One thought on “Russia cancels strikes on IS militants when they hide among population — General Staff”
  1. The Russians have done far more to preserve civilian life than the US coalition, even allowing militants to leave in both Aleppo and East Ghouta,of course all you hear on Western MSM,is the same bullsh*t that they are bombing hospitals and schools,while the US coalition forces that levelled both Raqqa and Mosul probably killing over 6000+ ,and msm pushes a pg sanitised version of the truth.Vladimir Putin said to CNN anchor Megyn Kelly and i paraphrase, “you talk about crimes,well please remove the bodies that lie beneath the rubble in Mosul and Raqqa.The ziocons are just unhappy at their mercenaries failing, just look at Nikki Hayley frustrated that US/Israeli funded al qeada forces facing defeat in East Ghouta.Unlike 2003 we know the truth ,western governments funded al qeada and isis,the Zionists kill people on all sides..

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