“Over 60 leading Black and Palestinian artists and activists affirm Black-Palestinian solidarity in our new video. Featuring Ms. Lauryn Hill, Danny Glover, DAM, Omar Barghouti, Alice Walker, Angela Davis, Yousef Erakat, Annemarie Jacir, Boots Riley, Dr. Cornel West, and many others.”
I thank them for their courage. I feel the same way. When I see the Palestinians, I see myself. Their struggle is ours. We all have the yoke of Zion around our necks.
I didn’t watch the video, but I immediately had a thought…
What I don’t understand is how apparently mI didn’t watch the video, but I immediately had a thought…
What I don’t understand is how apparently many Orthodox Muslims (Sunni) in the US (of different races, ethnicities, etc.), have the audacity and nerve to say that what blacks face today (2015) in the US is exactly the same as what Palestinians face NOW in zionist, criminal, terrorist occupied Palestine! This is nothing but Joodeo-Cultural Marxist garbage and BS, IMO.
Unfortunately, many Muslims (and no, not the devils of the non-Muslim Nation of “Islam”) have been hoodwinked and fooled by the neo-Bolshevik-Marxist “Black Lives Matter” psy-op (of course Zimmerman was not a “white” racist, and Brown of Ferguson was not a so-called “gentle giant,” etc.) that is of course partly financed by George Soros and crew, which is seemingly part of the larger Jooish led Cultural Marxist assault trying to get the masses (including liberal whites) to hate on and vilify the dominant, traditional white/European culture of the US and having different races and groups fighting each other, etc. (i.e. the classic Divide and Conquer). In fact there was silence when earlier this year, POS “yoofs” in St. Louise beat to death a Muslim (right in front of his wife no less), who’s only crime happened to be that he was white (and they were taped earlier shouting that they wanted to k*ll whites).
Of course when dozens of black people are k*lled and injured over a typical weekend say in Chicago, or Bmore, or any city, USA, etc., by OTHER blacks, the BLM people don’t say jack! If you want to see the moral emptiness and idiocy of this movement (that does not help or uplift blacks at all) please watch the video of seemingly brain dead black female “activists” as they disrupt a Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle. Although he was very polite and nice to them (he should not have been), I’m sure they think he is a “white” racist, and represents “white” privilege, LOL
And no offense to the various black celebs in the video as it does take balls to in anyway critique the zionist “narrative” on whatever subject, however, I’ll bet you that if the JMSM or zionists question them and/or accuse them of anything “bad,” these black celebs will NOT say that they believe Joo supremacy or even that zionism is bad and evil. I’ll bet that they will say that they are only fighting against “white” supremacy! LOL (and they will really sincerely be thinking this) And it’s likely that with most of these black celebs, if you in anyway criticize zio puppet Obomber (who even makes Bush blush), you will automatically be called a “racist” or whatever. I’m sorry to say this, but many blacks in the US are totally bedazzled and under the spell of Joodeo-Cultural Marxist neo-Bolshevik mind control. And the ones who are not, such as “Binyamin” Carson and other alleged “conservatives” (sic) are of course at the other end of the spectrum; part of the fanatical, bloodthirsty, genocidal, anti-Muslim, more wars for Zion and greater Israhell, right-wing, Trotskyite-Zioconservatism (“neoconservatism”). Of course to be fair, most people of whatever race or color tend to only believe in one of the two phony, false paradigmatic zio wings that we are given a choice of, IMO.
And it’s pretty sad (and ironic at the same time) because in many majority Muslim countries, a lot of people really look down on black people, and at times treat them worse than the whites in this country ever treated them (of course, it goes without saying that this is not from the teachings of Islam).
Anyway, thanks letting me comment 🙂
Sorry, I botched the first couple of sentences. Can you please delete this and then I can repost it? It’s a little long too, lol. Sorry for any inconvenience
Comparing the **AHEM** “plight” of black Americans to what’s happening to the Palestinians is bad enough. That it’s up on this site without a “what the fuck?” editorial has me curious.
The video was undoubtedly produced or in some way facilitated by a jewish production company. So, is this being done now at a time when the tribe is seeing that a lot of white people are frankly getting sick of the media trumpeting how racist they are and how dare anyone say that ALL lives matter? The perfect time to tie the manufactured black “cause” to the very real Palestinian cause, no?
I didn’t watch the video, but I immediately had a thought…
What I don’t understand is how apparently many Orthodox Muslims (Sunni) in the US (of different races, ethnicities, etc.), have the audacity and nerve to say that what blacks face today (2015) in the US is exactly the same as what Palestinians face NOW in zionist, criminal, terrorist occupied Palestine! This is nothing but Joodeo-Cultural Marxist garbage and BS, IMO.
Unfortunately, many Muslims (at least in the US) have been hoodwinked and fooled by the neo-Bolshevik-Marxist “Black Lives Matter” psy-op (of course Zimmerman was not a “white” racist, and Brown of Ferguson was not a so-called “gentle giant,” etc.) that is of course partly financed by George Soros and crew, which is seemingly part of the larger Joo led Cultural Marxist assault trying to get the masses (including liberal whites) to hate on and vilify the dominant, traditional white/European culture of the US and having different races and groups fighting each other, etc. (i.e. the classic divide and conquer). In fact there was silence when earlier this year, POS “yoofs” in St. Louise beat to death a Muslim (right in front of his wife no less), who’s only crime happened to be that he was white (and they were taped earlier shouting that they wanted to k*ll whites, and we’re looking for some in which to do this).
Of course when dozens of black people are k*lled and injured over a typical weekend say in Chicago, or Bmore, or any city, USA, etc., by OTHER blacks, the BLM people don’t say jack. If you want to see the moral emptiness and idiocy of this movement (that does not help or uplift blacks at all) please watch the video of seemingly brain dead black female “activists” as they disrupt a Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle. Although he was very polite and nice to them (not that he should have been), I’m sure they think he is a “white” racist, and represents “white” privilege, LOL
And no offense to the various black celebs in the video as it does take balls to in anyway critique the zionist “narrative” on whatever subject, however, I’ll bet you that if the JMSM or zionists question them and/or accuse them of anything “bad,” these black celebs will NOT say that they believe Joo supremacy or even that zionism is bad and evil. I’ll bet that they will say that they are only fighting against “white” supremacy! LOL (and they will really sincerely be thinking this) And it’s likely that with most of these black celebs, if you in anyway criticize zio puppet Obomber (who even makes Bush blush), you will automatically be called a “racist” or whatever. I’m sorry to say this, but many blacks in the US are totally bedazzled and under the spell of Joodeo-Cultural Marxist neo-Bolshevik mind control. And the ones who are not, such as “Binyamin” Carson and other alleged “conservatives” (sic) are of course at the other end of the spectrum; part of the fanatical, bloodthirsty, genocidal, anti-Muslim, more wars for Zion and greater Israhell, right-wing, Trotskyite-Zioconservatism (“neoconservatism”). Of course to be fair, most people of whatever race or color tend to only believe in one of the two phony, false paradigmatic zio wings that we are given a choice of, IMO.
And it’s pretty sad (and ironic at the same time) because in many majority Muslim countries, a lot of people really look down on black people, and at times treat them worse than the whites in this country ever treated them (of course, it goes without saying that this is not from the teachings of Islam).
Anyway, thanks letting me vent 🙂
@Spiral Out,
I take it you saw the video? Please see my previous comment. It’s apples and soccer balls to compare what American blacks face today and what the Palestinians face under the yoke of the tyrannical, criminal, barbaric zionist occupation in Palestine. In contrast to this, the blacks (and all of us regardless of race or color) in America in 2015 essentially live under a totalitarian, Joodeo Cultural Marxist govt. that also happens to be VERY pro-black (i.e. essentially blacks are always “right” and always seen as so-called “victims” even when they are not).
But we have to give credit where credit is due, IMO, and it takes balls to in any way, to critique the zionist narrative, as these black celebs basically did (even if they probably DID so in a Joodeo Cultural Marxist, neo-Bolshevik sort of way)
That said, here are a few questions…
Is the US/Western media (the JMSM) very, very, very pro-Palestinian, to the point where it’s basically “philo-Palestinian?” Does the US/Western media basically NEVER portray the Palestinians in a bad or negative way? Does the US/Western media ALWAYS go out of its way to portray the Palestinians as helpless “victims” (even when they are NOT)? Does the US/Western media basically cover up every single bad and/or negative thing (including crimes) that the Palestinians may commit?
The answer to all of these aforementioned questions is a very big NO. However, the answer to all these questions is YES if you substitute African-Americans/blacks with Palestinians. And this is exactly how the Cultural Marxist, neo-Bolshevik media in the US in 2015 is. And I’m only comparing things in terms of media, and not even talking about things on a governmental level…
I didn’t mean to sound absolute in my previous comments.
Let me say that “most of the times” (maybe not always) black people in the zionist controlled US Media (or the JMSM) are seen as the victims or innocent regardless of what they did or did not do (and of course sometimes they absolutely are victims just like anyone else). Historically it wasn’t always like this of course, although today this is mostly how it is. And again, this is part of the “divide and conquer” tactic, IMO.
Let me pose a rhetorical question. What if George Zimmerman’s name was “Jorgé Zimmermano?” Does anyone think that the zionist Marxist neo-Bolshevik backed (George Soros is financing this, and his name sounds kinda “Greek” right? But no, he’s not really Hungarian or Greek, lol) “Black Lives Matter” movement would have taken off like it did? No. To this day, most blacks (and maybe even most whites?) see (and saw) Zimmerman as a “white” man (and racist one at that). I asked my black co-workers this same question, and they basically agreed that things would have been seen different. Of course the whole goal of the JMSM was to get the meme out that a racist “white” man unfairly targeted, a 1000% innocent, saintly, young black male (Travon), and they were of course VERY successful at this. Does anyone think that the (non-Muslim) Nation of “Islam” (sic) and the new black panthers, etc., would have been calling for a “race war” or the k*lling of whites if the the Joodeo-Marxist, zionist controlled media was not successful in portraying George Zimmerman as a “white” man? (BTW, racially he was mixed, with even some black African blood, and his dad was apparently ethnically German and not a “chosenite”). Same goes for all of these other police shootings and k*llings. Or pretty much any white on black crime these days. It will of course be VERY magnified and exaggerated, etc. It doesn’t matter if you have hundreds of black “youths” attaching whites/non-blacks doing knock-out games, or the almost genocidal black on black crime and murder that happens every single day, in every single city, because the PTB (our zionist masters), have no interest in having the average American see things in a different way (i.e. white “racists” are out to get blacks, the country is ruled by “white supremacists,” and all white cops or cops in general are “bad,” etc.).
Now, there may be a time when the PTB tries to promote strife or race war between blacks and Hispanics, but apparently this time has not come yet. But when this is “good” for the you know who, I’m sure we’ll all see this…
Zogistan, I agree with all you’ve posted. There was a case in Southern Ca. where an innocent young white man was beaten to death by six cops, the instigating cop was of Mexican heritage. The white victims name was Kelly Thomas – you can find online photos of what he looked like after the police torture – very sad. The media wouldn’t touch it, until they were shamed into doing it. There is little doubt that were Kelly Thomas an African American the media would have flown into hyper drive: radio, print, television, documentaries, movements etc. We have seen this time and again. As for Ferguson, you are also correct. Michael Brown was the architect of his own misfortune; he committed a strong-arm robbery that morning, shoving the Asian store owner, who was trying to prevent the robbery, away like a flea ,..Brown then proceeded to walk down the middle of an active road, holding in full view the cigars he’d stolen (as-if the store owner might not have reported the robbery, or as-if Brown thought he was above the law), he, when confronted by officer Wilson, who told him to get off the road, disobeyed the reasonable police order. At that point, officer Wilson got a BOLO (BE ON LOOKOUT) for Brown. Things escalated after Brown started punching officer Wilson in the face, then proceeding to lay his hand on the cops gun – you don’t ever do that, black or white. Lastly, he charged at Wilson, head down as-if to tackle Wilson, when he was shot. Even Obama’s black top-cop at the Justice Dept. , after reviewing all the evidence – blood spatter, DNA on gun, bruising to Wilsons face after Browns punching him, eyewitnesses, etc. came to the conclusion that the shooting was justified. Yet, Brown is made into the poster boy of white cop on black violence – how stupid.
Sad thing is there really is an uptick in gratuitous violence against US citizenry – across the board. “All lives matter.” That’s a movement one could get behind. And yes, Soros, the Internationalist, jew meddler is behind this ridiculous movement.
Having said this, I still admire the balls of these black celebrities in standing with the beleaguered Semitic Palestinians, as we all should. Were it not for American might, the jews of izrael could never get away with what they have, and will contine to do.
What the hell are you talking about?
Did you see my previous comment? I assume that most people reading and posting on this sight are “j wise” and will understand what I’m getting at even if I go off topic to an extent (although in the end it is all related to the various black celebrities in the video). Anyway, I’m basically talking about the fact that the PTB in the US (our zionist masters) have an interest in seeing different races/groups fighting each other. And I gave evidence that the “Black Lives Matter” movement is part of this whole “let’s have different races/groups fighting each other” strategy and a successfully executed psy-op. I talked about how the PTB were able to transform the G. Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin incident into a “white verses black” type of “racial” incident that the black masses (and maybe many whites?) easily bought hook, line and sinker (I gave evidence about how this really was not a white vs black racial incident). This was the beginning of the Joo led Marxist, neo-Bolshevik BLM movement (it’s being funded by Soros, a “chosenite” and backed 100%, if not also funded, by basically all joo groups in the US)
But the bottom line of what I’m saying is that people (in this case black celebs and entertainers) CAN critique certain aspects of the official zionist narrative or at the very least be sympathetic to the Palestinians, as long as they DON’T call out the real issue that is Joo supremacism, racism, or exceptionalism, etc.
I also hinted at how IMO, many blacks (and maybe many whites?) tend to label racist, supremacist Joos falsely as “white supremacists.” (White Christians/Westerners get the blame for the perfidious behavior of the “chosenites”). I also briefly touch on how many Muslims (Sunni, Orthodox), at least in the US, have also bought into the BLM psy-op.
I know I’m talking about many, many things and digressing to a large extent, and I’m sorry that my posts are so long, but you have to read them from the beginning, for things to make some sense. Is there anything you may disagree with? That’s okay. If you would like me to address or expound on anything, please let me know… Thanks
The bottom line is that the blacks in the video see what the Palestinians are going through as nothing but the same “white supremacism” that the blacks have gone through (and are always “kvetching” that they are still going through even in 2015).
And you have to question this assessment made by the black celebs in the video and ask this… is it “Good for the Joos?”
What do you think? The blacks in the video DO NOT question Joo supremacism or how their religion teaches them to look down on ALL goyim (regardless of color, ethnicity, etc.), correct?
But if you have blacks always focusing on the evils of “white supremacy” or a mythical, so-called “white privilege” (a meaningless meme that the Marxist neo-Bolshevik joos came up with to divide the races), then of course this is “Good for the Joos.”
And another point (my main point actually) and bottom line in my previous posts was that it’s effing ridiculous to compare what blacks (and privileged at least compared to other groups in America) in the US are going through in 2015 to what the oppressed Palestinians are going through in 2015 (and have been going through for decades and decades)
Thanks man, I’m glad someone understood what I was saying. I know I went off topic, but IMO it’s all related to “you know who” and the various tactics and psy-ops they’re using to manipulate and control us (regardless of color, race, religion, etc.). That’s basically what I was saying. But my other point was also to say how ludicrous, crazy, and totally ridiculous it is to compare blacks in America today, with what the Palestinians are facing today, and have faced for decades under the brutal, barbaric, zionist occupation. And I would hope and I am convinced of course that no one at TUT would be so naive as to believe this sort of total BS (that the 2 situations are comparable or similar in any way), but it seems that many other people (including many black Americans, and others) actually do believe this kind of rubbish. Of course right now IMO, this is one of the goals of the masters and controllers (i.e. to pretty much demonize and delegitimize white folk and/or European American culture, and promote racial animosity, divisiveness, etc. – and I say this as a non WN), as it’s apparently “good” for the you know who. And I would respect these black celebs more if they came out and said that they were against jooish supremacy and hatred against the goy, and NOT make the criminal zionist occupation of Palestine a “color” or racial thing (not that they all do). What about the absolute and total zionist occupation of “our” (sic) US (and other) governments? It’s an ideological, philosophical and religious (?) thing, and not a “color” thing. And BTW, I really get frustrated when many people call what the zionist criminals and terrorists are doing/have been doing and what the Yahood claims to believe in from their Torah and Talmud as so-called “white” supremacy. And unfortunately, IMO, many black folk are unable to tell the difference between “white supremacy” (does it even exist nowadays?) and zionist/Yahoodi anti-goy “supremacy.” And many Muslims (who should know better) are also seemingly unable to see the differences between these 2 things.
And yeah, I know exactly what you mean about what happened in Southern California. And of course we can always say, what if he was black/African American? But because the victim was the “wrong color,” we basically don’t hear jack about this (except maybe in the local news). And true, don’t “all lives” matter? I’ve heard a few stories about white people basically Tweeting and posting stuff like this on Facebook (that “all lives matter”), and they were actually accused of racism and bigotry, LOL. And I believe I saw a study recently (a few months or so ago) pointing out that more white Americans are actually killed by the police (of all colors) than blacks/African Americans or Latinos. But of course this is not “PC” or whatever, so we never hear too much about it. Just like we never hear constantly in the national/international media, 24-7, over and over, about the epidemic (if not genocidal and it’s been going on for decades of course, and it’s really sad and depressing) of black on black violence, let alone any of the black on white flash mob violence that probably happens more often than any kind of white on black (including police) violence or crime.
Of course, we’re all only supposed to see things in a certain way, as apparently this is good for “you know who.”
Also forgot to mention that yes indeed, everything you mention is 100% correct in regards to what really happened in Ferguson, MO. Of course the Justice Department and AG Holder (and their many lawyers and investigators) tried to find something “racist” or something that in any way would help their investigation jibe and match what was said as part of the JMSM official narrative – that a gentle giant (who was more or less saintly) was a victim of an evil, KKK card carrying member, “racist” white cop, etc., etc.
And the bottom line is that most of what the JMSM were telling us were half truths, innuendo, and rumors, etc.
I’m sure most Americans, if not the world (although maybe I’m wrong), still probably doesn’t know what really happened down in Ferguson.
I thank them for their courage. I feel the same way. When I see the Palestinians, I see myself. Their struggle is ours. We all have the yoke of Zion around our necks.
I didn’t watch the video, but I immediately had a thought…
What I don’t understand is how apparently mI didn’t watch the video, but I immediately had a thought…
What I don’t understand is how apparently many Orthodox Muslims (Sunni) in the US (of different races, ethnicities, etc.), have the audacity and nerve to say that what blacks face today (2015) in the US is exactly the same as what Palestinians face NOW in zionist, criminal, terrorist occupied Palestine! This is nothing but Joodeo-Cultural Marxist garbage and BS, IMO.
Unfortunately, many Muslims (and no, not the devils of the non-Muslim Nation of “Islam”) have been hoodwinked and fooled by the neo-Bolshevik-Marxist “Black Lives Matter” psy-op (of course Zimmerman was not a “white” racist, and Brown of Ferguson was not a so-called “gentle giant,” etc.) that is of course partly financed by George Soros and crew, which is seemingly part of the larger Jooish led Cultural Marxist assault trying to get the masses (including liberal whites) to hate on and vilify the dominant, traditional white/European culture of the US and having different races and groups fighting each other, etc. (i.e. the classic Divide and Conquer). In fact there was silence when earlier this year, POS “yoofs” in St. Louise beat to death a Muslim (right in front of his wife no less), who’s only crime happened to be that he was white (and they were taped earlier shouting that they wanted to k*ll whites).
Of course when dozens of black people are k*lled and injured over a typical weekend say in Chicago, or Bmore, or any city, USA, etc., by OTHER blacks, the BLM people don’t say jack! If you want to see the moral emptiness and idiocy of this movement (that does not help or uplift blacks at all) please watch the video of seemingly brain dead black female “activists” as they disrupt a Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle. Although he was very polite and nice to them (he should not have been), I’m sure they think he is a “white” racist, and represents “white” privilege, LOL
And no offense to the various black celebs in the video as it does take balls to in anyway critique the zionist “narrative” on whatever subject, however, I’ll bet you that if the JMSM or zionists question them and/or accuse them of anything “bad,” these black celebs will NOT say that they believe Joo supremacy or even that zionism is bad and evil. I’ll bet that they will say that they are only fighting against “white” supremacy! LOL (and they will really sincerely be thinking this) And it’s likely that with most of these black celebs, if you in anyway criticize zio puppet Obomber (who even makes Bush blush), you will automatically be called a “racist” or whatever. I’m sorry to say this, but many blacks in the US are totally bedazzled and under the spell of Joodeo-Cultural Marxist neo-Bolshevik mind control. And the ones who are not, such as “Binyamin” Carson and other alleged “conservatives” (sic) are of course at the other end of the spectrum; part of the fanatical, bloodthirsty, genocidal, anti-Muslim, more wars for Zion and greater Israhell, right-wing, Trotskyite-Zioconservatism (“neoconservatism”). Of course to be fair, most people of whatever race or color tend to only believe in one of the two phony, false paradigmatic zio wings that we are given a choice of, IMO.
And it’s pretty sad (and ironic at the same time) because in many majority Muslim countries, a lot of people really look down on black people, and at times treat them worse than the whites in this country ever treated them (of course, it goes without saying that this is not from the teachings of Islam).
Anyway, thanks letting me comment 🙂
Sorry, I botched the first couple of sentences. Can you please delete this and then I can repost it? It’s a little long too, lol. Sorry for any inconvenience
Comparing the **AHEM** “plight” of black Americans to what’s happening to the Palestinians is bad enough. That it’s up on this site without a “what the fuck?” editorial has me curious.
The video was undoubtedly produced or in some way facilitated by a jewish production company. So, is this being done now at a time when the tribe is seeing that a lot of white people are frankly getting sick of the media trumpeting how racist they are and how dare anyone say that ALL lives matter? The perfect time to tie the manufactured black “cause” to the very real Palestinian cause, no?
I didn’t watch the video, but I immediately had a thought…
What I don’t understand is how apparently many Orthodox Muslims (Sunni) in the US (of different races, ethnicities, etc.), have the audacity and nerve to say that what blacks face today (2015) in the US is exactly the same as what Palestinians face NOW in zionist, criminal, terrorist occupied Palestine! This is nothing but Joodeo-Cultural Marxist garbage and BS, IMO.
Unfortunately, many Muslims (at least in the US) have been hoodwinked and fooled by the neo-Bolshevik-Marxist “Black Lives Matter” psy-op (of course Zimmerman was not a “white” racist, and Brown of Ferguson was not a so-called “gentle giant,” etc.) that is of course partly financed by George Soros and crew, which is seemingly part of the larger Joo led Cultural Marxist assault trying to get the masses (including liberal whites) to hate on and vilify the dominant, traditional white/European culture of the US and having different races and groups fighting each other, etc. (i.e. the classic divide and conquer). In fact there was silence when earlier this year, POS “yoofs” in St. Louise beat to death a Muslim (right in front of his wife no less), who’s only crime happened to be that he was white (and they were taped earlier shouting that they wanted to k*ll whites, and we’re looking for some in which to do this).
Of course when dozens of black people are k*lled and injured over a typical weekend say in Chicago, or Bmore, or any city, USA, etc., by OTHER blacks, the BLM people don’t say jack. If you want to see the moral emptiness and idiocy of this movement (that does not help or uplift blacks at all) please watch the video of seemingly brain dead black female “activists” as they disrupt a Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle. Although he was very polite and nice to them (not that he should have been), I’m sure they think he is a “white” racist, and represents “white” privilege, LOL
And no offense to the various black celebs in the video as it does take balls to in anyway critique the zionist “narrative” on whatever subject, however, I’ll bet you that if the JMSM or zionists question them and/or accuse them of anything “bad,” these black celebs will NOT say that they believe Joo supremacy or even that zionism is bad and evil. I’ll bet that they will say that they are only fighting against “white” supremacy! LOL (and they will really sincerely be thinking this) And it’s likely that with most of these black celebs, if you in anyway criticize zio puppet Obomber (who even makes Bush blush), you will automatically be called a “racist” or whatever. I’m sorry to say this, but many blacks in the US are totally bedazzled and under the spell of Joodeo-Cultural Marxist neo-Bolshevik mind control. And the ones who are not, such as “Binyamin” Carson and other alleged “conservatives” (sic) are of course at the other end of the spectrum; part of the fanatical, bloodthirsty, genocidal, anti-Muslim, more wars for Zion and greater Israhell, right-wing, Trotskyite-Zioconservatism (“neoconservatism”). Of course to be fair, most people of whatever race or color tend to only believe in one of the two phony, false paradigmatic zio wings that we are given a choice of, IMO.
And it’s pretty sad (and ironic at the same time) because in many majority Muslim countries, a lot of people really look down on black people, and at times treat them worse than the whites in this country ever treated them (of course, it goes without saying that this is not from the teachings of Islam).
Anyway, thanks letting me vent 🙂
@Spiral Out,
I take it you saw the video? Please see my previous comment. It’s apples and soccer balls to compare what American blacks face today and what the Palestinians face under the yoke of the tyrannical, criminal, barbaric zionist occupation in Palestine. In contrast to this, the blacks (and all of us regardless of race or color) in America in 2015 essentially live under a totalitarian, Joodeo Cultural Marxist govt. that also happens to be VERY pro-black (i.e. essentially blacks are always “right” and always seen as so-called “victims” even when they are not).
But we have to give credit where credit is due, IMO, and it takes balls to in any way, to critique the zionist narrative, as these black celebs basically did (even if they probably DID so in a Joodeo Cultural Marxist, neo-Bolshevik sort of way)
That said, here are a few questions…
Is the US/Western media (the JMSM) very, very, very pro-Palestinian, to the point where it’s basically “philo-Palestinian?” Does the US/Western media basically NEVER portray the Palestinians in a bad or negative way? Does the US/Western media ALWAYS go out of its way to portray the Palestinians as helpless “victims” (even when they are NOT)? Does the US/Western media basically cover up every single bad and/or negative thing (including crimes) that the Palestinians may commit?
The answer to all of these aforementioned questions is a very big NO. However, the answer to all these questions is YES if you substitute African-Americans/blacks with Palestinians. And this is exactly how the Cultural Marxist, neo-Bolshevik media in the US in 2015 is. And I’m only comparing things in terms of media, and not even talking about things on a governmental level…
I didn’t mean to sound absolute in my previous comments.
Let me say that “most of the times” (maybe not always) black people in the zionist controlled US Media (or the JMSM) are seen as the victims or innocent regardless of what they did or did not do (and of course sometimes they absolutely are victims just like anyone else). Historically it wasn’t always like this of course, although today this is mostly how it is. And again, this is part of the “divide and conquer” tactic, IMO.
Let me pose a rhetorical question. What if George Zimmerman’s name was “Jorgé Zimmermano?” Does anyone think that the zionist Marxist neo-Bolshevik backed (George Soros is financing this, and his name sounds kinda “Greek” right? But no, he’s not really Hungarian or Greek, lol) “Black Lives Matter” movement would have taken off like it did? No. To this day, most blacks (and maybe even most whites?) see (and saw) Zimmerman as a “white” man (and racist one at that). I asked my black co-workers this same question, and they basically agreed that things would have been seen different. Of course the whole goal of the JMSM was to get the meme out that a racist “white” man unfairly targeted, a 1000% innocent, saintly, young black male (Travon), and they were of course VERY successful at this. Does anyone think that the (non-Muslim) Nation of “Islam” (sic) and the new black panthers, etc., would have been calling for a “race war” or the k*lling of whites if the the Joodeo-Marxist, zionist controlled media was not successful in portraying George Zimmerman as a “white” man? (BTW, racially he was mixed, with even some black African blood, and his dad was apparently ethnically German and not a “chosenite”). Same goes for all of these other police shootings and k*llings. Or pretty much any white on black crime these days. It will of course be VERY magnified and exaggerated, etc. It doesn’t matter if you have hundreds of black “youths” attaching whites/non-blacks doing knock-out games, or the almost genocidal black on black crime and murder that happens every single day, in every single city, because the PTB (our zionist masters), have no interest in having the average American see things in a different way (i.e. white “racists” are out to get blacks, the country is ruled by “white supremacists,” and all white cops or cops in general are “bad,” etc.).
Now, there may be a time when the PTB tries to promote strife or race war between blacks and Hispanics, but apparently this time has not come yet. But when this is “good” for the you know who, I’m sure we’ll all see this…
Zogistan, I agree with all you’ve posted. There was a case in Southern Ca. where an innocent young white man was beaten to death by six cops, the instigating cop was of Mexican heritage. The white victims name was Kelly Thomas – you can find online photos of what he looked like after the police torture – very sad. The media wouldn’t touch it, until they were shamed into doing it. There is little doubt that were Kelly Thomas an African American the media would have flown into hyper drive: radio, print, television, documentaries, movements etc. We have seen this time and again. As for Ferguson, you are also correct. Michael Brown was the architect of his own misfortune; he committed a strong-arm robbery that morning, shoving the Asian store owner, who was trying to prevent the robbery, away like a flea ,..Brown then proceeded to walk down the middle of an active road, holding in full view the cigars he’d stolen (as-if the store owner might not have reported the robbery, or as-if Brown thought he was above the law), he, when confronted by officer Wilson, who told him to get off the road, disobeyed the reasonable police order. At that point, officer Wilson got a BOLO (BE ON LOOKOUT) for Brown. Things escalated after Brown started punching officer Wilson in the face, then proceeding to lay his hand on the cops gun – you don’t ever do that, black or white. Lastly, he charged at Wilson, head down as-if to tackle Wilson, when he was shot. Even Obama’s black top-cop at the Justice Dept. , after reviewing all the evidence – blood spatter, DNA on gun, bruising to Wilsons face after Browns punching him, eyewitnesses, etc. came to the conclusion that the shooting was justified. Yet, Brown is made into the poster boy of white cop on black violence – how stupid.
Sad thing is there really is an uptick in gratuitous violence against US citizenry – across the board. “All lives matter.” That’s a movement one could get behind. And yes, Soros, the Internationalist, jew meddler is behind this ridiculous movement.
Having said this, I still admire the balls of these black celebrities in standing with the beleaguered Semitic Palestinians, as we all should. Were it not for American might, the jews of izrael could never get away with what they have, and will contine to do.
What the hell are you talking about?
Did you see my previous comment? I assume that most people reading and posting on this sight are “j wise” and will understand what I’m getting at even if I go off topic to an extent (although in the end it is all related to the various black celebrities in the video). Anyway, I’m basically talking about the fact that the PTB in the US (our zionist masters) have an interest in seeing different races/groups fighting each other. And I gave evidence that the “Black Lives Matter” movement is part of this whole “let’s have different races/groups fighting each other” strategy and a successfully executed psy-op. I talked about how the PTB were able to transform the G. Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin incident into a “white verses black” type of “racial” incident that the black masses (and maybe many whites?) easily bought hook, line and sinker (I gave evidence about how this really was not a white vs black racial incident). This was the beginning of the Joo led Marxist, neo-Bolshevik BLM movement (it’s being funded by Soros, a “chosenite” and backed 100%, if not also funded, by basically all joo groups in the US)
But the bottom line of what I’m saying is that people (in this case black celebs and entertainers) CAN critique certain aspects of the official zionist narrative or at the very least be sympathetic to the Palestinians, as long as they DON’T call out the real issue that is Joo supremacism, racism, or exceptionalism, etc.
I also hinted at how IMO, many blacks (and maybe many whites?) tend to label racist, supremacist Joos falsely as “white supremacists.” (White Christians/Westerners get the blame for the perfidious behavior of the “chosenites”). I also briefly touch on how many Muslims (Sunni, Orthodox), at least in the US, have also bought into the BLM psy-op.
I know I’m talking about many, many things and digressing to a large extent, and I’m sorry that my posts are so long, but you have to read them from the beginning, for things to make some sense. Is there anything you may disagree with? That’s okay. If you would like me to address or expound on anything, please let me know… Thanks
The bottom line is that the blacks in the video see what the Palestinians are going through as nothing but the same “white supremacism” that the blacks have gone through (and are always “kvetching” that they are still going through even in 2015).
And you have to question this assessment made by the black celebs in the video and ask this… is it “Good for the Joos?”
What do you think? The blacks in the video DO NOT question Joo supremacism or how their religion teaches them to look down on ALL goyim (regardless of color, ethnicity, etc.), correct?
But if you have blacks always focusing on the evils of “white supremacy” or a mythical, so-called “white privilege” (a meaningless meme that the Marxist neo-Bolshevik joos came up with to divide the races), then of course this is “Good for the Joos.”
And another point (my main point actually) and bottom line in my previous posts was that it’s effing ridiculous to compare what blacks (and privileged at least compared to other groups in America) in the US are going through in 2015 to what the oppressed Palestinians are going through in 2015 (and have been going through for decades and decades)
Thanks man, I’m glad someone understood what I was saying. I know I went off topic, but IMO it’s all related to “you know who” and the various tactics and psy-ops they’re using to manipulate and control us (regardless of color, race, religion, etc.). That’s basically what I was saying. But my other point was also to say how ludicrous, crazy, and totally ridiculous it is to compare blacks in America today, with what the Palestinians are facing today, and have faced for decades under the brutal, barbaric, zionist occupation. And I would hope and I am convinced of course that no one at TUT would be so naive as to believe this sort of total BS (that the 2 situations are comparable or similar in any way), but it seems that many other people (including many black Americans, and others) actually do believe this kind of rubbish. Of course right now IMO, this is one of the goals of the masters and controllers (i.e. to pretty much demonize and delegitimize white folk and/or European American culture, and promote racial animosity, divisiveness, etc. – and I say this as a non WN), as it’s apparently “good” for the you know who. And I would respect these black celebs more if they came out and said that they were against jooish supremacy and hatred against the goy, and NOT make the criminal zionist occupation of Palestine a “color” or racial thing (not that they all do). What about the absolute and total zionist occupation of “our” (sic) US (and other) governments? It’s an ideological, philosophical and religious (?) thing, and not a “color” thing. And BTW, I really get frustrated when many people call what the zionist criminals and terrorists are doing/have been doing and what the Yahood claims to believe in from their Torah and Talmud as so-called “white” supremacy. And unfortunately, IMO, many black folk are unable to tell the difference between “white supremacy” (does it even exist nowadays?) and zionist/Yahoodi anti-goy “supremacy.” And many Muslims (who should know better) are also seemingly unable to see the differences between these 2 things.
And yeah, I know exactly what you mean about what happened in Southern California. And of course we can always say, what if he was black/African American? But because the victim was the “wrong color,” we basically don’t hear jack about this (except maybe in the local news). And true, don’t “all lives” matter? I’ve heard a few stories about white people basically Tweeting and posting stuff like this on Facebook (that “all lives matter”), and they were actually accused of racism and bigotry, LOL. And I believe I saw a study recently (a few months or so ago) pointing out that more white Americans are actually killed by the police (of all colors) than blacks/African Americans or Latinos. But of course this is not “PC” or whatever, so we never hear too much about it. Just like we never hear constantly in the national/international media, 24-7, over and over, about the epidemic (if not genocidal and it’s been going on for decades of course, and it’s really sad and depressing) of black on black violence, let alone any of the black on white flash mob violence that probably happens more often than any kind of white on black (including police) violence or crime.
Of course, we’re all only supposed to see things in a certain way, as apparently this is good for “you know who.”
Also forgot to mention that yes indeed, everything you mention is 100% correct in regards to what really happened in Ferguson, MO. Of course the Justice Department and AG Holder (and their many lawyers and investigators) tried to find something “racist” or something that in any way would help their investigation jibe and match what was said as part of the JMSM official narrative – that a gentle giant (who was more or less saintly) was a victim of an evil, KKK card carrying member, “racist” white cop, etc., etc.
And the bottom line is that most of what the JMSM were telling us were half truths, innuendo, and rumors, etc.
I’m sure most Americans, if not the world (although maybe I’m wrong), still probably doesn’t know what really happened down in Ferguson.