2 thoughts on “Dankof to Press TV–Report of Russian missile crash in Iran is US psyop”
The good Pastor Dankof is feeling pessimistic. How can a realist not feel pessimistic?
He says: “This criminal link threatens every man, woman, and child on this planet.”
Let’s forgive the anthropocentrism here. It also threatens the biosphere. In the worst case – global lethal radioactivity and global blocking of sunlight – the biosphere will be reduced to whatever organisms can survive such a bio-hostile environment. A glorious radioactive dawn for whatever, if anything, is left.
He also says: “But it may well be too late.”
Too late to stop a mad concatenation of unnecessary increasingly vicious events, each new link upping the ante? Sounds like 1914 all over again – but with weapons of degrees of magnitude greater capacity for mass destruction.
The common factor in every link of this mad chain?
Nothing happens in a monetary civilization unless money has been borrowed to pay for it.
The other common factor of course is selfishness gone mad.
Good luck Mr Putin. We can but hope that your calling the bluff of the mad-people-calling-the-shots works.
Whoever rules Eurasia will rule the whole world. Russia is Asia in the East and European in the West. Mother Russia is a great country, a Christian country, and it will prevail against these barbaric monsters of the “West”.
The good Pastor Dankof is feeling pessimistic. How can a realist not feel pessimistic?
He says: “This criminal link threatens every man, woman, and child on this planet.”
Let’s forgive the anthropocentrism here. It also threatens the biosphere. In the worst case – global lethal radioactivity and global blocking of sunlight – the biosphere will be reduced to whatever organisms can survive such a bio-hostile environment. A glorious radioactive dawn for whatever, if anything, is left.
He also says: “But it may well be too late.”
Too late to stop a mad concatenation of unnecessary increasingly vicious events, each new link upping the ante? Sounds like 1914 all over again – but with weapons of degrees of magnitude greater capacity for mass destruction.
The common factor in every link of this mad chain?
Nothing happens in a monetary civilization unless money has been borrowed to pay for it.
The other common factor of course is selfishness gone mad.
Good luck Mr Putin. We can but hope that your calling the bluff of the mad-people-calling-the-shots works.
Whoever rules Eurasia will rule the whole world. Russia is Asia in the East and European in the West. Mother Russia is a great country, a Christian country, and it will prevail against these barbaric monsters of the “West”.