A Republican presidential candidate has been condemned for saying that Holocaust victims might have stopped the genocide if they had been armed.
Ben Carson, who is currently polling second in the race to become the Republican contender for next year’s election, said that “the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed.
“I’m telling you that there is a reason that these dictatorial people take the guns first.”
The Anti-Defamation League’s national director Jonathan Greenblatt said: “Ben Carson has a right to his views on gun control, but the notion that Hitler’s gun-control policy contributed to the Holocaust is historically inaccurate.
“The small number of personal firearms available to Germany’s Jews in 1938 could in no way have stopped the totalitarian power of the Nazi German state.”
The 64-year-old former neurosurgeon also sparked controversy after the recent shootings at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, when he said that students should have attacked the murderer.
He told Fox News: “I would not just stand there and let him shoot me. I would say, ‘Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.’”
These Jewish people seem to want to provoke a serious bout of vomiting all over themselves by this utterly nauseating self-centred display of attempting to deceive us all with their constant hate-filled lying crap.
EVERY Gentile is an eternal enemy as far as the Jewish scriptures are concerned, quite literally. No one can ever really be ‘in with’ the Jews even by appearing to believe, or by actually believing their false tales of the holocaust, as they mean to do the lot of us, and they are simply combing through the dying embers of humanity looking for anyone who still has a heartbeat so they can stomp on them too.
They are just checking for any mental survivors of their constantly repeated campaigns of false propaganda concerning their ‘holocaust’, so they can accurately identify any ‘perps’ and then start a more intensive holocaust propaganda campaign on them, while introducing ever more draconian legislation against such ‘perps’.
It seems to be a severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, where a patient just has to check they have done something over and over and over again, like did they really turn the gas oven off?
In this case, the ever neurotic Jews have to check whether or not all people really swallowed all their bullshit about 6 million Jews dying in some holocaust or other, and there have of course been a number of different holocausts in different countries over the years according to the Jews where 6 million Jews were dying, in danger of dying, or died. They never seem to really die though, and persist in haunting us all to death with their horrid tales.
They just have to check all the time whether their Sefton Delmer mind-control program is still holding everyone unconscious or not. And if anyone dares to think an independent thought, well, their genome must be deleted from the human race, as they can’t have any more of THOSE goyim breeding that might be capable of independent thought, as that is not what the goyim were made for, but to be merely simple robotic pieces of machinery with souls that have to be kept non-living, non- spiritually aware, to fit the blueprint of the eternally subjugated slave souls in their scriptures.
Even when the Jews have their New Earth, after their messiah has come, we Gentile souls, even after having been ‘sent to hell’ as we all will be according to their scriptures, will still be made to serve some supportive role psychically to the Jews, if only as a pavement of unconscious souls, purposely held as such by constant psychic force, for them to walk on.
The Jews will always feed on us, one way or the other, as they have no God to support them, so must still steal God-given life force from us indefinitely. Our hell will be being made to exist in a realm of unconsciousness, of constant subjugation to the Jews for this purpose, but in a form that is entirely unable to enter onto the conscious plane of life of the Jews themselves in their New Earth, where we will be held in something like the form of plankton, or bacteria, if they get their way. Their Kabbalist’s tree of life shows planes of consciousness, rather than mere physical locations in physical planetary spheres.
The Jewish scriptures state that the Jewish God will make all other ‘nations’ (peoples) a ‘footstool’ unto the Jews.
This comment by Carson is a total lie.
Adolf Hitler LIBERALIZED gun ownership in Germany .
He also LIBERALIZED drivers licenses .Before his coming to power both gun ownership ,and diving was heavily regulated….the later one had to go through school,to drive !
Hitler stopped that, as he wanted Germans on wheels like Americans !
Gun clubs,hunting, and small arms makers flourished under him.
The various gun manufacturers advertised everywhere.
The ONLY people who ” took guns” from Germans, where the occupying Allied Armies,ordered whole towns and cities to hand in their guns,if be shot! Yes shot by the glorious Allies,including the rest of USA.
Carson is a total moron ! Not qualified to be a party precenct worker ,let alone President of the US.
He belongs to the 7 th Day Adventist Cult,
The fool operates totally on his own sanctimonious cliches.
He obviously cannot seperate fact from fiction,or Propaganda from real history.
The,” Hitler took the guns away” is a very old lie,created in the 1950,s by the False Flag ,Jew Right – John Birch Society, and some Conservative religious nuts.
Hey stupid Ben …My Religious .” Adolf Hitler was immensely popular .
The German People, where behind his program ,and where not fighting him ! Ok ?
Get it !
Nor is your stupid Holocaust tale about ” gassing” etc true.
And please drop the 666 million number !
The six chosen because of the Jews Hexagram 666.
Guess how many Jews where in Germany as of Seitrmber ,3 1939 when England ,and France declared war on Germany ?
350.000 !
” Upon inspection of camps for detained enemy civilians no homicidal equipment found”.
The International Red Cross Report Of 1948.
The indulgence to add this… Carson with zero qualifications, was set up as a black token,by the extremist GOP. That is how cynical they are.
Their Neoconservative Israel owned cult like party is so trying brainwash African Americans onto their pro war International Jew agenda: Poverty at home, and war abroad.
Carson’s ,isolated, pompous self, is taking all of this very seriously ; but nobody thinks he can be President,except his 7 Day Adventist Cult ( Soul Sleep ), Evangelicals and old ladies of both sexes.
Carson lives in a sophomore fantasy world.
The first comment should be,” including the USA”
Nicely put. They always trot that lie out that the German National Socialists confiscated guns from the German people, when in fact they never did, as Hitler wanted people to feel less afraid of authority, and to actually feel amongst comrades, free of the repressive class system.
The only people saying they felt that German National Socialism was a terribly repressive and totalitarian dictatorship that terrified everyone are the Jewish agents and their silly commie dupes, and they are the ones whose words are always published in the mainstream media.
Of course, the Jewish commies in Germany were not the ones who would have been raped and sexually mutilated and slaughtered by Stalin’s ISIS style Jewish led terrorist troops, but many amongst their number took part in a violent Communist takeover in Bavaria, in which many thousands of Germans were butchered Red Revolution style, and to prevent those Jewish lunatics repeating the same all over Germany in the future, the Communist Party was prevented from spreading it’s vile Jewish disease of physical annihilation of the German people, which was seriously intended, and is still today seriously intended, to spread right across the world.
Jewish hatred of Gentiles remains as a constant throughout history, and will remain so, until the Jewish scriptural edict to physically annihilate every single last Gentile on the entire planet is fulfilled, that is their religion, though the Jewish-led mass media will never state that fact openly.
Or maybe more Gentiles will start to actually become conscious, and think of preserving their newly found lives. Whilst they are spiritually almost dead, they have no feeling for self-preservation on the higher levels, and have only an animal like physical self-preservation instinct, which the Jew know how to avoid triggering, hitting the Gentiles in many subtle ways that the Gentiles are not quite able to perceive. This will be a struggle to improve spiritual consciousness in people more than anything else.
Need to watch brother Nathanael “BEN CARSON FRACTURED FOREIGN POLICY” It shows how much Carson adore the Jews.
I cannot believe Dr. Carson said this. Up until this time he made total sense and I would have voted for him. Another damned lie. The Germans are still vilified today with their phony 6 mill. Did you know that the Red Cross apologized to some damned Zionist organization that the 367K was an untruth and that indeed 6 mill did die. What power these kikes have. Give em Detroit surrounded by a thick, tall cement wall. Serve them food as they do in the prisons. They have murdered enough it will give them a taste of their own medicine. Let them rebuild Detroit. Learn how to build instead of destroying, grow their own food, transit service, no luxury cars. Cut their Goldilocks from their heads time for change.
I agree that is what should happen, they should all be quarantined for reprogramming until they lose their insane genocidal pseudo ‘religion’. Birobidzhan is one place, the size of Switzerland, created for them all by Stalin in 1928, becoming formalized in 1934 as an autonomous oblast in Russia, that all the Jews of the world could and should be sent to, to protect the rest of the world, before they unleash their Samson Option.
The Cobalt Nuclear Bomb, invented by Jew Leo Szilard in 1951, is he claimed, capable of killing all life on Earth. I reckon they are just building an arsenal of those doomsday weapons up in Israel right now in order to be able to do that very job, and that is why they are so desperate to hang on to Israel till they can get the required number built, away from Gentile eyes.
Can you believe this man was a neurosurgeon?
At least he managed to invoke Hitler and the Holocaust(tm)
No Ben read this[
He disarmed the Juden.
Ben Carson needs to perform a lobotomy on himself.
Ben Carson is a stupid fart in the wind. Check out the other article about how he said that Islam comes from Jacob and Esau, placing it thousands of years earlier than Muhammad’s birth. http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/ben-carson-flunks-foreign-policy-history/
These Jewish people seem to want to provoke a serious bout of vomiting all over themselves by this utterly nauseating self-centred display of attempting to deceive us all with their constant hate-filled lying crap.
EVERY Gentile is an eternal enemy as far as the Jewish scriptures are concerned, quite literally. No one can ever really be ‘in with’ the Jews even by appearing to believe, or by actually believing their false tales of the holocaust, as they mean to do the lot of us, and they are simply combing through the dying embers of humanity looking for anyone who still has a heartbeat so they can stomp on them too.
They are just checking for any mental survivors of their constantly repeated campaigns of false propaganda concerning their ‘holocaust’, so they can accurately identify any ‘perps’ and then start a more intensive holocaust propaganda campaign on them, while introducing ever more draconian legislation against such ‘perps’.
It seems to be a severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, where a patient just has to check they have done something over and over and over again, like did they really turn the gas oven off?
In this case, the ever neurotic Jews have to check whether or not all people really swallowed all their bullshit about 6 million Jews dying in some holocaust or other, and there have of course been a number of different holocausts in different countries over the years according to the Jews where 6 million Jews were dying, in danger of dying, or died. They never seem to really die though, and persist in haunting us all to death with their horrid tales.
They just have to check all the time whether their Sefton Delmer mind-control program is still holding everyone unconscious or not. And if anyone dares to think an independent thought, well, their genome must be deleted from the human race, as they can’t have any more of THOSE goyim breeding that might be capable of independent thought, as that is not what the goyim were made for, but to be merely simple robotic pieces of machinery with souls that have to be kept non-living, non- spiritually aware, to fit the blueprint of the eternally subjugated slave souls in their scriptures.
Even when the Jews have their New Earth, after their messiah has come, we Gentile souls, even after having been ‘sent to hell’ as we all will be according to their scriptures, will still be made to serve some supportive role psychically to the Jews, if only as a pavement of unconscious souls, purposely held as such by constant psychic force, for them to walk on.
The Jews will always feed on us, one way or the other, as they have no God to support them, so must still steal God-given life force from us indefinitely. Our hell will be being made to exist in a realm of unconsciousness, of constant subjugation to the Jews for this purpose, but in a form that is entirely unable to enter onto the conscious plane of life of the Jews themselves in their New Earth, where we will be held in something like the form of plankton, or bacteria, if they get their way. Their Kabbalist’s tree of life shows planes of consciousness, rather than mere physical locations in physical planetary spheres.
The Jewish scriptures state that the Jewish God will make all other ‘nations’ (peoples) a ‘footstool’ unto the Jews.
This comment by Carson is a total lie.
Adolf Hitler LIBERALIZED gun ownership in Germany .
He also LIBERALIZED drivers licenses .Before his coming to power both gun ownership ,and diving was heavily regulated….the later one had to go through school,to drive !
Hitler stopped that, as he wanted Germans on wheels like Americans !
Gun clubs,hunting, and small arms makers flourished under him.
The various gun manufacturers advertised everywhere.
The ONLY people who ” took guns” from Germans, where the occupying Allied Armies,ordered whole towns and cities to hand in their guns,if be shot! Yes shot by the glorious Allies,including the rest of USA.
Carson is a total moron ! Not qualified to be a party precenct worker ,let alone President of the US.
He belongs to the 7 th Day Adventist Cult,
The fool operates totally on his own sanctimonious cliches.
He obviously cannot seperate fact from fiction,or Propaganda from real history.
The,” Hitler took the guns away” is a very old lie,created in the 1950,s by the False Flag ,Jew Right – John Birch Society, and some Conservative religious nuts.
Hey stupid Ben …My Religious .” Adolf Hitler was immensely popular .
The German People, where behind his program ,and where not fighting him ! Ok ?
Get it !
Nor is your stupid Holocaust tale about ” gassing” etc true.
And please drop the 666 million number !
The six chosen because of the Jews Hexagram 666.
Guess how many Jews where in Germany as of Seitrmber ,3 1939 when England ,and France declared war on Germany ?
350.000 !
” Upon inspection of camps for detained enemy civilians no homicidal equipment found”.
The International Red Cross Report Of 1948.
The indulgence to add this… Carson with zero qualifications, was set up as a black token,by the extremist GOP. That is how cynical they are.
Their Neoconservative Israel owned cult like party is so trying brainwash African Americans onto their pro war International Jew agenda: Poverty at home, and war abroad.
Carson’s ,isolated, pompous self, is taking all of this very seriously ; but nobody thinks he can be President,except his 7 Day Adventist Cult ( Soul Sleep ), Evangelicals and old ladies of both sexes.
Carson lives in a sophomore fantasy world.
The first comment should be,” including the USA”
Nicely put. They always trot that lie out that the German National Socialists confiscated guns from the German people, when in fact they never did, as Hitler wanted people to feel less afraid of authority, and to actually feel amongst comrades, free of the repressive class system.
The only people saying they felt that German National Socialism was a terribly repressive and totalitarian dictatorship that terrified everyone are the Jewish agents and their silly commie dupes, and they are the ones whose words are always published in the mainstream media.
Of course, the Jewish commies in Germany were not the ones who would have been raped and sexually mutilated and slaughtered by Stalin’s ISIS style Jewish led terrorist troops, but many amongst their number took part in a violent Communist takeover in Bavaria, in which many thousands of Germans were butchered Red Revolution style, and to prevent those Jewish lunatics repeating the same all over Germany in the future, the Communist Party was prevented from spreading it’s vile Jewish disease of physical annihilation of the German people, which was seriously intended, and is still today seriously intended, to spread right across the world.
Jewish hatred of Gentiles remains as a constant throughout history, and will remain so, until the Jewish scriptural edict to physically annihilate every single last Gentile on the entire planet is fulfilled, that is their religion, though the Jewish-led mass media will never state that fact openly.
Or maybe more Gentiles will start to actually become conscious, and think of preserving their newly found lives. Whilst they are spiritually almost dead, they have no feeling for self-preservation on the higher levels, and have only an animal like physical self-preservation instinct, which the Jew know how to avoid triggering, hitting the Gentiles in many subtle ways that the Gentiles are not quite able to perceive. This will be a struggle to improve spiritual consciousness in people more than anything else.
Need to watch brother Nathanael “BEN CARSON FRACTURED FOREIGN POLICY” It shows how much Carson adore the Jews.
I cannot believe Dr. Carson said this. Up until this time he made total sense and I would have voted for him. Another damned lie. The Germans are still vilified today with their phony 6 mill. Did you know that the Red Cross apologized to some damned Zionist organization that the 367K was an untruth and that indeed 6 mill did die. What power these kikes have. Give em Detroit surrounded by a thick, tall cement wall. Serve them food as they do in the prisons. They have murdered enough it will give them a taste of their own medicine. Let them rebuild Detroit. Learn how to build instead of destroying, grow their own food, transit service, no luxury cars. Cut their Goldilocks from their heads time for change.
I agree that is what should happen, they should all be quarantined for reprogramming until they lose their insane genocidal pseudo ‘religion’. Birobidzhan is one place, the size of Switzerland, created for them all by Stalin in 1928, becoming formalized in 1934 as an autonomous oblast in Russia, that all the Jews of the world could and should be sent to, to protect the rest of the world, before they unleash their Samson Option.
The Cobalt Nuclear Bomb, invented by Jew Leo Szilard in 1951, is he claimed, capable of killing all life on Earth. I reckon they are just building an arsenal of those doomsday weapons up in Israel right now in order to be able to do that very job, and that is why they are so desperate to hang on to Israel till they can get the required number built, away from Gentile eyes.