ed note–a young Palestinian boy gunned down by Jewish terrorists in broad daylight, acting in accordance with the teachings of their Torah, to wit–
“When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…”
Book of Deuteronomy
But remember, there is a HUGE distinction between Judaism and Zionism, (even though murder of Gentiles is spelled out in black and white within the pages of the Old Testament, the passage above being just one of many) and you’re a filthy anti-Semite if you doubt it for a second.
Got to love those ‘first-responders’, with their CPR and all of that……
Notice the total inhumanity by the bystanders- no attempt to render aid, as if the poor victim has some sort of disease. One of the cops actually prods the child with his foot while his life blood runs out of him. I hope the kid survived but I doubt it. F’ing savages that should have been wiped out centuries ago. Disturbing!
That sick creature that kept shouting,
“Arab sharmoota! Arab sharmoota!!!”
was calling that injured child an
“Arab whore!”
I did not see one second of compassion from any
of those Jewish Creatures the whole time.
There is not anything of human value in
those Judaic creatures.
When they call all of us “animals”, they are just
projecting THEIR OWN image and sin and shame
onto the rest of humanity.
God himself may be able to save these Jew creatures.
In my own limited mind, I cannot imagine why
He would even want to.
Being a ‘filthy anti-Semite” may become a badge of honor soon.
The Jews are filthy animals.
But, but……the Torah is good! This i know, for the Hollywood movies told me so….
My girlfriend just called me and said
that he was repeating,
“Die you son of a bitch”.
In her own words, that I agree with, she said,
“These are the devil himself.”
Again I just remind sny one out there who does not get it…the people doing this are not the following: ” Fake Jews, Khazars, Fascists, ZioNazis Khazars, Ashkenazi, Ethiopians, Parsi, Sephardic ,, Luciferous, Satanists, Illuminati, Reptiles, ” or any other absurd dodgy labels some people might use to obscure the reality.
The perpetrators of this crime are a ” Chosen People of God”.
You know,the ones your Sunday School teacher read to you about?
Nasty old nun,or silly priest ?
The ones your ” Patriots” just adore,and politicians pander too …right – them !
” The poooooor souls, who bad people in history persecuted “.
” Sweet little Anne Frank your kids are forced to write book reports on, and you saw on Teeeeeeveeee ,getting thrown into ovens by evil Nazis “.
That’s right !
The Cold blooded killer of that boy where your beloved Jews !
The real,genuine,pure, 100 % Yahweh peoples kind !
I watched with disgust the Gene Wilder, Harrison Ford clip from Jew Hollywood.
Ford half Jew is a very bad actor,but half a Jew is better than not a Jew at all in ” the business”.
His entire career based on making esoteric films against Germans,Arabs ,Asians …all Gentiles in that lousy ” Raiders ” series.
” Wilder is soooooool funny” . NOT !
Take note of the symbolism.
The Rabbi – Wilder,put the Torah above everything, and was willing to go through ” fire”, or ” Holocaust”, to do it !
The Jews put him,on a Cross,to associate themselves with Christ,to stupid Gentiles.
To all those who are ready to fight “dictators” like Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gaddafi, Bashar Assaad, etc. for “humanitarian reasons,” what has happened to your compassion and humanity? Why don’t we hear your voices and see your actions against the brutal occupiers of Palestine? Or, do you (like the Israelis) see Palestinians no more that cockroaches?
Jew bastards I meant
I used to feel sorry for the Jews after what Hitler did I to them you would think that they would understand
There just evil maybe he had a point
Paula Adolf Hitler had ” a point”.
He had to fight them,and had no other choice.
They where doing to Germany,what they do to the Palestinian.
See, The Greatest Story Never Told.Com.
The Bad War.Com.
Hitlers War, David Irving Action Report.Com.
The Great Tomato Bubble.Com.
Hitler Tributes ,You Tube.
Hitler Against The Banks Goes Viral,You Tube.
#14 Dante Ardenz: “They where doing to Germany,what they do to the Palestinian.”
Yes, and they were doing to Germany what they are doing to the USA, and are doing to every nation in the world.
They are the master usurers. And that’s how usury works.
Tick tock, tick tock, … and we are the springs of that amazing clock.
Got to love those ‘first-responders’, with their CPR and all of that……
Notice the total inhumanity by the bystanders- no attempt to render aid, as if the poor victim has some sort of disease. One of the cops actually prods the child with his foot while his life blood runs out of him. I hope the kid survived but I doubt it. F’ing savages that should have been wiped out centuries ago. Disturbing!
That sick creature that kept shouting,
“Arab sharmoota! Arab sharmoota!!!”
was calling that injured child an
“Arab whore!”
I did not see one second of compassion from any
of those Jewish Creatures the whole time.
There is not anything of human value in
those Judaic creatures.
When they call all of us “animals”, they are just
projecting THEIR OWN image and sin and shame
onto the rest of humanity.
God himself may be able to save these Jew creatures.
In my own limited mind, I cannot imagine why
He would even want to.
Being a ‘filthy anti-Semite” may become a badge of honor soon.
The Jews are filthy animals.
But, but……the Torah is good! This i know, for the Hollywood movies told me so….
My girlfriend just called me and said
that he was repeating,
“Die you son of a bitch”.
In her own words, that I agree with, she said,
“These are the devil himself.”
Again I just remind sny one out there who does not get it…the people doing this are not the following: ” Fake Jews, Khazars, Fascists, ZioNazis Khazars, Ashkenazi, Ethiopians, Parsi, Sephardic ,, Luciferous, Satanists, Illuminati, Reptiles, ” or any other absurd dodgy labels some people might use to obscure the reality.
The perpetrators of this crime are a ” Chosen People of God”.
You know,the ones your Sunday School teacher read to you about?
Nasty old nun,or silly priest ?
The ones your ” Patriots” just adore,and politicians pander too …right – them !
” The poooooor souls, who bad people in history persecuted “.
” Sweet little Anne Frank your kids are forced to write book reports on, and you saw on Teeeeeeveeee ,getting thrown into ovens by evil Nazis “.
That’s right !
The Cold blooded killer of that boy where your beloved Jews !
The real,genuine,pure, 100 % Yahweh peoples kind !
I watched with disgust the Gene Wilder, Harrison Ford clip from Jew Hollywood.
Ford half Jew is a very bad actor,but half a Jew is better than not a Jew at all in ” the business”.
His entire career based on making esoteric films against Germans,Arabs ,Asians …all Gentiles in that lousy ” Raiders ” series.
” Wilder is soooooool funny” . NOT !
Take note of the symbolism.
The Rabbi – Wilder,put the Torah above everything, and was willing to go through ” fire”, or ” Holocaust”, to do it !
The Jews put him,on a Cross,to associate themselves with Christ,to stupid Gentiles.
To all those who are ready to fight “dictators” like Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gaddafi, Bashar Assaad, etc. for “humanitarian reasons,” what has happened to your compassion and humanity? Why don’t we hear your voices and see your actions against the brutal occupiers of Palestine? Or, do you (like the Israelis) see Palestinians no more that cockroaches?
Jew bastards I meant
I used to feel sorry for the Jews after what Hitler did I to them you would think that they would understand
There just evil maybe he had a point
Paula Adolf Hitler had ” a point”.
He had to fight them,and had no other choice.
They where doing to Germany,what they do to the Palestinian.
See, The Greatest Story Never Told.Com.
The Bad War.Com.
Hitlers War, David Irving Action Report.Com.
The Great Tomato Bubble.Com.
Hitler Tributes ,You Tube.
Hitler Against The Banks Goes Viral,You Tube.
#14 Dante Ardenz: “They where doing to Germany,what they do to the Palestinian.”
Yes, and they were doing to Germany what they are doing to the USA, and are doing to every nation in the world.
They are the master usurers. And that’s how usury works.
Tick tock, tick tock, … and we are the springs of that amazing clock.