
by Afraa Dagher

It was 2011, the year of the color revolution, ‘The Arab spring’, the real color was black, and the real season was without features. Obama and the global society never feel embarrassed to present it as a freedom revolution!

Syrian people were worried about what was going on in Egypt at that time, a total mess, also sad for Libya and the war crimes against people committed there by NATO.

We, the people of Syria, recognized that there is something planned for us, our turn will be the next, it is a game of dominos.

Here it is they started in my city Lattakia, savage groups rushing through the streets with shameful slogans, repeating them non stop

‘Christians should leave Syria for Beirut or death will be their fate, Alawites will be sent to cemeteries…’

The masters of those ‘peaceful, pro-freedom protesters’ (as mainstream media called them) trained them to make the situation in Syria look like a civil war, and the mainstream media started to talk about peaceful protests in Syria non-stop, 24 hours daily.

One of their first victims was a simple young man Nedal Jannoud. He was on his way to work, those ‘peaceful’ gangs caught him, gathering around him as wolves do a helpless deer, and slaughtered him. His guilt was his religion, as they want it to a be real civil war, they want people to take revenge and kill each other in the name of religion. Sectarian violence was required in this period to pave the road for the West’s agenda later in partitioning this region.


At that time our government decreed that it is permitted for anyone to join the demonstrations without fear of reprisals from police, who were ordered to remain unarmed. Our government wanted to prevent any violence as it recognized the agenda behind this demonstrations. The result was those gangs shooting and killing a young police officer named Ala’a Salman, brand new father, by those ‘peaceful’ protesters.

We, the people of Syria, realized day by day the nature of the dirty war that was planned for us, not a ‘people’s revolution’ at all. The picture we used to see in Afghanistan and those countries under terror groups such as Al-Qaeda which was created by CIA, the scenes of suicide bombers, car bombs, etc, started to take its place in Syria. For us, it mattered not to the world that the victims of all of this were kids, students, and innocent civilians, as the western media turned a blind eye towards it all and instead of reporting the truth, spread lies.

Later the horrible crimes perpetrated by that infamous group of cannibals known as the ‘Free Syrian Army’ and ‘Al-Nusra front’ as they started beheading civilians and eating the internal organs of our original soldiers. They raped women, burned people alive in ovens, and yet, the mainstream media in the west portrayed these monsters as ‘freedom fighters’.

This is what was done by the ‘Moderate rebels’ of the Free Syrian Army, who are foreign mercenaries funded by Saudi Arabi, USA, Turkey, trained in Jordan and Turkey and supported by Israel and some European countries.

Under the slogan ‘Allaho Akbar’ they committed war crimes and atrocities exactly as what the so-called ISIS or ‘Daesh’ is doing now.

Countries which are under FSA control suddenly ended up being under the control of ISIS. Weapons supplied to these “moderate rebels” by the USA and the Arab Gulf countries ended up in ISIS armories.

Later USA invaded my country to fight the so called ISIS by their coalition and with their allies, the very people who created and funded these terrorists and ‘moderate rebels.’ This was an invasion, as the US violated our airspace and our sovereignty without our permission.

However they are still arming, financing and training these gangs who go by the name ‘moderate rebels’.

Who is ISIS, who is FSA, and who are the ‘moderate’ rebels? They are here to invade and destroy Syria. Ley us not forget the ‘Creative Chaos’ theory of Condolezza Rice, and her preaching of a ‘new middle east’.

Now, Turkey, the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel are worried about Russian air strikes on their terrorists in Syria which is completely legal given that the Syrian government asked for it and the Syrian government is elected by Syrian people.

Russia is bombing the real sources of terrorism in Syria, not illusion sites such as the US led coalition did, and not civilians as the US led coalition did.

Now, Turkey has announced that it will break the gasline deal with Russia. A Saudi cleric announced Jihad against Russia, the US says that Russia is bombing “Moderate rebels’ and Israel is mad about this also.

Countries who created “ISIS” express themselves My Video

I met with Syrians to ask them about Russia airstrikes on terrorists in Syria please watch

5 thoughts on “Turkey announced it will break gasline deal with Russia, Saudi cleric announced Jihad against Russia, USA said that Russia is bombing ‘moderate’ rebels and Israel is mad…Who are the ‘moderate’ rebels?”
  1. If the Saudi cleric (mentioned here) was a true believer, he would have directed his anger at those who are destroying Al-Quds, and those who want to occupy and take over the Al-Aqsa mosque. Shame on him!

  2. Where is the fatwa from these saudi clerics when:
    Sunnis are killed in Afghanistan by NATO
    Sunnis are killed in India by Hindu extremist
    Sunnis are killed in burma by Buddhist extremist
    Sunnis are killed in Iraq by NATO
    Sunnis are killed in Libya by NATO
    Sunni are killed in Yemen by Saudi regime and the list goes on……
    Woe to them, Woe to them
    I’m Sunni myself but so ashamed. Its time sunni’s and shia’s stand together against all these hypocrites and wipe them off the planet. Enough is Enough.

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