Ellison had in the past often “defended Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and others accused of anti-Semitism (…) Ellison renounced his support for the Nation of Islam in 2006, when he first ran for Congress, declaring that “at no time did I ever share their hateful views or repeat or approve of their hateful statements directed at Jews, gays, or any other group” and stating that he “rejects anti-Semitism in any form and from whatever source.”
When the jews say you’re done, you’re done. Funny how the jews deny palpable, transparent Truths. A lesson to Gentiles; whatever you’re accused of, Deny, Deny, Deny, no matter what.
Even if you shit your pants at the wedding reception and you’re stinking the whole place up, carry on as normal; and you’ll have the buffet table all to yourself….