ed note–of all the things that should be making people nervous these days, it is the following sentence lifted from the story below–
‘Israeli daily Haaretz reported leaks from the meeting that the prime minister not only proposed limiting settlement construction, but also a raft of measures to benefit the Palestinians.’
Netanyahu is not playing nice vis a vis Trump’s plan to finally settle this business between Israel and the Palestinians because he knows its the moral thing to do. He’s not doing it to save his political career, which is on the rocks. He’s not doing it because it makes sense. In fact he’s not really ‘doing it’ at all. He has–and never will have–any intention whatsoever of giving up one clod of dirt lying between the Nile and Euphrates rivers which he and his nutcase co-religionists believe was given to the Jews by divine mandate. He is ‘playing nice’ and making all these gestures that appear reasonable, conciliatory and fair for one simple reason–he is setting the stage for the next scene, which is some horrific terrorist attack in the US that will be blamed on some entity–Palestinian or at least pro-Palestinian–said to be angry that the ‘peace deal’ offered them did not go far enough, at which point, Bibi can don his best grief-stricken face and go before the cameras which his cousins control in the West and say ‘you see, this is what we have been trying to explain to you stupid goy for all these years…You cannot negotiate with these people. All they want is to kill Jews and kill Americans, and no matter what you give them, it is not enough.’
Obviously at that point, all further plans aimed at resolving this issue will be deep-sixed, and Israel will go back to the business of gobbling up more land.
The discussion is a wrong one! It should not be on the topic: “What does the USA mean for the Jews / Israhellites” The discusssion should have one topic only: “What means the US government for the real Americans” and nothing else. Time to exterminate the parasites, worldwide. The problem with all types of parasites is, they cannot sustain themselves, they are always depending on ignorant hosts.
its funny that in yesterday’s paper Haaretz, they claim that Pres. Trump is planning on doing a false flag terrorist attack when we know who are the real master minds. Every terrrorist attack whether real or planned or far or near is always blamed on the Palestinians!! ISRAEL DOES NOT WANT PEACE BUT IT SHOULD NOT MATTER WHAT ISRAEL WANTS, THE INTERNATIONAL LAW WAS ALREADY LAID OUT!!!
US AND Israel are the same, two sides of a coin. It matters not if one has the instruments of governance hijacked because that minority cannot work without compliance from the other murderers. I see both on an equal footing and with equal fault. We pray that they never achieve their goals in this world and in the next we look forward to their chastisement and justice in the perpetual, eternal hell fire. Newsflash passing away is not death it is but the end to the power of your choice. After passing war mongers will be accountable for their words and actions, God willing.
“As it’s been recently noted, the latest mass-casualties inflicted by US and NATO airstrikes in Raqqa and Mosul reveal that Washington has decided to turn its back on rules designed to protect the innocent. In turn, the Times reports that field commanders appear to be exercising more latitude to launch strikes in CIVILIAN (CAPS BY MJ)-occupied areas than ever before.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to state that we’re witnessing by far the deadliest attack on civilians in decades. Just one US airstrike on a densely populated neighborhood of Mosul resulted in more than 200 civilian casualties, according to the official numbers released.”
How anyone can support this war mongering rat:
Trump said, “The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families.”
This results in the deaths of innocent women and children. Donald Trump has no regard for our basic principles of either Gods laws or their humanitarian laws. This is the law of savagery.
May Allah raise those who will never bow down to evil. Ameen.
You’re really killing me with these pictures!! LOOOOOL!!!!! XD
ed note–Leila, that’s why we call it ‘the ugly truth’.