4 thoughts on “FLORIDA – Federal judge rules Muslim-free zone at gun store fails to harm Muslims”
Muslims need to flood the place and buy guns or be refused. What stupid mutant rednecks! They haven’t a clue! These Morons don’t even know who the enemy is!
This makes me literally sick to my stomach. The jews are at their muslim bashing again. Just like what they did to the German people in the early 30’s bashing them, Judea Declares War on Germany. Oh, the Germans are cutting the hands of babies and look how they are treating the jews!!! Total crap. They gave us Babe Ruth, Lou Gareth, the Xmas tree, which they have taken that away also, the hot dog, hamburger and a host of other things. Muslims didn’t do all these false flags such as the Bolshevik Revolution, both WW1&2, USS Liberty, The Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook, 9/11, to name a few.
They are bashing the wrong people they ought to bash the jews. They are the ones that are wrong with this world.
With them gone the world would be at peace. That the hell is wrong with the US are they totally that dumb. uh ho yes they are.
Now just imagine two variations of this and the furor which would ensue: suppose the sign read either “Jew free zone” or “Gay free zone”! I doubt very seriously that any judge would rule that this was in keeping with “freedom of speech” and the supposed right to sell to whomever the store owner wished (and deny service to whomever the store owner wished). Nor would it matter that no Jew or gay person had actually attempted to purchase a gun there and been refused service – so supposedly no one had actually been harmed!
Lets get over it ! It was the Jews of Hollywood that made the movie of 9-11 and the Jews of Israel that was caught and let go ,Trump is all wrong blaming the Arabs for this one ! It is the Jews of Hollywood that are the warmongers and it always was . It was the Pentagram that hired Jewish Hollywood to make all flicks about war we always saw in movie theaters .
Muslims need to flood the place and buy guns or be refused. What stupid mutant rednecks! They haven’t a clue! These Morons don’t even know who the enemy is!
This makes me literally sick to my stomach. The jews are at their muslim bashing again. Just like what they did to the German people in the early 30’s bashing them, Judea Declares War on Germany. Oh, the Germans are cutting the hands of babies and look how they are treating the jews!!! Total crap. They gave us Babe Ruth, Lou Gareth, the Xmas tree, which they have taken that away also, the hot dog, hamburger and a host of other things. Muslims didn’t do all these false flags such as the Bolshevik Revolution, both WW1&2, USS Liberty, The Boston Marathon, Sandy Hook, 9/11, to name a few.
They are bashing the wrong people they ought to bash the jews. They are the ones that are wrong with this world.
With them gone the world would be at peace. That the hell is wrong with the US are they totally that dumb. uh ho yes they are.
Now just imagine two variations of this and the furor which would ensue: suppose the sign read either “Jew free zone” or “Gay free zone”! I doubt very seriously that any judge would rule that this was in keeping with “freedom of speech” and the supposed right to sell to whomever the store owner wished (and deny service to whomever the store owner wished). Nor would it matter that no Jew or gay person had actually attempted to purchase a gun there and been refused service – so supposedly no one had actually been harmed!
Lets get over it ! It was the Jews of Hollywood that made the movie of 9-11 and the Jews of Israel that was caught and let go ,Trump is all wrong blaming the Arabs for this one ! It is the Jews of Hollywood that are the warmongers and it always was . It was the Pentagram that hired Jewish Hollywood to make all flicks about war we always saw in movie theaters .