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2 thoughts on “Feds arrest Fox News ‘Islamic terrorism expert’ for pretending to be a former CIA agent”
  1. Everything is ” fake” ,about FOX News…its ” owner” Rupert Murdoch ,the son of a Zionist activist Jew mother ,is merely an agent of the Rothschild’s …his role buy up world wide media for them.

    The Muslim hating viewers should be aware that the principle stockholders of their network, is an Islamic kingdom – Saudi Arabia !

    All of those ” Right Wing ” commentators appearing , have their Foundations in the very Marxist Trotskyite Frankfurt School!

    Their” sources ” , mostly come from Israeli Propaganda organs, and planted disinfo, or confusion.

    FOX News is a purely Orwellian ,Big Brother for the International Jews agenda.

    It’s all one big act, just like this ” agent”.

  2. He’s an American, isn’t he?
    What else would you expect.?
    Probably ought to run for president!

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