A fresh government will almost certainly bring a more diplomatic foreign minister, but don’t expect a sea change on the Palestinian or Iranian fronts
ed note–as we have predicted here on this website may times, much of the present brouhaha involving Netanyahu is about giving this ugly woman known as the Jewish state a new makeover so as to make her more presentable to a world that has grown tired of her inherently ugly appearance. Netanyahu & co–including Lieberman–are the face of Judaism, Inc. In their brash, brazen and unapologetically-honest behavior, they reveal Judaism (and its political manifestation, Zionism) for what they truly are without all the black magic and makeup, and unless something drastic is done, the Gentile world will eventually and inevitably wake from its slumber and begin the process of expelling this dangerous virus from its body politic, and in the process, thousands of years of work in writing this malware code and loading it onto the hard drive of human thought and activity will be lost, and this is the reason for the removal of Netanyahu and his associates in Likud and Y’Israel Betenyu.
I’m going to disagree. The way I see it, the Israeli masses want a change because the cost of living has made life unworkable in Israel – and Netanyahu doesn’t care. (Indeed he deliberately caused the economic crisis.) The government provides him with a live-in chef, and yet Netanyahu still spends 96,000 government shekels a year (USD $2,000 a month) on gourmet food delivered from restaurants. Netanyahu and his wife spend 75,400 government shekels (USD $20,000) a month on hairdressers, and on maid service for their private palace.
The masses see Netanyahu’s wife as a Marie Antoinette. The stories of her beating and berating servants are legion.
Maybe you remember the “bottle refund” scam. This did not involve a large amount of money, but it was symbolic. Netanyahu and his wife live like royalty at government expense. This includes all manner of drinks delivered to their palace in bottles, again at government expense. Staff members return the bottles for deposit refunds, and the Netanyahus pocket the cash, instead of remitting that money to the government as they should. This is illegal, but Netanyahu was the King.
Netanyahu’s answer to every scandal and every public complaint is “Iran.” This ploy worked for a while, as did the hate-fest against Palestinians, but now the economic stresses are so great that the Israeli masses aren’t buying it anymore.
Rich people and bankers pay Netanyahu to impose neo-liberalism on the masses. Always and everywhere, the sole purpose of neo-liberalism and “market reforms” is to widen the gap between the rich and the rest. The 1% become richer than ever, while the 99% fall into poverty.
(This is a global phenomenon. In Japan, life for average people under the neo-liberal prime Minister Shinzo Abe has become an absolute nightmare. Barak Obama wants to bring this same neo-liberal nightmare to Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela.)
With neo-liberalism, the government falsely claims that there is “no money” for social programs that help average people. Likewise there is “no money” for affordable housing, or for infrastructure projects that would employ the masses. However there is infinite money for war and for weapons makers (since they pay kick-backs to politicians). And there is infinite money to bail out a big bank when its casino bets go bad. The money is infinite, because the Israeli government creates it out of thin air. And yet, there is “no money” for the masses.
Netanyahu’s policies have caused housing prices to increase by 55% during the last five years. Rents went up by 30%. The average Israeli must now pay 38% of all his income on rent alone, even in neighborhoods that are far from the city center. And the numbers keep climbing. (Remember that Israel is miserable little place. Jews and the Jewish mind-set control the world, but in Israel itself is a dung heap.)
Buying a house or a condo is out of the question. Israeli banks require a 25-to-30 percent down payment for a mortgage. A modest three-bedroom condo in the central Jerusalem neighborhood of Nachlaot costs 2 to 3 million shekels (USD $495,000 – $742,000).
Meanwhile, wages have fallen, and unemployment has skyrocketed. Again, it’s all about widening the gap between the rich and the rest.
What is Netanyahu’s response to all this?
“The whole world is against me.”
“It’s Obama’s fault.”
“Anti-Semitism in Europe.”
“Foreign powers want to destroy me.”
But it’s not working. Most Israelis are severely overdrawn on their bank accounts, and they must pay huge overdraft fees. If they have any property as collateral, they take out loans from the bank to pay the bank’s overdraft fees, and then they overdraft their accounts again. Eventually they lose everything to the bank.
This is all by design. It’s all part of neo-liberalism. Bankers and rich people pay their puppet politicians (e.g. Netanyahu) to keep the scam going. In return, the puppet-politicians live in splendor.
My own estimation is that 80% of Israelis want Netanyahu gone. They want a change. Their attitude is “anyone but Netanyahu.”
Netanyahu’s over-confidence caused this trouble. Three short months ago, he summarily fired Cabinet ministers he deemed insubordinate, in effect dissolving his coalition and causing tomorrow’s elections to be held two years ahead of schedule.
Indeed, Netanyahu was so over-confident, and so contemptuous of the masses, that Netanyahu did not order the installation of electronic voting machines until it was too late. (Israel will have machines, but they will not be ready for the election tomorrow.)
Electronic voting machines allow bankers and rich people to control the vote by “correcting” the machines. Since rich people own the corporate media outlets, they run continual stories that the candidates for office are “neck and neck,” regardless of the actual reality. Therefore, even when the masses vote 80-20 against the bankers’ puppet, the election commission announces that the puppet “won” by a 51-49% margin. And the masses believe it.
Israel does not (yet) have electronic voting. Even worse, the media outlets have had a “poll blackout” for the last week, meaning they cannot control the masses by announcing every five minutes that “Polls show that….”
Therefore Netanyahu is now begging smaller right-wing parties (i.e. satellite parties) to “come home” to Likud. (There are 26 parties in the Knesset.) Netanyahu says that if he loses, then Iran and Palestinians will perpetrate another “holocaust.”™
Likud and the Zionist Union are the two largest among 26 political parties contesting the election, and it is not possible for either one to achieve a majority in the 120-seat Knesset. Therefore PM candidates must woo coalition partners, a process which can take weeks to yield a result. In 2013, Livni’s Kadima party bested Netanyahu’s Likud party by a single seat, but she was unable to muster enough support for a workable coalition. Netanyahu was able to.
Nothing. All Jews hate all Goyim. Period.
(And almost all Goyim adore the Jews that despise them.)