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6 thoughts on “‘She kept screaming,’ says father of 2-year-old killed in airstrike”
  1. She is in a long line of children killed in air raids by the International Jews.

    I think of the 5 .000 children killed in Hamburg by the British terror bombing of July 1943.
    Many children,mere toddlers…. parents killed ,and ran helpless through the streets ,only to have their feet stuck in the melted asphalt.
    The Jewish advisors to Churchill ,who planned this, found it all most satisfying.

  2. Savage inhuman idiots… I can’t find words that could qualify them… new words has to be created to describe their perversity, their twisted egotistic and power trip oriented mind… I am just enraged to see this happening and to feel soooo powerless and to see the rest of the f…g sheepos believing lies and gobling idiotistic messages without reaction…

  3. I must add this,when yuu see little children picture the terror of hearing missiles,and planes going over you?
    Where you ever buzzed by a jet war plane?
    I was when my town hosted airshows.
    noise is horrifying ,let alone what is done with bombs in a real war.

    Ever see a historic bomber like a B 17 close up ?
    I have,and picture ,1000 them over your city.
    Is this not ” glorious?”
    I give the present,and the past as examples.

    Dont blame anyone else either ……take responsibility .

    But stupid Americans filled with fast food, and clad so ” casual”,and worried what sports teams are winning won’t .

    That child’s screasms are replicated over,and over now,and in the past.
    Future ones will scream as well.

    Not until the Jews are stopped,and the Gentiles who worship THEM .

    Do not think ,” so what?”
    She is an ” Arab Muslim”.
    The Jews told you to hate them ,as they told you to hate Japanese, Germans, Vietnamese, Koreans, and even yourself !
    Now they want wear with Putin’s Russia ,and that means Europe …if your white your heritage destroyed fir good. Yahweh is hungry for Gentile blood.

    The ” Conservatives” are itching for war with Russia.
    The Democrats ,or ” Liberals ” will of course respond with a me too,as the pressure mounts.

    This is how Jews use the Left/Right Matrix

    Despite his flaws Trump does not want war ,as I know there are some old time Republicans hoping he might salvage some decency in that insane party ,run by the Jews/Evangelicals the last twenty years.

    But the International Jews are bigger than him,or anyone.

    Only by everyone asking up,and saying no,can the screams of children ,be stopped.

  4. @ Dante – I appreciate your comment, but I truly do not believe that the ‘white’ race will be destroyed. That is total nonsense. Do you know how many ‘white’ people exist in this world? It’s impossible regardless of any refugees crisis. People don’t usually marry outside of their ‘race’, unless they fall in love and decide to be together and endure negativity. That’s love. The rest is pure nonsense. Just sayin…. 🙂

  5. #3 Dante Ardenz: “Only by everyone asking up,and saying no,can the screams of children ,be stopped.”
    I don’t think “everyone” is possible. It can even be a minority. But it must be a large minority.
    Still, your point is vitally important.
    People are frightened.
    Fear inhibits our capacities for reason and compassion.
    Consider the cognitive dissonance of ordinary Americans at the horrors committed by their government in their name.
    Is it any wonder that so many are in denial about the viciousness of their government?
    In their situation it takes real courage to allow themselves to feel and think normally.
    Their poor consciences are chained and locked in their basements.

  6. Lasiliencia please tell me where I discussed the ” white race being destroyed?”
    I never mentioned race, and never will.
    We are all in this together.

    I am NS, but consider it applicable to all respective peoples.

    With all due respect I think you should read my comment again.

    The reason why I reference WW 2, is because the same tactics done to the Arab peoples, today,where done by the International Jews running the Allied cause against the Axis than.

    Arab children today have everything in common with German/Europeans/Japanese children back then.

    The analogy is important for everyone to understand that the Jews have everyone ….all peoples on their target lists.

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