Ed-note (Sabba) – I would like to point out here that the concept of women being simple commodities, to be used, abused and thrown away is inherent to judaism. Women in judaism have no status, they have no legal identity whatsoever and so they actually do not exist as ‘persons’.
They can not own anything, they can no do anything without their guardians permission, they can not even pray (now compare that with the status of women in Islam or Christianity…).
So the rabbi is indeed right: he did not break his judaic law, because raping a women is not illegal, except if she is the property of another man. But in this case, it is not the rape which is condemned but tainting and degrading the other man’s honor.
Let us remember the prayer which every jewish man starts his day with, in front of wives/mothers/sisters/daughters: “Blessed are you O God, King of the Universe, Who has not made me “a goy, a slave and a woman.”