"Hating Arabs is not racism, it's values" -Eden Levi, Israeli soldier. "I'm proud of you" her mother commented
“Hating Arabs is not racism, it’s values” -Eden Levi, Israeli soldier. “I’m proud of you” her mother commented
Left: “Hating Arabs isn’t racism, it’s [family] values. #IsraelDemands Revenge” Right: “Let us simply spray"
Left: “Hating Arabs isn’t racism, it’s [family] values. #Israel Demands Revenge” Right: “Let us simply spray”
2 thoughts on “LEST WE FORGET – “Hating Arabs is not racism, it’s values” -Eden Levi, Israeli soldier.”
  1. ” Values” is one of the new phrases associated with being in the ” Conservative” cult today……the Jews ,an artificial people place ideology over the natural.

    I hear this alot from the Kosher Right Wing crowd.

    Jewish ” values” mean death.

    Do not think they mean this exclusively for ” Arabs “.
    Jews mean ” death ” ,for all Gentiles.

  2. Death for all thinking gentiles; servitude for the cooperative gentiles too frightened to think.

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