“I was going to call this story, “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Killing Arabs.” But I thought that might give people the wrong impression. They might think Judaism was a religion of hate and violence. When everyone knows, or should know, it’s a religion of love and peace…for all my brothers and sisters.
And stop what you’re thinking. No, of course those Arabs aren’t worthy of any consideration. All they want to do is kill us in our beds. The only good one is a dead one. I know this because the Rebbe told me so.”
Last year, British Jewish writer, blogger and political activist, Paul Eisen, in an interview said: “Judaism is NOT a religion of peace? Christianity and Islam are indeed religions of peace – in their official ideology that is, though by no means always in practice – but Judaism doesn’t even make such a claim. You only have to look at our religious texts to know that.”
Paul Eisen points out ancient Jewish notions of “innocence, victimization, militarism and triumphalism” being the only way to survive in the world filled with Jew-haters.
“Irony of ironies, the Israelis aren’t all that wrong because a lot of these delusions are self-fulfilling. Israelis are living on stolen land and have behaved disgracefully, not only to the Palestinians and entire Arab and Muslim world but also to the whole world. Deep down, they must know this and they’d have to be pretty dumb not to realise that nobody much likes them. They’d also have to be pretty stupid not to realise that, at the end of the day, there aren’t that many Israelis or Jews and if the world really got together it would make pretty short work of the famed IDF. No wonder they’re paranoid,” Eisen said.