The variant of H5N1 bird flu has been circulating in wild birds, but this is the first time it’s been detected in cattle.
A variant of H5N1 bird flu that has circulated widely in wild birds — and in several instances led to severe illness in several humans — has turned up in dairy cattle for the first time.
The findings were relayed in a short update from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which traced the new variant back to dairy herds in Nevada.
The variant, known as D1.1 genotype, belongs to a different genetic lineage than what’s fueled the infections in dairy cattle over the past year.
Scientists believe a single spillover event, from birds to cattle, in the Texas Panhandle in late 2023 seeded the nationwide outbreak. But this new finding points to at least one additional instance of the virus hopping into dairy cattle.
‘It shows that even if you get rid of one virus that’s established itself, another one can pop up like whack-a-mole,’ says Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona.
It’s not yet clear just how long the virus has been circulating in cattle and whether it’s widespread. For now, Worobey says it opens up a whole new set of questions about the trajectory of the outbreak in cattle and what that could mean for humans who are exposed.
One possibility: The immunity built up in the dairy population against bird flu may not hold up well against this D1.1 genotype, and vaccines in the pipeline may need to be retooled. That could make eliminating the virus from dairy cattle much more ‘difficult, complicated and less likely,’ Worobey says.
Cattle infections with D1.1. aren’t expected to be much different in terms of ‘virulence and transmission,’ Dr. Jürgen Richt, a veterinary microbiologist at Kansas State University, told NPR in an email. But its track record in humans could be a ‘major change from the earlier scenario.’
So far, bird flu infections in dairy workers have largely led to mild illness, but two cases of severe illness in North America were associated with this same D1.1. genotype, one in a Louisiana resident who caught the virus from backyard flocks and died and the other a teenager in British Columbia who ended up in critical condition and the source of whose infection was never identified.
Scientists are speculating that this variant could be intrinsically more deadly for humans, although it’s possible other factors like the route of exposure could be a factor, too.
However, in both of those cases, the patients developed concerning mutations while they were sick, which could indicate the virus was evolving to be better at infecting human cells, says Worobey. ‘We don’t know if maybe more people will land in the hospital, maybe you’ll see more upper respiratory infections.’
Because so much of the work over the past year focused on the other variant, Worobey says ‘it’s going to be a long time before the experiments are done to get a better handle’ on what this could mean for humans.
ed note– That’s it?
That’s the best you can offer in debating the merits/demerits of a news story with serious global implications that–at the very least–could mirror the disruption that was caused by Covid?
THAT is the best you can do, Mr or Mrs ‘Trooother’?
Ok, we’ll try to help you out a little bit here, since you are obviously someone of very few words–
The news story claims–based upon the testimony of various virologist experts that a ‘new variant’ of the H5N1 bird flu virus, the ‘D1.1 genotype’, has been discovered in cattle for the first time. Are you saying that this is not the case, and if so, what factual, scientific evidence can you bring to this discussion to prove that it is–as you say–‘BS’?
Nexto, the news story also claims that the previous immunity built up in the dairy cattle population against bird flu ‘may not hold up well’ against this new D1.1 genotype and that this could make eliminating the virus from dairy cattle much more ‘difficult, complicated and less likely’. Are you saying that this is not the case, and if so, what factual, scientific evidence can you bring to this discussion to prove that it is–as you say–‘BS’?
And, finalmente, the news story also claims that ‘scientists’ and other experts in the field of virology are speculating that this variant could be ‘intrinsically more deadly for humans’…Are you saying that this is not the case, and if so, what factual, scientific evidence can you bring to this discussion to prove that it is–as you say–‘BS’?
Now, as much as all of this appears to be a case of ‘patronizing in overdrive’, there is actually an important point we are trying to make here, ladies and Gentile-men, which is how much damage is caused by mindless, pointless ‘chatter’ such as that offered by our ‘expert’ commentator here in terms of what our common mission should be these days, which is to frustrate, obfuscate, negate, neutralize (and about 100 other synonyms all saying the same thing) our common enemy’s plans for our destruction, the success of which HINGES on said enemy’s ability to sow chaos, disinterest, disinformation (and about 100 other synonyms all saying the same thing) on websites and other fora such as this.
The point is, ‘sinkchicken’, whatever the significance of that moniker is, if you are going to ‘burp’ out some type of disagreement with something that may or may not be misinformation put out there in sowing confusion, at least have the integrity and seriousness of purpose by refuting it using some sort of intelligent argument.
Nah, I think whats been discovered is you have inspectors on the TAKE who will lie for their paycheck. Try again Diddy!
ed note–ok, so what if you and the rest of the ‘expert’ naysayers are wrong? Since it is the general consensus of all the ‘anti-NWO’ types that ‘the elite’ plan to wipe out 2/3 of the world’s population, why then is it impossible (or at least implausible) that ‘they’ plan to do it with this new H5N1 virus that has all the hallmarks of being a bioweapon as was Covid 19?
We would make so much more progress, SO MUCH MORE, in waking people up and mounting some kind of effective ‘resistance’ to what ‘they’ are planning for us all if people like you at least remained consistent.
I have many more questions than answers about what has been going on with outbreaks world wide. The question of viruses is complicated. Here are some issues about them:
– Viruses identified do not meet the scientific criteria of Koch’s or River’s Postulates
– When SARS erupted in 2002, the head of Canada’s Virology lab Dr. Frank Plummer, stated that he wasn’t sure that SARS was a virus, because they couldn’t replicate it, and it wasn’t present in new patients.
– Dr. Stefan Lanka, a Virologist, offered a reward for proof the Measles virus existed. He rejected the old studies offered to collect the reward, and eventually won in a court case. Lanka believes viruses are cell excreta.
I would add that Dr. Gaston Naessens, over 70 years ago, invented the Somatoscope, a microscope capable of viewing live blood and fluid samples. He identified pleomorphic cell formations. that move in and out of cancer cells. His research has also been largely ignored.
What I find interesting, is that China and Russia were hit with severe cases of African Swine Flu that decimated their herds. Previously, the only other known cases found had been in Spain, where they were easily knocked down. Spain and Africa are a long way from China and Russia, with a lot of Muslim countries in between. There are, however, also a lot of US military Level 4 laboratories around China and Russia, as well as at least one in every US State. What better way to control populations than with the threat of starvation?
As COVID-19 (Fabrication from the elite and stated in the book “Eyes of Darkness” by Koontz in 1984 and in the Olympics of Barcelona in 1992 and in the 2004 book from Learning from SARS/ Preparing for the Next Disease Outbreak/ Workshop Summary | The National Academy of Sciences.pdf.
The fact is that vaccines have never worked and there are no such thing as virus as the virome of people according to perpetual liars state through the false depraved and absolute anti-science of Louis Pasteur was and is a fraud. 1995 G.L. Geison – The Private Science of Louis Pasteur available as pdf or from Princeton Press and other Universities around the world. What is falsified as virus are enzymes and are part of the human immune system along with white cells, gcMacrophages (not available for those who get AIDS from the shots taken and nagalese was isolated by UCLA med center in 1961 a, product of cancer cells of eliminate D3 which bonds the gc protein with the Macrophage. This was discovered by Kery Mullis as was the fact that HIV never existed but was created by Anthony Fauci who was not qualified to even be a doctor as he could not identify any disease in the bloodstream and fabricated the HepB shot to destroy the immune system of people living a dangerous life style and killed them with concentrate of mustard gas as an antidote.
All institutions have failed.