ed note–yet more proof of what a lying nest of spies these people are. Indeed, as reported in several noted Jewish and Israeli news sources, Israelis working at the WTC WERE warned via the Israeli-based instant messaging system Odigo not to come to work that day because of impending terrorist attacks. As reported in Haaretz—
‘Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack. Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company’s management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI.’
And as reported in Ynet, only 5 Israelis were killed in the attacks that day, despite the fact that over 4,000 Israelis worked there.
Furthermore, as reported in both the mainstream and alternative media, the ONLY arrests that took place on the morning of 9/11 were the 5 Mossad agents seen by witnesses filming the destruction of the towers and cheering and who later admitted on Israeli TV that indeed they were Mossad and that they had been sent there to ‘document the event’.
from the ADL website–
Minister Louis Farrakhan devoted a large portion of his annual address to followers in Chicago to the anti-Semitic myth that Jews were responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which has extensively reported on the anti-Semitic activities of Farrakhan and his group, said that Farrakhan’s latest speech reaffirms his status as the leading anti-Semite in America.
It was the latest in a long litany of hate-filled diatribes from Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic and racist leader of the Nation of Islam, who has for decades used his pulpit and his organization to promote hatred aimed at Jews, blaming them for — among other things — the slave trade and the modern-day subjugation of Black people in America.
“Farrakhan is the pied piper of bigotry. No one perhaps since Father Coughlin has been able to so use and abuse his status as a religious leader with a large audience to obsessively harp on about perceived Jewish power and influence,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “At a time when anti-Semitic attitudes in America are at historic lows, Farrakhan’s unabashed promotion of anti-Semitism is a throwback to the intolerance of another era.”
Mr. Foxman added, “Unlike most fringe anti-Semites, Farrakhan still has a significant following who not only listen raptly, but who cheer him on with every new insult.”
During Part 2 of his annual Saviours’ Day speech on March 1 at NOI’s Mosque Maryam in Chicago, which was also live-streamed to thousands of NOI members on the Internet, Farrakhan alleged Jews committed the 9/11 terrorist attacks in order to start a war between the West and the Muslim world, and in order to enable the Jewish owner of the World Trade Center to collect billions of dollars in insurance money.
Farrakhan cited one of the most common anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theories, suggesting that Israelis had foreknowledge of the attacks and that Jews received a text message not to come to work on September 11. He also claimed that Israel and Jews control U.S. foreign policy and act against America’s interests.
The NOI’s Saviours’ Day provides Farrakhan with an annual platform to display his hatred for Jews. Prior to his remarks, ADL noted an increase in anti-Semitic messaging on the NOI Research Group’s website.
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Did Louis Farrakhan Just Call for Armed Resistance? Minister’s Fiery Call to all ‘Black Soldiers in the U.S. Armed Forces’ to ‘Come Home, Unite and Fight’? http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/03/05/did-louis-farrakhan-just-call-for-armed-resistance-ministers-fiery-call-to-all-black-soldiers-in-the-u-s-armed-forces-to-come-home-unite-and-fight/
How sad that more people of color in America follow a phony liar like Sharpton instead of a true leader like Minister Farrakhan.
Amazing how so many different groups, of different class, around the world, all bear some kind of wound from the Synagogue of Satan, from Duke to Farrakhan, from Hugo Chávez to Gilad Atzmon.
I have no love for the mason Farrakhan however he does speak truth on some issues. The international Jews hate if you will not laydown and bow to them and their jew god(satan).
If this is not an admission to guilt in ADL’s own writing, then I don’t know what innocent is. They just detailed it all. It’s not just Farrahkan. It’s every person with common sense. Truth the Word!
Konrad: Thanks again for the laughs. I’m hysterically laughing in tears. 🙂 🙂
The solution would be that noble people from all sides cooperate against jewish division tactics.
Whoever say “I AM NOT ANTI-SEMITE” is because they don’t know shit about these diabolical beings. I love watching Minister Farrakhan speeches. He tells nothing but the truth and the truth is what the Jews do not like to hear.
“You know that ,you have done a good days work,if attacked by the Jews” . Adolf Hitler. Notice the typical Jew Formulas . :Anti-Semitism is at historic lows”. “A throw back”. “Like Father Coughlin”.”Perceived Jewish influence”. “Fringe”. “Conspiracy Theory”. This is all cliche for the Gentile public to swallow,and repeat,so they can be so ‘tolerant’,and ‘fit in’. The PM Of Isreal,and war crinimal ,just received 41 standing ovations on Capital Hill. C-Spans Sound Equipment broke;it was so thunderous. So the Jews have ‘no influence,Mr .Foxman? Every head of theUS Fed has been a Jew since its creation in 1913? Coincidence? That is real power ! The Jews ,so at the ‘forefront;,or ‘racial undersatnding;,would call attention to a controversial black man,as their Number 1 opponant ! The Jews love to corral the the US “Conservatives”. Those in denial bigots,who think loving Jews/Israel,is “Patriotoic”,and “The Christian thing to do”.
I must add,to Gary’s Comment : The Jews ‘discoverd’, that fool Sharpton,and put him up,as ‘controlled opposition. He got his start as a gadfly,perenial candidate in New York politics. A laughing stock,and con-man. Just the Jews kind of Gentile Front. Jews know how to herd the masses into one seemingly seperate sections; LEFT/RIGHT,slice,and dice,but all tentacles gi back to them, Funny how they are so proud,and arrogant,yet DENY the power they have. They fear responsibilty for it.
In my opinion, Minister Farrakhan is not a racist, not a bigot, but a blatant truth teller.
1). Israel did 9-11, all the proof in the world – Dr. Alan Sabrosky.
2). Jewish involvements with slave trade and the modern day subjugation of black people in
America are well-documented.
For the ADL, any person who has the moral courage to expose Israel and Jewish crimes is called anti-Semitic, in fact, to the ADL, TRUTH IS ANTI-SEMITIC.
On October 15th, 2001, Israelis were arrested in Mexico. They were armed with weapons and explosives.
Part of the story ~ “Army general and head of the PGR releases two Israelis arrested with guns and explosives inside the Mexican Congress
Ernesto Cienfuegos
La Voz de Aztlan
Los Angeles, Alta California – October 15, 2001- (ACN) In a mind-blowing development, La Voz de Aztlan has learned that Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha who heads the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican Department of Justice) has released the retired Israeli Defense Forces colonel and presumed MOSSAD agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and Israeli illegal immigrant Saur Ben Zvi after both had penetrated the security of the Mexican Congress and where in possession of guns, hand grenades and explosives.
The rest here ~ http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/mex.html
From A to Z Israelis / Jews / Zionists were involved.
The Black entertainers, singers, songwriters, athletes, actors & actresses etc….will more likely than not have a Jew agent involved. It’s their parasitic nature. Michael Jackson came to know them very well. And who owns many of the mega movie makers, the recording corporations, the sports teams, etc, etc? Da Jews.
These corporations of course are on Wall Street.
They keep it in The Fam.
imhotep. Thank you for the links. I have read about the incident and I am also surprised that those Israeli terrorists went home free.The US news media never say any thing about it. We are living in a sea of lies, deception and corruption. High ranking officials have learned how to pledge allegiance to the diabolical Jews.
You’re welcome Isaac. The second link has a link for further reading that is linked to a Christopher Bollyn. I do not trust this guy 100& any longer. I did not click on that particular link (Bollyn’s) so I do not know where it goes to.
Some years ago I was reading a piece about what Menachem Began said about Argentina. It was at the time some Israeli terrorist activity was taking place there. Began made a hostile comment about Britain and what they (Israel) would do if Britain got in the way. I cant find that piece on line any longer and I don’t recall the course even.
Everybody is Israel’s enemy and it makes me believe that I think in time Israel is going to starved. I don’t believe Rothschild is a ‘true Jew’ (whatever that is right?) and I think their purpose for Israel has nearly run it’s course. Same goes for Europe & America….and Saudi Arabia.
I think we are in the phase of the great game where nations are going to be swallowed and borders dissolved now that the financial cabling has nearly been achieved (like a spider web). I have a feeling that Rothschild is going to pull a Strike 3, even on Israel. Israel needs to be cleared of every obstacle within it that may interfere with this next phase coming up around the bend.
In the mid 1800’s, Rothschilds did not come on board to create a ‘homeland for the Jews. Later they decide to. They changed their mind. Now I think they can very easily pull the plug on Israel when the timing is there.
No doubt about it that I may be wrong though.
Considering Jewish zionist powers have reduced black Africans to slaves in Libya,he speaks Truth about Jewish power brockers machinations at home in the USA and abroad.All races suffer at the blood thirsty zio elites..