One thought on “Mark Dankof to Press TV–‘US illegal ops in Syria can/will lead to confrontation with Russia’”
  1. The International Jews operate by the same formula.
    They know Russia cannot let Syria go !
    This does not deter there desire to overthrow Assad .

    In 1939 they knew the German Polish border despite was real,and wholly not a problem for Britain,or France.
    The two nations asked by Germany to help them with the crises !

    The Jews screamed bloody murder at any leader willing to dare ” talk to Hitler”, and instead bribed the Poles to not deal,or certainly accept the offer of a German – Polish alliance !

    The border clashes and Polish Isolation of the German City of Danzig lead to German intervention.
    The British Empire had there excuse….they declared war !

    The Jews are trying to push Putin into an ” incident “.
    They have tried in the Ukraine /Crimea.

    He has been wisely not provoked.

    In Syria this is more difficult.

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