While our planet may have survived September’s ‘blood moon’, it will be permanently destroyed on Wednesday, 7 October, a Christian organization has warned.
The eBible Fellowship, an online affiliation headquartered near Philadelphia, has based its prediction of an October obliteration on a previous claim that the world would end on 21 May 2011. While that claim proved to be false, the organization is confident it has the correct date this time.
‘According to what the Bible is presenting it does appear that 7 October will be the day that God has spoken of in which the world will pass away,’ said Chris McCann, the leader and founder of the fellowship, an online gathering of Christians headquartered in Philadelphia.
‘It’ll be gone forever. Annihilated.’
McCann said that, according to his interpretation of the Bible, the world will be obliterated ‘with fire’.
The blood moon – a lunar eclipse combined with a ‘super moon’ – occurred without event on 27 September. This was despite some predictions that it would herald the beginning of the apocalypse. Certain religious leaders had said the blood moon would trigger a chain of events that could see our planet destroyed in as little as seven years time.
According to this new prediction, however, there will be no stay of execution. On the day of 7 October, the world will end.
‘God destroyed the first earth with water, by a flood, in the days of Noah. And he says he’ll not do that again, not by water. But he does say in 2nd Peter 3 that he’ll destroy it by fire,’ McCann said.
The expectation of the world ending this fall stems from an earlier prediction by Harold Camping , a Christian radio host who was based in California. In 2011 Camping used his radio station, Family Radio, to notify people that the world would end on 21 May of that year. When that turned out to be incorrect, Camping revised his prediction to October 2011. That also turned out to be incorrect, and Camping retired from public life soon after. He died in 2013, at age 93.
McCann believes that Camping’s 21 May 2011 prediction did have some truth, however. That day was declared to be ‘judgment day’ because it was actually the day God stopped the process of selecting which churchgoers will survive Wednesday’s massacre, McCann said.
Following 21 May 2011, God turned his attention to deciding which non-churchgoers to save, according to McCann. The eBible Fellowship believes that God said he would devote 1,600 days to this task – bringing us to 7 October 2015.
‘There’s a strong likelihood that this will happen,’ McCann said, although he did leave some room for error: ‘Which means there’s an unlikely possibility that it will not.’
The eBible Fellowship, which McCann was at pains to point out is not a church, is a predominantly online organization. The group does hold meetings once a month, however.
Scientists have several theories about when earth will be destroyed, although none of the data points to this Wednesday. The most widely accepted theory is that the sun, which is already gradually increasing in temperature, will expand and swallow up the planet. Some scientists believe this could happen as soon as 7.6bn years time.
Whether the planet is destroyed next week or several thousand million years in the future, McCann’s plans for the coming week will remain the same. He and his wife, a fellow believer in Wednesday’s end date, had three birthdays in the family before then, which they planned to celebrate.
““God destroyed the first earth with water, by a flood, in the days of Noah. And he says he’ll not do that again, not by water. But he does say in 2nd Peter 3 that he’ll destroy it by fire,” McCann said.”
I am soooo flabbergasted by such a god of love… come on people… dammit… wake up and breath a bit. your god has nothing to do with it… it is just human stupidity that end life and kill.
Wake up – yes – and breathe – of course – and … . And what?
Start thinking!
xplorexpress is correct – the buck stops with us, ordinary people.
Our rulers – driven mad by power – are incapable of stopping the mad life we are all forced to live.
Only ordinary people can stop the madness, and we must beware of grabbing power for ourselves. Power would drive us mad too!
How could there be government not ruled by powerful people?
Now that you are awake and thinking, there’s something worth thinking about.
Dante Ardenz #2 wrote: “Religion is a fraud….man made ,and man promoted.
Pure politics supported by the powerful for control of the masses.”
Perhaps the most famous pictorial expression of the idea that religion is man made is a picture painted by Michelangelo in the middle of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.
You can view this picture at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Creation_of_Adam
The picture is on the right side of the page. Right click the picture and select Open in a New Tab to see an enlarged picture.
The picture is titled “Creation of Adam”. It is actually a picture of “Creation of God by Man”.
The picture shows Adam and God reaching out to each other with their index fingers almost touching. Adam is reclining naked on solid earth. God is clothed, floating in the air with a crowd of naked cherubs or some such in a strangely shaped piece of cloth.
That strange shape is the key to the whole picture’s meaning.
Its shape is approximately that of a cross-section of the human brain viewed side-on from the left.
So the picture shows Man on solid earth, and God, along with the angels, etc, residing in the brain/mind of Man.
Back to Dante’s important point.
The primary purpose of religions has been to facilitate control of ordinary people by powerful rulers.
For religious believers, does that mean you have to give up your belief in God?
Not necessarily. But it does mean that you need to be very wary of people in power claiming to be the personal representative of God. There is a long history of abuse of such power.
A supreme example of such abuse is the ruling of Pope Leo X on 1515-05-04 that the mortal sin of usury was no longer a mortal sin, and anyone who says it is a mortal sin would be subject to summary excommunication. Pope Leo X was a son of perhaps the most powerful banker/usurer in the world at that time, Lorenzo (The Magnificent) de Medici.
500 years later, the usurers bestride the world like a Colossus – and we all dance to their abusive tune which often takes the form of a military march.
You’re welcome, Dante. It could well be that Michelangelo had blessing for this portrayal of Man creating God which I had thought to be daring. But it seems that the whole ceiling was painted between 1508 and 1512 under Pope Julius II who died in 1513 after whom Leo X was elected Pope. Leo X – the son of Lorenzo (The Magnificent) de Medici – legalized usury in 1515, as well as running the selling-of-indulgences racket which so offended Martin Luther and many others. How can one not conclude that the Catholic Church has been corrupt for at least 500 years. And if one thinks back to the Crusades, the call came from Pope Urban II in 1095, cost an awful lot, and immensely wealthy “Christian” groups of money lenders emerged – Knights Templar, etc. I know nothing about all that, but how could Christians become so wealthy from usury when usury was a mortal sin? I suspect systemic Christian corruption probably goes back to at least as far as Constantine the Great.
Anyway, your point about religions serving the powerful is spot on, I think. Brainwashing of innocent infants probably goes back to prehistorical times. Makes me shudder to think of it.