
Moscow arms adviser says advanced battery on the way to Tehran; Israel has long urged Putin to scrap deal

ed note–so much for all those theories being proffered by certain ‘experts’ within this movement making the claim that Putin ‘was Jewish’ and that he was secretly working with them to advance the interests of Israel. 

Times of Israel

President Vladimir Putin’s arms trade adviser says Russia has begun delivering S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran, according to the Russian state news agency Tass.

Tass quoted Vladimir Kozhin as saying Thursday that the implementation of the contract for the delivery of the S-300s has begun and the deliveries have started. He didn’t provide any specifics.

One of the most sophisticated anti-aircraft weapons in the world, the S-300 is capable of tracking multiple planes at once, and some versions have an interception range of up to 200 kilometers.

In 2010 Russia froze a deal to supply advanced long-range S-300 missile systems to Iran, linking the decision to UN sanctions. Putin lifted the suspension earlier this year following Iran’s deal with six world powers that curbed its nuclear program in exchange for relief from international sanctions. Officials said last month that Russia and Iran finalized the contract for their delivery.

Israel has long sought to block the sale to Iran of the S-300 system, which analysts say could impede a potential Israeli strike on Tehran’s nuclear facilities. Other officials have expressed concern that the systems could reach Syria and Hezbollah, diluting Israel’s regional air supremacy.

Russia initially agreed to sell the system to Iran in 2007 but then balked, saying at the time it was complying with a United Nations arms embargo on the Islamic Republic.

In April, shortly after the announcement of the Lausanne outline for the nuclear deal between world powers and Iran, Russia announced it was lifting the ban on selling the advanced missile defense system to Iran, over American and Israeli objections.

In August, Iran and Russia announced that the system would be delivered by the end of the year, with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov saying at the time that “just technical details” remained to be agreed upon.

6 thoughts on “Russia begins delivering S-300 air defense system to Iran”
  1. Your right editor there were even some posters on the 300 spartans(aka -Rebel) coming out with the same rubbish I think the message has sunk in their now . Putin is the ONLY one stopping the JWO take-over of the World ,if anybody knows different nows the time to speak out . The Jewish hordes are camped on the Russian border awaiting orders from Obommer slave of Nutteryahu and his Jewish US Knesset Congress . If Putin succeeds then Jewish BB is sunk from ruling the world and the worthless $$$ and government bonds (not backed up by gold ) will hit them hard .

    ed note–“Rebel’, ‘300 Spartans’, and other WN outfits use an overly-simplistic litmus test in determining whether or not someone is friend or foe–Hitler rehabilitation and Holocaust denial, and if someone does not meet their very limited criteria, they are ‘working for the enemy’. Putin, understanding that getting involved with either subject is a dead end and that it will only be used against him by his enemies in the US, Israel, NATO, and the West, has astutely and wisely avoided that trap, but in the minds of these simpletons who apply an extremely narrow focus in their understanding of what is the extremely complicated world of geo-politics, default to the usual tropes as a means of explaining something for themselves and their equally-intellectually disadvantaged following which is far too complicated for their minds to untangle.

  2. Aye some came out with that rubbish on the rebel website but have now seen the light . JWO is camped on Russia,s border awaiting orders from Obommer slave of Nutteryahu and the Jewish Congress to start WW3 . They are worried they will lose their Jewish Profit if Putin stops them taking over the world and the worthless $$$ and bonds really will be worthless not backed up with gold. They want an end to the BRICS and other economic alliances Russia has with the World .

  3. “understanding that getting involved with either subject is a dead end and that it will only be used against him by his enemies in the US, Israel, NATO, and the West, has astutely and wisely avoided that trap”
    There is even more to it than that and perhaps more important. Getting into the business of debunking the Fauxlocaust would be the kiss of death for him at home because it cannot be done without re-writing the history of the Soviet Union pre-, intra- and post-WWII.
    It would have to unveil the ugly face of the glorious Red Army, the atrocities committed by it as it advanced victorious into Germany and Eastern Europe, and also its role in manufacturing the ‘artifacts’ of the concentration camps.
    For Russians the army is only next to the Church in saintliness. It is the epitome of the best Russian character qualities: valor, steadfastness, and even kindness (see statues of the Soviet soldier holding babies he saved…). Mess with that and you are toast in Russian politics and will be reviled for ever as a traitor. The Fauxlocaust is a closed subject. The role of the Jews in the Stalinist repression pre-WWII, however, is fair game. Putin himself alluded to it.
    I would love for Russia to open its archives (as it did, only briefly after the fall of communism) and make a clean breast of it all. Bit it is not in the cards. We have to take what Putin CAN do and be thankful for that.

  4. Well, Putin did take the bait when Prince Charles said Putin was like Hitler, and sensed what kind of nastiness the ‘prince’, who has had two sexual charges against himself prevented from being revealed by the British press, under provision of the ‘D’ notice, according to two policemen I recently had a lengthy conversation with on the topic of such matters. OK, I can see Putin would not wish to be lumped in with Hitler. But anyway, these days, whether a person is popular or not in the world of politics, he can and does literally do anything he wishes nonetheless.

    BUT, that is the case ONLY when he is supported by the Jews, so I feel Putin was not taking any chances in case a political movement to depose him gained momentum at the behest of suspicious Jews.

    We all know that no one can convince the Jews of their friendly intent towards them, by being kindly towards them, because the Jews inevitably view that only as a sly deception to facilitate an inevitable attack on the Jews, because the Jews intend only to enslave and kill all Gentiles, so always work on the principle that some of us might have sussed out that which the Jews wish to remain impossible to suss out.

    The Jewish modus operandi, as we both know, is simply to kill each and every Gentile on the planet, along with all their trees, plants and animals, always has been, always will be. Putin I think knows this, so his strategy in pressing for pro-Jewish legislation, not only in Russia, but around the entire world also, well, that was a lot to swallow that such a person was not some kind of Jewish agent merely helping to crush any potential resistance to Jewish world rule, and even helping to facilitate WWIII.

    But, knowing surely that whatever he does in front of lamprey-like Jewish rabbis and politicians will not change their view of the Gentiles one little bit, us all being just fish food for the Jews. as their scripture says “Do not CONSUME all the Gentile SOULS at once, let them increase in number”. Putin is more concerned I feel now with ensuring that the mind-controlled vox populi will not suddenly be turned by the Jews to view him as a ‘Nazi’, with him then being abruptly voted out of office before he does some good reform work in Russia and elsewhere.

    But yeah, OK, I am more of the opinion now that Mr Putin really is a straight guy in all this, but remember how he was saying just a couple of years ago to a bunch of back-stabbing rabbis; “This is a great victory for Israel”. What Mr Putin was doing there, or might be intending to do in the future was not exactly clear back then, but I trust him now, even though he says he believes in the Christian religion, which includes belief in burning all others alive for all eternity who are not Christians, and of course, I always think, “what’s not to love about that”. A really great guy all round.

    If these religions actually mean anything, they are relevant not to this temporal material world, but to the eternal spiritual world, so those kind of sentiments in that religion do not make the man a saint either. And religion is what this is all about, in the ultimate analysis..

    But, as far as helping people to avoid a completely unnecessary nightmare in this world goes, in very physical terms, Mr Putin is doing very well, and I can appreciate that just as Hitler was not really that keen on Christianity, even when he said he was, to maintain political acceptability, ultimately for the benefit of the German people, so Mr Putin is employing the same strategy, to initiate a Christian revival to help drive out the universally merciless genocidal Godless darkness of Communism. Ultimately, I feel, anyone who actually believes in any of the Abrahamic religions, with their beliefs in sending all others to indescribably horrific tortures in some eternal hell or other, are just for the deliberately mentally handicapped, who are quite gaga.

    Obviously, in the realm of spiritual affairs, much of humanity have a long way to go yet before realizes that burning people alive for all eternity is not a very nice thing to do at all.

    Anyway, good luck to Mr Putin. Russia has been through hell created by the Jews in 1917, and again in WWII being forced to fight for the Jews, and now being threatened again, despite having got rid of Stalinism, being needlessly and traitorously surrounded by NATO conventional military as well as biological warfare bases, with ISIS now also being mobilized to destroy the Russian people, all for the satisfaction of the insatiable bloodlust of the Jews.

    Mr Putin is being very forbearing at the moment in wishing to encourage a revolution in Turkey against the criminal government, and that is exactly the strategy he should repeat throughout all 40 countries presently dominated by parasitic Jewish-controlled governments supporting the Jewish ISIS terrorists.

  5. Mother Russia is no longer ruled by the Satanic Judaic Elite. President Putin is a Christian man. A real Christian Orthodox who has not been corrupted, infiltrated by Judaism, Masonry, Illuminati, Jesuits, etc… Putin is not only reviving the Christian Churches in Russia and Syria that were destroyed by the godless Jews but he is also changing the International Monetary System, stopping the hyenas from destroying more countries and stopping the Zionist dream for Greater Israel. No wonder why the Jews hate Putin so much.

  6. Iran has the right to defend itself from threats by Israel.The same concept that Netanyahoo tells everyone about Israel .Good on you Russia.Iran will be forever in your good books.

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