Ed note–despite the obvious, which is how comfortable in general the Jewish community is with the various personalities from their neighborhood who hold such domineering positions within the porn industry, including but not limited to Al Goldstein (‘The reason Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks, Catholicism sucks’) Ron Jeremy (‘Jews tend to be more liberal than Christians and aren’t obsessed with the fear of going to hell.’) and others, the thing that should be the most obvious about their role in the flesh-peddling business is that it goes AAAAAAAALLLLLLLL the way back the beginning of the entire Judaic affair. In the Torah, you know, that ‘holy’ book which CHristians refer to as the Old Testament and whose various personalities contained therein they claim were ‘pre-figurments’ of Jesus Christ, we have the esteemed Abraham selling his wife Sarah into prostitution twice. Abrahama’s son Isaac does the same thing with his wife Rebeccah, Lott hands his 2 virgin daughters to a group of sex freaks from the city of Sodom, instructing the gang to ‘defile them as you see fit’. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 personal prostitutes.
Judaism sees women as worse than 2nd class. They are forced to live in a separate tent during the time of the month when their sister arrives, are considered filled with witchcraft and are so accursed that a Jewish man is obligated to say the prayer everyday ‘Thank you God, for not making me a woman, a Gentile, or a slave’
Therefore NONE should be surprised to see any of the business being discussed here involving the Jewish porn star James Deen being violent and abusive with women whom he considers to be merely pieces of meat created for his personal pleasure as a Jewish man.
Judaism is the promise of the material world.
Everything is allowed in so much it achieves power ,riches fame, and pleasure.
Judaism is NOT spiritual, or stellar .This is why they so reject the esoteric ,of all Gentile Foundations.
Women are diminished in Judaism in all of there forms….” The Left /Right Matrix.
From their Anti body Anti health ,and beauty ultra conservative fundamentalism to their manizing feminism.
All of these constructs are within the Judaic cycle.
Like Finance Capital /Marxism ,within Judaism this does not contradict.
The Puritanical Forms of Gentile constructs go back to Judaism ,and this is why they are so reactionary.
Understanding this is key.
The problem of all of this is,” Thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh “.