ed note–please pay attention to a few items here from Iran’s Supreme Leader–
‘Negotiations with the United States open the gates to their economic, cultural, political and security influence. Even during the nuclear negotiations they tried to harm our national interests.’
‘Through negotiations Americans seek to influence Iran … but there are naive people in Iran who don’t understand this…We are in a critical situation now as the enemies are trying to change the mentality of our officials and our people on the revolution and our national interests.’
Now, at the risk of appearing to engage in shameless self-promotion, please consider what we have said over the course of many years on this very matter–
‘…the general kissy-face posture America and the West have affected with regards to Iran and her ‘nuclear program’ are mere theater and done in the interests of gaining access to the various up-to-now insulated systems kept inviolate since 1979. The obvious strategy on the part of Team Obama is that–using ‘sanctions relief’ as the bait, paired with rehabilitating Iran’s libelously-maligned image on the world stage as a ‘state-sponsor’ of terror–that the smarter elements within La Kosher Nostra will then see the walls of the city opened to them. Iran’s banking system will be integrated with the IMF, Federal Reserve, World Bank, etc, so as to afford the West the ability of delivering economic chaos with the mere push of a button. Iranian intelligence/security services will be defanged, denuded and emasculated so as to allow Western spies and saboteurs–up to this moment effectively sniffed out and rendered inoperable–so that the same type of political/social mayhem the West utilizes around the world will then have a free hand. The Iranian political process will be altered in such a way so as to allow Western-created sock puppets to once again gain office and as such, subjugate the nation in what might be termed ‘death by democracy’, as 1979 and all its successes are legalistically chewed away, bit by bit/bite by bite, in a series of ‘yeas’ and ‘nays’.–excerpt from ‘The Camel’s Nose…Negotiations, Sanctions and the undoing of 1979’
‘…If they—Israel and America–succeed in having the gates of Persia opened to them, then the first part of Iran’s central nervous system that the virus of U.S./Israeli influence will attack will of course be her financial system—up to this point out of the reach of Zionist banking interests–that will be brought in-line with the West, so that Iran’s economy—rather than being subjected to the cumbersome nature of arbitrary sanctions—can instead be manipulated via the remote control mechanisms of the IMF, World Bank and other agencies of economic espionage and sabotage. Much like the Stuxnet virus designed to penetrate, subjugate and eventually decimate Iran’s nuclear program, the financial equivalent planned for Iran’s economy would be such that at any moment Iran decides to exert her sovereignty and act in her own interests, moneymen-assassins–with the mere push of a button–can quietly rain down economic chaos and catastrophe on the Persian Street. As witnessed over the last 3 years with the ‘Arab Spring’, dire economic factors make for the perfect environment in bringing massive numbers of angry people into the streets demanding regime change, a situation which America, Israel et al would obviously be all-too-willing to exploit. Next in line of course would be Iran’s intelligence and state security apparati that up to now have been very successful in rooting out and thwarting American and Israeli plots aimed at bringing destabilization and political/social unrest. Unlike her counterparts in countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia et al, Iran’s intelligence and state security services have performed like any sophisticated anti-virus program that blocks, isolates and destroys incoming malware, thus preventing outsiders from infecting Iran’s political and social hard drive…’
‘And how long then will it be that Iran remains like this, acting as magnetic north for all the other political compasses in the Middle East? How long before things REALLY begin to fall apart for Israel and the narrative she maintains for everyone else in the region, before REAL revolutions and REAL “Arab Springs” take place along the lines of what took place in 1979 and then, one by one, Arab countries cease scurrying around like drugged cockroaches, replace their corrupt leaders and establish new political systems where no “deals” are made with Israel and the West?
And THIS, fellow war-weary inhabitants of planet earth, is the real “Iranian nuclear weapons program” Israel fears more than anything else–that Iran eventually becomes the nucleus around which the various Arab (and non-Arab) countries orbit harmoniously like political neutrons and electrons in some type of sub-atomic confederacy. That the Arabs will cut all economic, political and military ties with the West and–using Iran as the middle man–instead opt for economic sponsors such as Russia or China and possibly form military alliances with a nuclear-armed Pakistan.–excerpt from ‘Muslim Solidarity in the Middle East and the end of Jewish Serial Wars–The Real “Iranian Bomb” Israel Fears More Than Anything Else’
0 thoughts on “Iran’s supreme leader bans negotiations with the United States”
Someone’s following your advice, Mark.
ed note–as flattering an honor as it would be, I doubt it NLG. I think rather that the ‘thinkers’ are all on the same page here and that the SP knew all along what was really going on behind the scenes viz a viz America and the ‘negotiations’.
thank you nonetheless for the vote of confidence.
I have received my best geopolitical education from TUT. Thank you Mark.
Someone’s following your advice, Mark.
ed note–as flattering an honor as it would be, I doubt it NLG. I think rather that the ‘thinkers’ are all on the same page here and that the SP knew all along what was really going on behind the scenes viz a viz America and the ‘negotiations’.
thank you nonetheless for the vote of confidence.
I have received my best geopolitical education from TUT. Thank you Mark.