While he pushes nuke deal through Congress, president also said to be weighing options for a peace breakthrough, even if this involves ‘immoderate’ pressure on Israel
ed note–you’ve got to give credit where it’s due, and for Obama to be putting his life at risk by going up against a group of dangerous, fanatical, Judaic fundamentalist nutcases says at least something about his willingness to put everything he has on the line.
What an image: “Apparently things that can be seen from Tel Aviv cannot be seen from Washington”. Which visionary are we to believe? Can we believe either of them? Both seem to view the world through bifocal lenses: half rose-coloured, and the other half cack-coloured. As a poor sucker watching and listening to News bulletins and documentaries, is your vision of what’s going on enhanced or hindered by the background music? Just as well we don’t have smellivision. I already need a bucket at hand. At what level of dishonesty does a democracy cease being democratic? But then, do citizens have a right to honest information? Can you think of any nation where the government trusts its people? How can any thinking citizen trust her government which lies and demands those lies be believed? In some nations it is a criminal offence not to believe sacred official lies. Je suis Alice in Wonderland!
It would be a good idea if Obama does it, but I don’t think that neither Obama nor any American president or politician could fight against the Jews & Israelis… I think the first step should start from inside and the American people… they should see the truth and see who really is controlling their country.
They must choose and go beyond these two corrupt parties (Democrats & Republicans). I don’t think that there will be any hope to go against Israelis as along as we have these two corrupt parties and politicians….
Yes AI: all experience hath shewn that the party system and winner-takes-all elections and the Constitution do not well serve the ordinary people of the USA. The system IS broke, IS too corrupt to fix, and so needs to be brought to an end, and a new system started dedicated to serving the ordinary people. Learn from past mistakes. For starters, any Constitution needs to be amenable for correction of new mistakes. Beyond that, ordinary people need to start seriously working out what are the errors from your past, and what are your options for establishing a stable base for developing a future that will serve your descendants well. If a systemic collapse happens in the near future, how would you rate the preparedness of ordinary people to take charge and keep the supply of essential goods and services flowing?
Mr.Alan Kerns… You were right but you emphasized a lot on American people. The problem here is that majority of people are brainwashed, careless or don’t know what is happening to their country. US is like a ship which is sinking but many people on board don’t see it…
As you know, here many people have lost their jobs, their homes, cars and everything but don’t know the source of their problems. Some think that it is God’s will, some believe they were not lucky or had bad company or bosses… Non of them ever blame the main source which is the political system…
Thanks AI. I think we probably agree that ordinary people everywhere are in no way prepared to participate in rebuilding our societies. No plans, no aims, nothing. The mainstream media will not help ordinary people in any way to organize ourselves. The internet is still open to such an endeavour. The ordinary people of the world can’t afford to meet in some prestigious convention centre somewhere. We’re too bloody poor to stage a World Gentile Congress! But such a congress is still possible on the internet. That, too, would cost money, and would need to be financed – necessarily by many donating little. Rich “philanthropists” can continue to finance their own congresses, but should be barred from contributing anything or participating. What should such a congress deal with first? I think the first challenge should be to ascertain what are the real priorities of ordinary people. We just don’t know whether ordinary people have similar priorities in different nations and societies. This is where voting – yes voting! – would be very useful. Some groundwork would be necessary to prepare a comprehensive list of the factors which are important in the lives of ordinary people. Such a list – of N factors – could be presented, and people asked to rank all of the factors according to their importance to each voter – 1 = most important, 2 = second most important, etc, all the way to N = the least important of the N factors.
If such a plebiscite is possible, then it would have to be organized by experts who have the knowledge and skill to make it immune to tampering. I won’t try to pre-empt such experts. I don’t have such knowledge and skill. But whoever the experts are, they must be steadfastly loyal to the cause of ordinary people.
The results of such a plebiscite must be presented with absolute honesty, without fear or favour.
I predict that there would be considerable commonality among ordinary people in different places as to the priorities in their lives.
Such commonality could provide a basis for ordinary people to begin to organize ourselves with clear aims to work towards.
Does that make sense? Or am I just a silly little old man raving?
It is written that, there must be a World peace, and that that peace will be installed by a deceiver.
Perhaps Netanyahu has demonstrated that he is way too volatile and does not have a role to play any longer.
IF, it is intended to bring about a false World peace, and the Mid East is the main focal point, then it would be necessary for Jerusalem to be accommodating to all the global religions. Israel is very restrictive towards non ‘jews’ presently. Baha’i seems to operate freely there though.
World peace run by a central power? If you spend time pondering that idea – where you seriously imagine every aspect you can think of – the “World peace” boat ends up smashed on the rocks of “a central power”.
Central power is extreme privilege from which ordinary people are excluded. Central power (in every nation) is what we’ve got now. But its not that simple. Central power is run by elected puppets who dare not stray off a very narrow path dictated by their unseen masters who have ready access to any amount of money. Please take time to ponder on what money is, and contrast the extreme difference between (1) what money is to ordinary people, and (2) what money is to central power and their invisible masters.
In simple functional terms money is the power to command provision of goods and services. The masters cannot allow ordinary to have money in excess of what they need to survive. That’s what “austerity” is all about. Ordinary people never have the opportunity to employ each other to work full time on getting organized, developing tactical and strategic plans, establishing cooperative systems among workers whereby ordinary people would be able to survive a prolonged confrontation with the extremely rich masters and their allies among the moderately rich – privileged! – people who are well rewarded for running the herds of ordinary people so as to keep “the economy” working for the masters. The masses of us ordinary people just can’t compete with central power because we lack the money to pay ourselves to do the work.
Central power, in contrast, has unlimited funds when it comes to serving the masters. If the masters want a war, the money is always available, often in the form of debt (to whom?) that ordinary people will repay eventually through taxation. At the same time, central power claims to be always short of money to pay for the needs of ordinary people – public education, public health, etc. And ordinary people passively put up with all this – as do lambs in a slaughterhouse waiting for they know not what.
If there is ever to be anything like world peace, it will have to be based on decentralized responsibility. Not power! But fully accountable responsibility! Can you see that? Accountable responsibility may well only be possible in local communities where people are necessarily mutually interdependent.
Imagine globally centralized power under serious challenge by a well organized mass of ordinary people. Well organized ordinary people? You must be joking. No I’m not joking!
IF ordinary people can get organized, and have a workable plan on how to go about building sane societies dedicated to meeting the needs and reasonable wants of honest and humble ordinary people, THEN there might be a real chance that the masters will realize that ‘the game is up’, their ‘party is over’, and submit to living an honest and humble life of an ordinary person.
The alternative is horrifying. What bridges would a retreating global central power have to burn?