Ed-note (Sabba) – With no surprise, the author of this op-ed had to bring up the holocau$t, once again. We know this old tactic of theirs off by heart now.
But he does something else: he actually reveals why this is a shameful day for Israel, if, he adds, it was jewish terrorists who deliberately burned down the Dawabsha home in Duma: “It bolsters our enemies. It dismays, embarrasses and ultimately alienates our friends. It harms our own ties to this historic Jewish homeland, for our right to thrive as a Jewish state is intertwined with a Judaism that is humane and deserving of respect and support.“
Since the Nakba, every day has been a shameful day for isreal
That whole state was founded by terrorists for terrorists. What’s the difference between this killing and all the rest that have been taking place for almost 70 years? It’s just another burnt offering to Yahweh. Of course they throw in the holohoax during their condemnation of this crime. We’re never supposed to forget who the “real” victims are.
The people in the whole world has never been told the crimes these monsters have committed in Palestine long before 1947 when the illegal foundation of Israel happened. All these crimes as well as the crimes since the beginning of the 1900 have been excised from the history books and news medias. Under their first Prime Minister Ben Gurion (Polish born) they started full blast their demonic Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine destroying whole cities, towns, villages, mosques kicking out millions of natives and killing and maiming hundreds of thousands.
All this aided and abated by the British and American governments.
The Irgun Gang, the Haganah, the Stern gang were groups of murderers who terrorized the Palestinians for many years.
How can it be possible that the whole world keeps silent in the face of all these attoricies and blame the real victims for what its happening?