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That same guy (Steven Anderson) praises a book titled “Jesus in The Talmud” by Peter Schafer, who is the head of Judaic studies at Princeton University. “This will show you how blasphemous Judaism really is.”
The Talmud ridicules Jesus’ birth from a virgin, denies that Jesus is the Son of God, and boasts that Jesus was rightfully executed as a blasphemer and idolater. The Talmud also says that Jesus is rightfully burning in hell, as will all Christians.
The author of “Jesus in The Talmud” is a Jewish supremacist who AGREES with the Talmud. But in so doing, he exposes its filth.
I imagine that the Talmud is extremely popular with Christian evangelicals. The more Jews spit on them, the more they worship Jews.
Steven Anderson’s church (established in Dec 2005) is actually a small suite in an industrial park. But he’s very active on YouTube, and in producing videos that are put on discs and sold in Christian stores across the USA.
In August 2009, the church received national attention when Anderson gave a sermon titled, “Why I hate Barack Obama.” In it, Anderson said he prays for Obama to die, mainly because Obama supports abortion. Anderson is a radical fundamentalist. He calls homosexuals “sodomites who recruit through rape and molestation.”
Hmmm … Attacking and exposing the fake chosen ones … ONLY to claim that Christians are now the true heirs to that “chosen” business?!!
Are there any people left to publicly claim that:
– “Humanity” was God’s chosen [over Satan and Jinns] … which WAS the original root of all problems … [while the Angels can only love humans because God loved Adam] …
– And that’s why God spoke MANY times [viz. sent many Revelations/ Scriptures] over the course of human history … namely, to/ through (Peace be upon them All) : Abraham (no one has that Book anymore), David (Zabur/ Psalms), Moses (Torah), Jesus (Injeel/ Gospel), and Muhammad (saas) (the Qur’an)…
– And if anyone TRULY Loved, feared and obeyed God, then they will be extremely eager to read, understand and follow ALL of His Revelations (which is what the Qur’an suggests that we do) —– an academic/ intellectual process that WILL clearly reveal how the seed of Satan continuously corrupted all Revelations EXCEPT the Qur’an! [Even Hadith was not spared by the Satans!]
– [Yes, ONLY the Qur’an is the “Chosen One” .. because humans were created inherently prone to error]!
– More than just establishing the Qur’an as the ONLY (incorruptible) authority in the whole world … it is necessary to promulgate how the Qur’an corrects and re-establishes what was ACTUALLY brought by Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (saas) (Peace be upon them All). In other words, the Qur’an had already cleaned up/ dusted off the Judaic/ Satanic filth/dust that was put upon the Torah and the Gospel. It is ASTONISHING how, in 1435 years, so very few [Christians] ever even had the slightest interest (or love of God) to read up! [My impression? Yes, that’s how hard and how long the Judas-Jews worked to keep Christians in the blind and averse to Muslims … esp. today!]
– Before we all just pack our bags and start marching to Zion … shouldn’t we first ask if the word “ZION” was EVEN ONCE mentioned in any of the aforementioned Revelations of God … or by any of the Messengers of God?!
– If the makers of this “groundbreaking” video were really pure of intent (in ‘exposing’ Zionism), and free of Zionist/Orwellian/NWO-duplicity … shouldn’t this film be titled “Marching AWAY from Zion” instead?!
– A study of all Revelations will reveal something INTERESTING for the awakened Truthers of the End Times … that whatever was added to [corrupt] the original Revelations (e.g., whatever Paul and Nicea added to the Gospel that Jesus HIMSELF never said) — THAT stuff is the very basis of identifying the wicked, and the very “Master-plan” (like “the Protocols”) for what the Satans were going to do/ implement on humanity over the course of 2000 years! [This perspective/ insight is as powerful as an atomic bomb for those who have eyes to see and hearts that understand!]
– Notice the cover of the movie/ dvd (at 1:41 in the video). The word “to” is inserted within the ‘O’! … Just ONE of the hidden implications? Well, the UN’s infamous programme motto has been “Achieving ‘O’/ Zero” fro a while now, isn’t it?
– Why is Pastor wearing all Red?!
I suggest that you go and check out his website. He thinks it’s okay to test toxic substances on animals since it’s for the benefit of humans, for example.
Not a Christian. At least he’s not my kind of Christian. He may be unique as a Baptist pastor in what he says about Israel, I don’t know, but that is not the true test of a Christian anyway.
He’s the real deal.
I’m thinking, again, that this is not the place for me. Goodbye.
The real deal is for humans to make other creatures suffer so they can be safe from the toxins? Typical.
Again, this man is not a Christian.
I comment here. I would not deign to comment over there. Disgusting.
Either way, I don’t argue anymore.
@ CDF … I just left a msg on the youtube video. You can leave one too.
Far right wing Ned Flanders.
Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson’s viewpoints on “Israel” sound very much like the views of a “Reformed Baptist Church”, and an “Orthodox Presbyterian Church” to which I belonged around 30 years ago. While I am no longer a “Christian” of any persuasion – and therefore would no doubt disagree with much or most of what Steven Anderson believes – I nevertheless agree that he is quite correct that no “Christian” (who believes in the “New Testament Scriptures” as “God’s Word”) has any business giving any credence to the absurd notion that national “Israel” and racial/religious/cultural “Jews” today are “still” ‘God’s chosen people’. Such a notion is completely contrary to the teachings attributed to “Jesus Christ” and “Paul” in those “New Testament Scriptures”.
In June of this year I wrote a blog article entitled “The New Testament’s View of ‘Israel’” ( ). The first couple of paragraphs say this:
“One has to wonder whether ‘Christians’ have lost all ability to read with comprehension the New Testament ‘Scriptures’ which they claim to believe. These days, we have ‘Christians’ ranging from ‘far right’ Conservatives and Evangelicals like Baptist pastor John Hagee to the Roman Catholic Pope, openly and unblushingly proclaiming that the Jews/”Israel” are ‘still’ “God’s chosen people” with special covenants – particularly a covenant granting possession of a piece of real estate in the Middle East – which belong to them alone (as opposed to all non-Jews/Gentiles). We know that this is so – we are told – because the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 11:29 that “the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable”. Yet no one seems to comprehend that such a notion of racial Jews and national “Israel” having irrevocable claim to such materialistic covenant blessings peculiar to them alone is completely contrary to the argument of Paul and the teachings of Jesus Christ! 🙄
“It’s true that in that very interesting portion of Romans – chapters 9-11 – Paul began by expressing his concern and sorrow for his brothers ‘according to the flesh’, the Israelites who have been given wonderful covenants and promises (9:1-5). In chapter 10 verse one Paul said “my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved”; and by the end of chapter 11 he has reasoned to the conclusion that “and so all Israel WILL be saved” (11:26) because the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable (11:29). But this conclusion concerning “all Israel” at the end of chapter 11 has been reached by qualifying and restricting the concept of “all Israel”.”
I then show Paul’s teaching about “Israel” in Romans (particularly chapters 9-11), and refer to a couple of statements attributed to “Jesus” in the New Testament ‘Gospel’ of Matthew (showing that his teaching was pretty much the same as Paul’s, according to the New Testament).
Therefore, Mr. Anderson expresses the true “New Testament Christian” views about “Israel” – no matter what else in his teachings may be un-Christian.
(I ended the blog article with this disclaimer: “As for myself, I don’t believe in a “personal” God, especially one who has ever chosen one people over everyone else; and who gives them a piece of land as their own, calling on them to murder or drive out those people who already occupy that land. “The Force” does not make ‘covenants’ with people, and especially with one people to the exclusion of all others. I believe it was wrong of early Christianity to give any credence at all to such an idea – even though they maintained that God “used to” have a favorite but doesn’t any longer.” [End quote.]
I don’t believe that “God”/The All-In-All/The Universe/”The Force” shows favoritism toward any people/nation/race, or to any geographical location. There are no “chosen people”, and there is no “holy land” no matter what any religious Scripture may say.)
nope, not a christian but he does get many things correct. He believes the old testemant lord god is actually the christian GOD and that in itself excludes him from being a christian but in reality makes him a Jew who practices Judaism in the name of “CHRIST”. You or no one one else will convince him otherwise. yhwh is god to him and somehow CHRIST is connected to this deity either by way of incarnation or he is the father. This makes him the protestant(freemason) that he is. Whether he knows it or not is beside the point. He is not christian in any way other than a fake label.