Image result for ahed tamimi joan of arc

ED-NOTE – She is much, so much more than known pedophile Mahatma Gandhi. To quote a dear friend of mine, she is the Palestinian Saint Joan Of Arc. CONTINUE READING

2 thoughts on “Ahed Tamimi offers Israelis a lesson worthy of Gandhi”
  1. I shared the article on Facebook, but was not allowed due to some conveniently Out Of Service feature. I remember this girl from a few years ago. I saw the rage in her while 2 cowardly Israeli soldiers were fighting off her slapping hands. Now she is a young woman in jail for defending others from the daily and violent abuse of Israeli life.

  2. This is a video link included in the Jonathan Cook story:
    Jonathan Pollak on London & Kirschenbaum (the guy London is a real prize)
    This other video discusses the crackdown in the West Bank, the fact that the Jews are unwilling to have a Palestinian state in the West Bank, the Likud’s call to annex the West Bank, the probability the Jews interpret Trump’s declaration on Jerusalem as a green light to annex the West Bank, the kerfuffle between the Likud and the Jewish Home Party, as well as the fear the Jews have over Ahed Tamimi and the calls from all types of Jews in government for her to be harshly punished (obviously to set an example for the rest of the upstarts).

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