“Admit the realities instead of useless use of force and muscle … and put an end to the occupation,” Akhundzada said on Saturday in his first message since being appointed the Taliban leader. He also noted that the Afghan nation stands firm against invaders, stressing that Afghans “neither fear … your force nor your stratagem.”
PRESS TV – The new leader of the Taliban militant group has called on the US to end its “occupation” of Afghanistan as foreign forces are still present in the country 15 years after Washington launched its so-called war on terror.
“Admit the realities instead of useless use of force and muscle … and put an end to the occupation,” Akhundzada said on Saturday in his first message since being appointed the Taliban leader.
He also noted that the Afghan nation stands firm against invaders, stressing that Afghans “neither fear … your force nor your stratagem.”
The Taliban chief further warned those supporting invaders that they are following suit of “those abhorrent faces who … supported the Britons and the Soviets” in the past.
Elsewhere in his comments, Akhundzada raised the possibility of an agreement with the Afghan government if Kabul renounced what he called its foreign allies.
The Taliban planned to create an independent and united country, he said.

Taliban are of pashtun origine at least most of them. Why was israel interested in knowing if Taliban are the lost tribes of israel? (http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2.209/could-the-taliban-be-genetically-linked-to-the-jews-1.261447).
You see Israel knows of the prophecy of the muslim army from khorasan who will liberate the holy land, that army is said to be from banu Isaac (israelites), now wonder why Israel is curious about Taliban orgines? and why Afghanistan can be colonized.