4 thoughts on “Russia Destroys Major Foreign-run Terrorist Training Base in Syria”
This is of great significance -notice the words -foreign training base- ie- US/Israeli/UK “advisors ” could be dead I am sure that will upset Obommer/Cameron etc, watch out for more vicious anti-Putin propaganda –Obommer -You killed our men you -%&*@$$$ !!!
Sounds good. Obunga, Cameron, Satanyahu, and all the Jewish shills, stooges, cohorts in crime and trolls must be defecating in their pants. Thanks to the shining light of Russia, things are changing now.
Russia is cleaning out this scum.
I assure you,this is a proxie war against Russia,and thankfully they are winning.
This is of great significance -notice the words -foreign training base- ie- US/Israeli/UK “advisors ” could be dead I am sure that will upset Obommer/Cameron etc, watch out for more vicious anti-Putin propaganda –Obommer -You killed our men you -%&*@$$$ !!!
Sounds good. Obunga, Cameron, Satanyahu, and all the Jewish shills, stooges, cohorts in crime and trolls must be defecating in their pants. Thanks to the shining light of Russia, things are changing now.
Russia is cleaning out this scum.
I assure you,this is a proxie war against Russia,and thankfully they are winning.
Rock on!