract,and carried in the same satellite as that other vile Israeli stooge,Alex Jones.
Don’t buy anything the high of them advertise.
My earlier comment should of been”Strern is a vile Jews as are the Gentiles who enable him”.
Listened to Stern speak on Helen Thomas. What a despicable creature he is. Not too bright, no facts, a foul mouth and mind. Surrounded by sycophants. Yep. Jew.
I’ve had so much respect for Howard Stern but now it’s clear to me that he’s a blind prick that only has an eye that he pisses out of.
Howard Satan Stern to me he looks like the “Wicked Witch of the West”. He is a deviated sexual pervert, a loud mouth, a dirty creature from inside out.