[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rygcAoiw_lI&w=854&h=480]
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rygcAoiw_lI&w=854&h=480]
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Great video. Great speech.
1942 – A German Christmas. Stalingrad is raging and Germany is fighting for its survival. The other worlds powers (minus Japan) have vowed to annihilate them. Boosting peoples morale. That is partially what this is about.
Wonderful article.. Thank you so much Trevor.
Germany was a target of the International Jews in two world wars.
The conflicts deeply wedded in Jewish plans ,machinations, estoterica, Economics.
Let me assure you all 90 % of what you hear /read, where taught, about WW 2 from mainstream sources are lies .
At one point much of this was getting cleaned up ,but the Jews swooped in ,and as we write working to rebunk ,the bunk they used to begin that cataclysmic conflict ,which killed millions of Gentiles ,and gave the International Jews the world.
Adolf Hitler ,the ” Avatar” as Savitri Devi ( see Savitri Devi Archive.Com ) , is the most lied about human being in history.
He was a giant without precedent …the man came forward when others of greater rank would not,and saved Germany for a time from the destruction of all things Jewish.
His economy hit the hardest by the world wide depression, sanctions, and forced debt recovered like no other,but Japan ,and Italy ,who followed the same brilliant liberating policies from International Jewish Finance.
Hey s example lrd the way,and the Jews where terrified it would catch on all over the planet which was owned 90 percent by the Rothschild’s British Empire…it was not ” poor little England ” of Propaganda fame.
The Jews declared, pushed, and got their world war against Germany.
They started it wanted it,enjoyed it, and celebrate it.
The Jews power today is the result of their ” winning” that conflict, as Ambassador Joseph P Kennedy put it in the 1950 s.
The people of the Middle East, China,and Russia are under the same assault by the International Jews today ,as Germany/Axis was than.
You’re welcome, Dante! cheers
Anyone who doubts this watch Adolph Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told.