3 thoughts on “Jews demand expelling Christians out of Palestine”
Remember now all of you lovely Zio- Christains out there .The ” Chosen People ” demanding this are the most ” religious people “. The ones closest to their tribal ” God “,Yahweh.”
They are the ” Conservatives “.
As the ” Conservative ” ,Vatican 2 Pope ,John Paul put it ,” They are our older brother “.
But of course the love of Christ from a native of Palastine means nothing to a ” Judeo – Christain “.
The Anti Christ state of Israel comes first !
” Awwww,the dear Jewish people are just blinded “.
But guess what you Tea Party Zio Christains …the Jews hate you to !
Remember now all of you lovely Zio- Christains out there .The ” Chosen People ” demanding this are the most ” religious people “. The ones closest to their tribal ” God “,Yahweh.”
They are the ” Conservatives “.
As the ” Conservative ” ,Vatican 2 Pope ,John Paul put it ,” They are our older brother “.
But of course the love of Christ from a native of Palastine means nothing to a ” Judeo – Christain “.
The Anti Christ state of Israel comes first !
” Awwww,the dear Jewish people are just blinded “.
But guess what you Tea Party Zio Christains …the Jews hate you to !
Reblogged this on Lolathecur's Blog Below are two very important entries from the "Jewish Encyclopedia". Read them VERY CLOSELY. and commented:
just imagine if any country ever called for expelling jews. What would happen?
Why isn’t this front page news in the MSM?
Yeah, I’m just being silly…