auschwitz holocaust

Ed-Note (Sabba) – So on the one hand we have millions of jews who were sent to the death camps and survived, defeating Death several times for many of them, and on the other hand, those who died of gassing were allowed to be buried with their gold and other metals/ valuable items?!?! 


Holocaust victims’ graves have been dug up by looters searching for treasure at the former site of the Sobibor death camp in Poland.

Sobibor museum staff taking part in an official archaeological dig found that graves had been disturbed by suspected gold and metal hunters.

A museum source told MailOnline: “There has been a big archaeological project going on, but when we started excavating we discovered that people had already been digging near to where the gas chamber had been in Camp Three.

“We found lots of pits which were nothing to do with us and clearly weren’t professionally dug by scientists.

“We don’t know who did it, but we suspect they were looking for gold or metal.

“The idea that thieves have been here looking for such disturbing mementos is truly shocking.”

The Sobibor camp in south-east Poland was set up in 1942 and 250,000 Jews and non-Jews were murdered there.

This is not the first time the graves of Nazi death camps have been pillaged for treasure. At the end of the Second World War, peasants dug up remains of Nazi victims on the site of the Treblinka extermination camp, hoping to find precious metals in what became known as the “Treblinka Gold Rush”.

9 thoughts on “Treasure hunters dig up Holocaust victims’ graves”
  1. OR….
    AND…. blanket accusations with no substance – or photos…..OH – and lots of articles for you to read about the holahoax once you get there

  2. Mike Rivero explains the “holocaust” hoax……….

    The German POW camps were factory operations where the inmates made war materials for the German army, a parallel to the booming prison-labor industry in the United States Today. But at the end of WW2, the planners of Israel faced a major problem. The world had just united against Germany on the principle that one nation does not have a right to simply march into another nation and take it for their own use, which is exactly what the planners of Israel wanted to do to Palestine. Israel needed a propaganda weapon so powerful that all the world’s nations that had sacrificed so much blood and treasure would be convinced that what Germany could not be allowed to do to Poland and France, Israel had to be allowed to do to Palestine. So using corporate-media, slave-labor facilities became “concentration camps”, delousing became “gassing”, shower rooms became “gas chambers”, deaths from starvation, typhus and dysentery epidemics became “extermination”, and one of the greatest lies ever told was born

  3. 6,000,000 lies…. meanwhile in Palestine a true holocaust is being committed by the “Israelis”…. and being kept from from globe. Shame of isra-hell… and the American people

  4. There was no slave labour in the camps as far as I know, as a special form of camp money was printed and paid to all inmates in recompense for their labour, and this was then able to be spent in camp canteens, which provided sundries required by the inmates, including stationary and postage stamps to write to their loved ones. You can see this camp money for sale on the internet from militaria suppliers.

  5. Tony Mike Rivero seems to have left a few facts out;
    Germany Invaded Poland right? ……. didn’t RUSSIA invade the other part?
    Just look at Soviet annexed Poland, Rivero missed that wonder why?

    He also leaves out the fact that Russia built the fake gas chamber at Auschwitz

    Guys a first class turd; just search his site and there is not even a mention of anything incriminating Soviet Russia…… what not even the Katyn massacre?….. blamed on the Germans until 1990;
    Deaf dumb and blind Rivero again

    So its not Just the Jews its the Soviet Russians that had a hand in the Holohoax as well.

    Although his site is useful and i have a look every day he has a “its dem Muzlums” streak when it suits his Muslim invasion of Europe as he has used Jihad watch and Bare Naked Islam to back up the gospel of Rivero.

  6. Auschwitz (Oświęcim) is Poland’s main export product. Poles do not visit the place because the “state building” propaganda is not directed towards them. It is intended for the mentally challenged Israeli youths who will go back to Palestine and kill some Arabs in nationalistic fervor. I’m surprised anyone else would spend their hard earned money to be subjected to low quality mind altering show. I’ve been there 3 times encouraged by Steven Spielberg’s story about a holocaust Jewess and her diamonds. It not easy now to locate a shit hole where this Jewess would shit out her diamonds only to swallow them again so she could reposes said treasure and repeat the process next day. Jews are known for shitting diamonds and bullshitting everything else. That latrine, if it can be located, is now a diamond mine. Knowing life that might have been cubic zirconia. European Jews are also known for making small lamp shades out of large foreskins. Occasionally they make a large lamp shade out of a small foreskin thanks to a patented process called “stretching it”.

  7. This is simply a pre-emptive strike by the juden as a reason why there is no evidence for their slanderous lies. They’ll say that the goyim disturbed/destroyed all the evidence looking for jew-gold, while they salt the sites with their mother’s ashes from last year.

  8. What Mike Rivero does not understand , is that Germany had real legitimate reasons for ” invading” Poland .
    That corrupt military junta refused an alliance with the Reich, and refused to allow the German city of Danzig which at freely voted to return to Germany go.
    Other issues too.
    France was not simply ” invaded ” either.
    France,along with the world British Empire had declared war on Germany without being threatened or attacked.

    Israel is not simply invading territory……the I International Jews/Rothschild’s, revived a 5000 year old claim that ” Yahweh’s Chosen Tribe ” literally steal Palestine, from it natives,to be than used as a center for world domination, culminating in the return of their ( not Christ in disguise), Messiah who will enslave the planet for them.
    ” Every knee shall bend”.
    ” Thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh “.

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