Translation: The USA, through the Saudis, is going to supply them with anti-aircraft weapons (MANPADS). Maybe Russia should help out the people of Afghanistan, as well as the Shias in Saudi Arabia, and the Kurds on the Turkish border. I mean, if that’s what the US really wants, so be it. Oh, and I heard the US bombed the desert 20 times today. LOL!!! US has been exposed. Don’t worry, peeps. I’m sure Russia is already ten steps ahead of the US and its minions when it comes to their “counter attack” on Russia for attacking their “good terrorists.” Ground forces are already on the march, buttressed by Hezbollah and Iran, under a mysterious cloud pillar by day and a pillar of fire by night called the Russian air force.
Ashton Carter sure has a case of ” sour grapes”.
Oh my ,Mr Carter is predicting ” Russian casualties “. He even included the the word ,” suffer”.
Is that a hope, or prediction?
Mr Carter Vlsdimer Putin is wayyyyy ahead of any Western Leader, or front for the International Jews !
That includes you .
Dint oudh it please ,because the only ones going to ” suffer”, anything is those terrorists you so heartily support, and ANY force legitimate or otherwise you command.
The Zio boys are crying out loud now when they see that some one stand up to their criminal aggression with other countries who are less powerful.
Finally a new kid in town has arrived. Thank God.
Typical MAFIA-style: do what we want or else..! The US is now clearly exposed as the Terrorist it is for everyone to see.
It is clear that the Jewnited States are planning terrorists attacks in Russia in order to blame them on Iran, etc.
I only hope that Putin and his team have counteractions.
I think Carter and other Americans will be sorry. I think they already are. Thanks to this website we know that France’s leading party’s candidate, Marine Le Pen has praised Putin’s actions and said France is the USA’s lackey. The lying, deceiving and murderous liberal media will have some adjustments to make if she gets in. That will make it easier for a similar candidate to get into power in Germany, but hopefully he or she won’t be the Jews lackey, as Marine is. These are my hopes.
Reblogged this on HumanityAwakened.
Translation: The USA, through the Saudis, is going to supply them with anti-aircraft weapons (MANPADS). Maybe Russia should help out the people of Afghanistan, as well as the Shias in Saudi Arabia, and the Kurds on the Turkish border. I mean, if that’s what the US really wants, so be it. Oh, and I heard the US bombed the desert 20 times today. LOL!!! US has been exposed. Don’t worry, peeps. I’m sure Russia is already ten steps ahead of the US and its minions when it comes to their “counter attack” on Russia for attacking their “good terrorists.” Ground forces are already on the march, buttressed by Hezbollah and Iran, under a mysterious cloud pillar by day and a pillar of fire by night called the Russian air force.
Ashton Carter sure has a case of ” sour grapes”.
Oh my ,Mr Carter is predicting ” Russian casualties “. He even included the the word ,” suffer”.
Is that a hope, or prediction?
Mr Carter Vlsdimer Putin is wayyyyy ahead of any Western Leader, or front for the International Jews !
That includes you .
Dint oudh it please ,because the only ones going to ” suffer”, anything is those terrorists you so heartily support, and ANY force legitimate or otherwise you command.
The Zio boys are crying out loud now when they see that some one stand up to their criminal aggression with other countries who are less powerful.
Finally a new kid in town has arrived. Thank God.
Typical MAFIA-style: do what we want or else..! The US is now clearly exposed as the Terrorist it is for everyone to see.
It is clear that the Jewnited States are planning terrorists attacks in Russia in order to blame them on Iran, etc.
I only hope that Putin and his team have counteractions.
I think Carter and other Americans will be sorry. I think they already are. Thanks to this website we know that France’s leading party’s candidate, Marine Le Pen has praised Putin’s actions and said France is the USA’s lackey. The lying, deceiving and murderous liberal media will have some adjustments to make if she gets in. That will make it easier for a similar candidate to get into power in Germany, but hopefully he or she won’t be the Jews lackey, as Marine is. These are my hopes.