Ed-note (Sabba) – Let us make no mistake here: WWIII has indeed already started, and even though it may now be low intensity (depending on where on is located geographically), it will go crescendo until the “big (nuclear) booms”.
Christian eschatology calls it Armageddon, Islamic eschatology calls it the “Malhama” and describes it best: it is going to be a series of wars which will culminate to a war of such a violence, such butchery the like of which none has ever seen before, so much so that the even “the birds in the sky will fall down.”
Jewish eschatology speaks of an alliance of the Russians with the Muslims (they identify Magog as being Russia)
Islamic eschatology also tells us that the Muslims (as in real Muslims, not muslims by culture, or muslims because their names “sound” muslim, or because their parents are muslim or part time muslims: no, Muslims who willingly and thoughtfully chose this Faith and practice it, these Muslims will make an alliance with Orthodox Christians in the end of History and that alliance will lead to… the conquest of Constantinople.
Interestingly enough, Orthodox eschatology also speaks of a conquest of Constantinople at the end of History. A liberation of Constantinople means Turkey being freed from NATO, it means the Bosphorus being freed from NATO, it means the Russian fleet based in Crimea having full access to the Mediterranean…
The jews think Syria will fall… True, it will never be as it used to and will never know peace again until a certain time, but Damascus will not fall. In fact, it will become the HQ of the Islamic Resistance to the Anti-Christ and his forces of Darkness.
So WWIII has already started, as the Syrians, the Ukrainians, the Afghans etc. already know and it is coming soon to a town near you.
Gog and Magog, unbelievable that people still believe those ancient fairy tales that were written by men who wondered where the sun went at night.
If a rabbi says it, according to Jesus, it’s false, false, false. Call no man rabbi. John Hagee made that mistake.
“God is sweetening the judgment and is making this war happen in Syria,” he state [instead of Jerusalem.] A liar, just like your father, the Devil.
Sabba, do you think Russia is both Al Rum and Magog? somehow I think Russia is Magog also because that military super power must have come from somewhere for one and for two Russia is very much the land of once was khazaria. This is an interesting question, Imran Hosein used to believe Russia was both, now he believes the zionists are gog and magog. If gog and magog are undestructable power, russia standing to US in syria shows Russia is likely to be magog.
Any input?
Judaic Insanity. Nuke Israel.
It is not only Russia standing up to the US: Iran has been doing so since 1979, Hezbollah etc.
No, I do not believe that Russia is Magog. She can not be. She is the Third Rome and so she is Rum.
I never agreed with Sheikh Imran when he used to identify Russia with Magog. I think he’s got it right now: Gog and Magog are the judeo-christian alliance.
Islamic eschatology tells us that they are all powerful and yet, the Muslims will stand up to them till the end. And so will Rum.
I think his interpretation of the hadeeth qudsi about the creatures so powerful that none but God Himself can destroy needs to be refined and developed more.