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Sheikh Imran Hosein focus on French Muslims and quit godless satanic argument.
jerusalem! don’t worthy the worthless.
إِنَّمَا ذَلِكُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ يُخَوِّفُ أَوْلِيَاءهُ فَلاَ تَخَافُوهُمْ
If I weren’t already a Christian, this man would make me convert. I recognize wisdom when I see it. He’s right on so many levels.
Yes NLG i second that!
Thanks mg for posting this…….I am glad the shaykh has made this call again. We are not allowed to live in places where we are being oppressed in religion and it looks like France is tampering and will begin to further tamper with our religion. . Muslims seem to like listening to the warning of others instead of their own such as such as shaykh Imran unfortunately.
And……the want the easy life and will run for it at the expense even of the hereafter.
Jesus never warned us about the Muslims. Jesus warned us about the Jews.
Quite true ,Isaac.We understand that Him being God Incarnate,was/is omniscient,and so he fully knew the satanic spirit of the eternal jew and at the same time did not warn us of any other human group .
And yes,Sheikh Imran Hosein conveys the same sanctity and wisdom to me,and he is once again correct pointing to the devilish entity known as Israel,the home of the antichrist.
Have you people lost all humanity? Are we to kill one another over and over again. There is no right religion there is only GOD! Islam used to be progressive inclusive and of knowledge. Now it has become a religion of violence and death. What we sow so shall we reap!!!! Look at your children and pray for peace not just on Islam’s terms, but on all humanity’s terms. NEVER FORCE JUST PRAY!!!!