mel gibson


Scotland’s Green Party passed a motion on Saturday calling for the boycott of Israel and the removal of Hamas from a European Union list of terrorist organizations.

The motion backs the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israeli businesses, academics and cultural institutions. In the policy statement, Zionism is referred to as a “racist ideology” advocating that “Jewish people have a superior right to the land of Palestine;” Israel is accused of “colonization and ethnic cleansing;” and the West Bank security barrier “constitutes a policy of apartheid.”

The motion claims that the founding of Israel was achieved “by military conquest” and “the ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians.” The left-wing party also confirmed it does not support Israel in its current form.

“Israel’s claim to be a Jewish and democratic state, the home of all Jews in which non-Jews have inferior rights, constitutes apartheid and is unacceptable,” the motion states.

Furthermore, the motion favors repealing Israel’s law of return and passing a Palestinian “right of return,” which would allow Palestinians, but not Jews, to immigrate to Israel and the territories. The motion alsonon-profit organization, the Jewish National Fund (JNF), to be removed from the charity register. The organization is accused of “excluding non-Jews from Israeli land.”

The lengthy motion includes a request that Israel free its “political prisoners,” withdraws its territory to pre-1967 borders, surrender territories captured in the Six Day War and end its settlement in the West Bank.

14 thoughts on “UK – Scottish Party Passes Motion for Boycott of Israel, Removal of Hamas From List of Terror Groups”
  1. Great news ! 5000 jews and falling in Scotland like the picture -and we shall be FREE !! (of jews and Westminster )

  2. That indeed would be great news whiskeypapa ! It is the only way to get Israel’s zionists to start acting like human beings and join the civilized world . BDS from all nations .It worked in South Africa and even Bishop Desmond Tutu states that the apartheid system of Israel is worst that it was in South Africa.

  3. I can hear the Yiddish oye veys all the way from the Highlands, Let’s hope this is infectious, with other Nations following suit

  4. If only England and Scotland had realized how treacherous the Jews were in the 1930’s already. They might still be a great country and Europe might have been spared a second world war.

  5. The US needs to do this and free itself of their control. Their influence has ruined the US and many many others, too many to name…all over the world.

  6. Peter #5. If my memory serves me correctly, influential people of that view were incarcerated without due process to keep them quiet.

  7. Jews have been diabolical for thousands of years. They are an evil race. Their own god Jehovah cursed, disowned, damned them for being the most wicked beings in the face of the earth. Read the book of Jeremiah. Also Jesus damned them many times. They should repent and convert to Christianity. That is the only way that they can be saved from the damnation of hell.

  8. We should all read the new article by Ashraf Ezzat on Veterans Today. it is very good, very interesting. Also read his new book Egypt Knew No Pharaohs No Israelites.

  9. Scotland Scotland Scotland my respect a great country keep up the good work i hope every other countries follow Scotland

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