putin bibi

EXCLUSIVE-Strategika 51: Six Russian fighter jets type Multirole Sukhoi SU – 30 SM have intercepted 4 Israeli McDonnell Douglas F-15’s fighter bombers attempting to infiltrate the Syrian coast.The Israeli F 15 warplanes have been flying over Syrian airspace for months and in particular the coast of Latakia, which is now the bridgehead of the Russian forces in Syria.(…)

Surprised by a situation as unexpected and probably not prepared for a dogfight with one of the best Russian multipurpose fighters, Israeli pilots have quickly turned back South at high speed over the Lebanon.

The Lebanese army has officially announced at 2313 Z (local time) that four “enemy aircraft” (Israeli) had crossed the airspace of the Lebanon.  


0 thoughts on “Air Duel between Russia and Israel begins: Russian fighter jets intercept israeli warplanes”
  1. Hell yes…. Those Zionists knew better than to F— w the MAN. Run like a scolded dog u are. Come on Mr. Putin

  2. Well ,well well…..Jews don’t like to confront a well equipped opponent do they ?
    I bet they panicked big time !
    Real fighters,and real pilots. I hope the Russians locked on .

    Hey Israelites , these Russians are not like bombing the poor Palestinians who can’t fight back ..right ?

    Why run?
    I thought ” Prophecy” ,and ” Guuuud” , was one their side?

    I bet Russia has the Zionist Entity,on their nuclear targeting list!

    So the Ssmson Option is out too.

    Thank you Mr Putin ….Hail the Third Rome..

  3. we know that those parasites don’t give up so easy, I pray to God that those Russian fighters be always prepared, because for as long as the rest of the lawless nations continue to carry on missions in Syria they more likely will try to knock them out of the sky and then blame the Syrians for it after all is we all know that they are not men enough to accept blame for any thing they do no matter how obvious it may be.

  4. Hmmm

    The important point here is that Israel deliberately broke international law by violating Syrian air space. Under international law sending heavily armed warplanes inside another country is generally considered an act of war. So where is the outrage and condemnation of Israel by the UN and the international community? And it is critically important to understand that Russia is operating there at Syria’s request while the US and Israel are operating inside Syria illegally against the wishes of the Syrian government.

  5. “Israeli cleaners at the Military airbase accused Russia of using the infamous “Skunk Water” to attack the Israeli jets in Syrian airspace. They claimed that on trying to clean the returning jets, ‘It smelled as though a sewage works had been emptied in the cockpits’.”
    Israeli defense force later clarified that “It had been an inside job.”

  6. I believe very difficult to hold this war in a contained way,”limited” to fight all kind of terrorists without including the Sionist Usurper Entity.
    Russia is forced to show a harsh unaccommodating policy towards constant israeli agresion.
    If jewish controlled west doesn’t find (and very quickly) a diplomatic way out agreement including Assad’s permanence in power,this conflict will surely scalate with dire consequences to mankind.

  7. and the article continues:
    “Israël a vivement protesté auprès de Moscou de cet incident mais les russes ont exigé des explications sur la présence d’avions de combat israéliens en plein espace aérien syrien. Cet incident indique que la protection de l’espace aérien syrien est désormais sous la protection de l’arme aérienne russe. Ce qui cause des grincements de dents à Washington.
    L’incident a été passé sous silence par les grandes agences de presse mais les relais politiques et médiatiques d’Israël aux Etats-Unis, en Europe et dans le monde arabe vont redoubler d’efforts pour diaboliser le soutien russe au gouvernement syrien.”

    Quick translation:
    Israel has lodged a vigorous protest with Moscow over this incident but the Russians demanded explanations of the presence of Israeli combat jets well within Syrian air space. This incident shows that the Syrian air space is from now on under the protection of the Russian air force. This causes some teeth grinding in Washington.
    The incident was passed over under silence by the big press agencies, but the political and media networks of Israel and the US, Europe and the Arab world will redouble their efforts to demonize the Russian support of the Syrian government.

  8. Note: I don’t know why they call it an air “duel.” It’s not a fight between equals. Chasing away a cowardly bully is not a “duel.” It was cleaning up the air space of intruding pests.

  9. Israel will certainly run to shabbos goyim Senator John McCain shrilly screaming “bullies” made Israel soil it’s pants in the playground.

  10. Syria war is poised by experts and war loads that have caused the death of million innocent populations of Syrian people. World powers must be blamed for that because of failure to end the wat peaceful.

  11. PJ London, your information is incomplete, a problem I noticed before with your otherwise good comments.
    Yes, the Russian jets did indeed spray the Israeli jets with skunk water AT FIRST. They soon realized, however, that contrary to their expectations, the Israeli jets performed better* after spraying, as if they had been re-fuelled in the air. “Performed better” means they were able to flee back to base faster.
    A multidisciplinary team of Russian researchers, aviation specialists, biologists and communication specialists, were able to conclude that the Israeli formula known as “skunk water” is a substance that is noxious to non-Jews only, whereas it has amazingly beneficial biological, cultural and industrial applications and effects for Jews only. It is but one of the fruits of long years of research of Technion Institute under the umbrella of the ‘For Jews Only Project.”


    That chutzpah evaporated pretty fast–didn’t it?–when the Russians jets flew in. Did they honestly think the Russians would allow them to invade the airspace directly above their center of their operations? The Russians would have shot them if they’d insisted. They’re not messing around.Let’s see if the US can get the Turks to fly, intentionally, into Russian-controlled Syrian airspace, just to be a sacrificed pawn to get some crap started.

  13. Ariadne ; This all started when the Israelis in the early 60s passed a law prohibiting Palestinians from defecating by the side of the road. This caused some discomfort to the Palestinians, owing to the fact that toilet facilities were sparse, but had the dire consequence of depriving the Settlers of their major and favourite source of food.
    This is the real reason that the Israelis are so hate filled toward the Palestinians. Imagine if Americans were deprived of Ketchup.

  14. Jews are obsessed by bodily fluids ,and especially excrement.
    Of course they would accuse the Russians of ” skunk water”.

    It’s a projection …Jews are infamous on that.

    I hope it was so true though !

    ” Dirty Jews”.

  15. Hopefully the Russian Navy knows exactly where the Ziopunk’s nuclear capable subs are at all times and if and when it becomes necessary, they are sunk before the Zio’s can say, “Oy Vey”!

  16. Let us keep it in perspective. Israel has top pilots, great aircraft, and tough warriors. Maybe they have lost some of their edge since the days when they had to be on toes against overwhelming numbers as the Arab nations have lost focus and resources since ceasing to be proxies for Soviet policies, but I have ZERO doubt of Israeli military competence. neither the Israelis, nor the Russians, do idiot things like make their male troops wear high heeled shoes and pregnancy simulators, or force their elite units to pass women like the USA has, does, and is now doing to ensure they can have a female “ranger.”. I would say, on balance, the Russians and Israelis do not give into that kind of idiotic political correctness and use their militarize for social engineering amndoing feminist agendas. If the USA finds itself in a knock down drag out with a peer competitor we are going to learn some damned ugly lessons and I shudder to think……

    It is a virtual guarantee that the Israeli pilot ran because they had no clearance to engage Russian forces. First, we damned well know from history what happens when Arab pilots, typically undertrained and in technologically less sophisticated combat jets, mix with Israelis….they get shot down in unbelievably lopsided kill ratios and then face an escalating pattern of reprisals until they say “No mass.”. Syria being the mess it is, the Israelis, Americans, Brits, Seagulls, angry kids with Kites, whatever, have carte Blanche to fly in and do their business.

    but to take on well trained, likely elite and volunteer, Russian Pilots flying their nation’s latest generation combat aircraft….well that is another thing. even if the Israelis won the engagement, it would probably not be lopsided and almost surely in the context there would be a massive outrage and Russian response. Israel can talk a lot of shit, but it cannot hold nukes over Russia like it can the Arabs, and in an all out conventional battle, I think the Israelis COULD go in and stomp the Russian forces in theater because Israel is close, with its entire force structure within 100 miles or far less, and Russia just does not have the forces on hand, or massive power projection capacity to come in force if opposed. It would be a damned interesting scenario to see what would happen with the (much reduced from Cold War) Russian Navy Black sea Fleet trying to Reinforce against Israel in Syria, opposed by sea, land and air, and I think Israel, for reasons of strategic position and massive forces relative to size, would probably give better than it got. I no longer keep track of Russian TO&E so I do not know if they have the forces to win or overwhelm Israel, which CAN, and DOES punch well above it’s weight.

    But Israel would have pissed off an opponent that can rapidly go nuclear and just end it within 30 minutes, and I do not know that it wants to chance it. The real ugly is how quickly would the USA be pulled into aiding the Israelis, and if so, how badly would it all unspool.

    So Bet your bottom dollar that there was NOTHING the Israelis could have accomplished on that airstrike mission worth the risk of tangling with Russian forces and escalating into a major theater conflict that could go nuclear and or pull in the USA (and you can bet Amwrican forces fitting Russians in Syria would find the Russians pissed off enough to maybe clear NATO out of the former Warsaw pact border nations we absolutely promised we would NEVER expand NATO into, let alone station American combat formations and forward bases in…but have.

    To anyone remotely smart…this could get so fecking ugly, so terrifying, so fast,

    I know. I am an old Cold Warrior. I was going to be a Navy nuclear engineering tech or officer, but ended up going army special forces instead. For years prior to joining the service, during, and after, I lived to study these issues and force structures, strategies, and so on to extent I could. I have not kept up with details much since mid 1990s, but a lot of the same logic still holds. Russia is no longer prostate, and has never been helpless. We are playing dangerous games.

  17. I would disagree with your statement Murf: they may have state of the art weapons/aircrafts etc. but they do not have tough soldiers, let alone warriors. They have shown the world time and again that they only people they can fight are those who are defenseless, the only people they are brave enough to fight are women, children and unarmed civilians in general (Gaza).

    They can not even fight the resistance fighters of Hamas except from a far distance, by bombing everything and everyone. They are unable to fight them on the ground, not even while wearing their nappies/diapers. Hamas gave them such a hard time last summer that the chosenites had the nerve to call it their ‘Stalingrad’ and even named it Gazagrad!!!! They could not cope against the Gazan: can you image how they would fare against an Iranian? A ‘soldier’ who ‘fights’ wearing nappies is unfit to fight, it is almost embarrassing, disgraceful for Hamas and Hezbollah to have to fight against such creatures.

    They are dead scared of the true Warriors of the Middle East, namely Hezbollah and Iran.

    The reason for this, in my opinion, is because they do not know why they are fighting and they are scared of death.
    On the other hand, the Warriors of Hezbollah and Iran and the brave resistance fighters of Hamas/Islamic Jihad are fighting for a cause which is far greater than themselves, indeed, far greater than Life itself.

    It surely can not be a coincidence that the 3 groups of people who are the most successful in their resistance/fight against the synagogue of satan are all doing so in the name of God, namely Hezbollah, Iran and Russia.

    The children of satan are scared of death, whereas those on the other side are not.

    And no one, no army, no military, no country can defeat a man who is not afraid to die. No one.

  18. The IsraHeli’s, and jews in general, are basically COWARDS when confronting an opponent equally armed. They need other “shabbos goy” types to fight their wars. The Army , especially draftees, will start bawling and run home to their mommas. Look how the they got their butt kicked in Lebanon years ago. Give me one well-trained and equipped Arab and/or Muslim soldier dedicated to defending his country and family over three joo fighters anytime.

    The jooz are only “brave” when they can drop bombs on defenseless Palestinians in Gaza and shooting un-armed children in the West Bank.

    The peaceful dissolution of the murderous criminal state and racist, supremacist theocracy run by gangsters and pyschopaths can not come too soon.

  19. Murf #22: “To anyone remotely smart…this could get so fecking ugly, so terrifying, so fast,”
    Indeed, the parallels with 1914 are chilling.
    As in 1914, Western nations are being led by puppets serving aliens.
    Murf, will it require loyal American military folk to mutiny against the puppets in order to rescue the American people from the mess they have been in for over a century?

  20. sabba….

    Almost anyone is afraid of death. Scary thing of palestinian children is a huge number of them, something like forty percent, are so psychologically damaged that they do not value their own lives having witnessed their people, parents, culture, brutalised firsthand. This is a horrific thing and it explains the suicide bombing mentality,

    But you are wrong. “the Jews” HAVE fought well, hard, and have incredibly tou, well trained, aggressive soldiers and warriors. do not confuse the American, suburbanised, professional intellectual, stereotypically Jewish person with what Israel has, needs, and makes of its soldiers. It may be argued that they are not as sharp as they were 1948-1973, but I have known Israeli combat vets, trained with some of their troops when I was in a special forces unit, and studied a number of their military campaigns, battles, tactics, etc. Right down to their operations in the Bekka valley and in urban warfare settings,

    long occupations brutalise the occupied, and create bullies of the occupiers, and occupation troops vs combat formations in operation are not to be equated.

    The criticisms you level against israel can be more accurately levelled against the American military. Force protection (at all costs), feminization of the services, political correctness run amok, and a love of using the military to substitute for political engagement, forcing compliance with imperial policies, yet politically sensitive to the danger of turning the public off by sensitivity to casualties causes incredible distortions.

    And ANY populace can and should become war weary when operations are ongoing over long term. America lost it’s mind with ONE event like 9/11. ONE day,ONE event, and we launch everywhere believing hosts of blatant govt lies, coverups etc starting a series of ongoing wars that had nothing to do with any of it. Americans have. Wen conditioned to mock the French as cowards for not acting similarly stupid. The fact is America would self destruct if it had ever reotely faced the prices France paid in war. for instance, in ww1, if you average French casualties, they suffered just under 1000 killed in action, and 3000 wounded in action EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR FOUR YEARS. In other words, it was like an event like 9/11 every day for four years. NOW, if you want to norm it for population, since France had a far smaller population, to make America suffer as badly as the French did, consider that the USA population circa 2001 was about 300 million and those French casualties were concentrated in military age males in a total population of 40 million.

    For America circa 2001 to suffer like France did in ww1, to have a sense of proportion. It would require America losing 7200 dead and over 22,000 wounded EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR FOUR YEARS. Tell me if you think America would pay that price. How about the USSR, which suffered enough combat DEAD in the first six months of ww2 to fully wipe out KIA the ENTIRE current US Army divisional structure 30 times over,

    So do not talk about cowardice and Jews and combat unless you have spent a long time in it because the longer you have combat ops going, the more force protection is an issue. Occupation and guerilla war are part of the game, and no war, if you can help it, is amongst equals. One of the very first lessons I learned of and in combat is that AMBUSH is the preferred method of combat…Kill your enemy before he even knows he is in a fight. This notion of equating continuous aggssion and knock down drag out with bravery is Juat idiocy. A serious and competent student of military history will note that armies long engaged become “gun shy” because casualties mount and morale suffers and enthusiasm and unconstrained aggression is something the newbies have but that wears out of you the more experience you get and it becomes realised it is not a one week, one month, or even one year war but “no end in sight.”. The phrase “there are old soldiers, and the are bold soldiers, but there are no old bold soldiers ” is true and those who are most eager for action and talk of “kicking ass” generally have not seen much, or any action, and almost certainly have not done so on equal footing where the enemy inflicts casualties as good as they got. America’s plutocracy has been VERY careful to prevent this lest the American public turn rapidly against whatever war is being waged, and massive casualties, like the ones we inflict with airpower, cluster bombs, unconstrained firepower, etc , if ever inflicted on us would likely leave a psychic scar so deep we would not wage foreign war and would rapidly turn towards intelligent isolationism.

    Because the watchword for almost anyone in war, given a choice is “I want to go home…alive, with all my limbs, my sight, my dick working and intact, and no colostomy bag, unparalysed.”

    And I know what modern weapons and IEDs do…not just to life and limb, but to brains and IQ, There is no such thing as a fair fight, or a fair war, with rarest of exceptions, unless you are talking about sporting events. The so called draftee cowards of Israel performed admirably on many occasions when faced with overwhelming numbers, sometimes even superior equipment, and initial reverses and heavy casualties. In 1973, an Israeli armoured brigade, counter attacking Egyptians in the Siani unsupported in desperation , and sans air support (because their jets were being knocked out of the sky by a carefully planned radius of soviet supplied advanced SAM systems) lost 97 out of 100 tanks in several hours of combat. They had their ass handed to them, but there is NO DAMNED WAY you can say they were not brave, aggressive, self sacrificing, or possessed of a warrior ethos. On the other front of that war, fighting syrian armour in the golan heights and elsewhere (details as to locale elude me at moment, it was years ago that I studied the battle reports), the mech formations of young conscripts fought themselves out of shells. Killed Syrian armoured vehicles at ratios of 20 to 1, went days without sleep, suffering severe casualties, utter exhaustion, and the psychological costs that comes with killing. A combat psychologist , normally a civilian psychologist, at the front to try to help deal with combat fatigue, said of the young men who pulled back, grabbed ammo resupply, and went back to the line, not only to maintain the defense, but then go on the counter attack, said “if these men are going back into the fight, I better forget everything I learned about psychology and human stress reactions.”

    Letting your prejudice and anger at Jews, Israeli policies, colour your thinking illogically, denying history and reality is not intelligent. There is plenty of room to criticise Israel , the actions of its military, etc without wishful thinking and an almost slobbering anticipation of them “getting theirs” while presuming they are cowards is an opposite version of a psychological phenomena known as “the halo effect”. That basically means you like someone, and what they do, think, believe, etc, so you ignore their faults and look on the favourably, even in ways and aspects that are not justifiable. Conversely, not liking someone, you ignore their strengths, positive aspects, accomplishments, talents, and evidence of their being correct, listening to these rants against Israel reminds me of people calling a sports team with a consistently winning record as “bums” and explaining away their victories as undeserved because they played “chumps” tom minimise the accomplishments and crete rationalisations.

    Instead of wishful thinking, look at history, the record, evidence, fact. Like the SS and Wehrmacht, which Israel based its officer selection and training on (and their method of officer selection and grooming is superior to the US and UK models and the record shows this), you can acknowledge the competence and ability of a nation or military while condemning its conduct and policies. It does not make the actions of the Israeli govt, its brutality , etc any less wicked to acknowledge that the Israelis have a deadly military. The question is, like the USA, has a long period lacking true existential threat, and being accustomed to fighting lopsided battles against poorly armed insurgent type forces degraded the ability of the israeli military in general to face a competent peer competitor which has the capacity to fight aggressively for dominance on land and in air, denying them their accustomed air superiority advantages.

    And to get a bit eccentric….I recall reading prophecies in the early 1990s, when Russia was prostrate, that said Armageddon meant Russia was Gog or Magog and the battle of Armageddon would see Russian armies fighting Israel in pitched battles as fulfillment of the Gog Magog thing. I thought then “NO fecking way ” and “HOW?”. I will admit to being raised arch catholic, Jesuit educated, an initiated (inactive) master freemason, but I do not really follow any religion, though culturally identify as a Christian. I do not hold messianic views, consider myself faithful, etc, but the recent news story of the deployment of 100,000 Russian forces to Syria, Russia actively committing to defense of Syria, now actively intrcepting Israeli jets makes one think….

    Bit whatever God has in mind, or whatever folly of man leads to conflict ….do not engage in wishful thinking about the cowardice, incompetence, etc of Israel just because you do not like Jews (which comes across clearly). If Russia and Israel went at each other full on in and over Syria, did not use nukes, or draw in USA and NATO, in land sea and air…..I would say casualties all around on both sides would be heavy ot not excessive….and I would give Israel good odds.

  21. I guess the pretense of intelligent, or thoughtful, or factually referenced discussion is done with commets like 27 by Tapp. Next phase of this I believe is likely a dead topic or flame wars…so I am out. It is a shame. It seemed like there were people here who had things to say, but once the one line derogatory or snide comments start, it becomes a standard case of the bad driving out the good. It is always easier to just level insults for the small minded than exchange information and ideas.

  22. To comment 25, by kerns, I agree with your analysis. In the military, I took a history of ww1 course at university (among many other history courses….). A book, the Longest Fuse, detailed and discussed the many tensions, prior opportunities for war that did not spark in previous years, etc, it was interesting, useful, and with a lot of the other reading I did served to direct my thinking. My thinking was changed radically, more than a decade later, when I finally came to grips with the history, role, machinations, etc of the federal reserve and banksters, none of which were discussed or detailed in many history courses that should have covered them, and in a number of economics courses as ll (leaving an enormous shadow or “blank spot” essentially). That whole subject, and finding where the machinations of banksters explained some otherwise inexplicable choices, actions, etc in the war and leading up to it.

    In fact, in ww1, ww2, cold war, etc, even napoleonic wars, i have found common aspects and threads that greatly affected events that did not get treatment or discussion in th orthodox histories but were of enormous import in comjg to understand how things played out. I wish I had encountered the information, perspective earlier.

    So, given that you seem like a person who is following current events closer than I am AND also seem to have some (maybe a lot of?) historical education with relevant subject matter, what is your take on recent developments, where it parallels ww1, and what is the most like trigger for, and manner of, events unspooling?

    Accidental (or deliberately provoked ?) military encounter? Financial crash that makes populations desperate and politicians seeking war thinking it can be controlled and Ed as a distraction as The Argentinian Junta thought of the Falklands in 1982 ? Think things will defuse, or escalate Regionally only, or escalating to global (fighting spreads to Ukraine with NATO vs Russia, china and USA flash point in spratley island forts being built? What? Do you have an opinion, and any info or perspective relevant , any other new stories or developments to point to?

    Just curious. Picking the future is hard, trends a bit easier…but always interesting to see different (intelligent, considered) opinions on future developments and crises.

  23. Thanks for replying, Murf. I’m just a plodder suffering from incurable confusion, trying to make as much sense as I can from the appalling mess our civilization is in, and how we got to where we are. It’s clear that the extent of your reading extends way beyond mine. My reading is painfully slow – mainly because I insist on thinking about what I read – and that exhausts me. We can do no more than our best.
    First: banks. My understanding is that banking was very active in the Netherlands in the heyday of Dutch imperialism, the Dutch East India Company, etc – the 17th century. But the first official national bank was the Bank of Sweden founded in 1668. I’ve just done some surfing on the history of that bank, looking for the military connection. Fruitless. Try the back door – Swedish wars. My goodness, how militarily active was the Swedish monarch back in those days. So many wars. I’m afraid I have to resort to interpolating my inference to explain the bleeding obvious. I think it highly probable that the ordinary [sub-monarch] people of Sweden were perhaps less than grateful to their monarch for making them pay for his wars. My guess is that some highly experienced bankers would have advised the monarch that they would directly lend him whatever money he needed, provided he guaranteed to service the debt via the resources of his nation. Thereafter, the monarch would demand tax payments, not for military purposes, but to repay the national debt.
    One would like to think that good sensible ordinary people would not cop such junk logic. But one would be disappointed. The ordinary Swedish people did cop that junk logic. And thus was central banking born. Oversimplification? What do you think, Murf?
    I think that junk logic fits – in Sweden in 1668, in England in 1694, etc. A pivotal turning point in history, in my opinion. Does it not also fit the establishment of the Fed? Junk logic, junk members of a junk Congress pushing through junk legislation two days before Christmas 1913, confirmed by a junk President beholden to junk blackmailers, … . And then? And then World War I.
    Let’s go back beyond central banks to another pivotal turning point – 1515.
    I quote from Michael Hoffman’s 2013 book, “Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not” from page 141:
    “On May 4, 1515, at Lateran Council V, Session X, in the Bull, Concilii in decima sessione super materia Montis Pietatis, Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici, “Pope Leo X,” overthrew the solemn dogma of the Roman Catholic Church from its founding, and, as “sovereign pontiff,” declared that the interest-bearing monte banks were in no way sinful, and were in fact meritorious. Any person who claimed they were mortally sinful would, the Medici pope declared, be henceforth excommunicated.”
    The monte banks referred to specialized in low interest loans to poor people. Ordinary people duped by junk logic again. But earlier!
    Why am I going on about all this? I think it’s important. What is the most important aspect?
    My answer: ordinary people tolerating junk logic, accepting junk logic, and eventually accepting junk logic as fact. That matters!
    What is that banks lend?
    Of course they lend money – the nothing that is everything.
    Without money, how could leaders/puppets pay for wars?
    Without money to pay for it: no war, no science, no technology, no industry, no commerce, no arts, no sport, no food, no … well you get the message, I hope. Nothing gets done in a monetary civilization unless money has been borrowed to pay for it. That is the way our monetary civilization works.
    Does it have to be that way?
    Dare we think that it may not have to be that way?
    But it’s so huge – so huge that we dare not let it fail. That would be the end of civilization as we know it.
    I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking that sounds extremely attractive. How rotten does a civilization have to become before ordinary people start smelling the rot, and coming to the conclusion that “This has got to stop?”
    But wait – they can’t think.
    Sure they can think!
    But they can’t think about this!
    Why the flipping hell not?
    This is getting too long, and I’m just warming up.
    Murf, I’m thinking that World War III might be enough to distract people from such unacceptable thoughts, and some powerful people might be willing to employ such a junk tactic.
    I’ll leave it at that for now.

  24. Intercepting intruders in one’s protected airspace is common specially if the defender is well equipped to intercept uninvited guests. Japan is doing it on Russian jets intruding on its declared airspace, NATO member countries intercepting Russian aircraft flying on its airspace, so is China against USA and vice versa and just recently Turkey against Russia. It’s no big deal until adversaries began shooting each other. Russia is securing its base in Latakia, same happens if Russian fighters decide to overfly Israel’s airspace. And more of the incident will happen since Russia and Israel will will proving each other’s capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, it’s combat readiness, defense technology, etc.

  25. Mark Lowe; No, it’s time for Russia to put the U.S./IsraHel/NATO axis of evil in its place, along with all of the IsraHeli-Firsters who infest humanity.

    Lock and load, a slaughter of Biblical proportions is coming to the traitors of human decency that defend and protect the Satanic/demonic IsraHel.

  26. To Alan Kerns (and anyone interested of course)

    It is 1am UK time (am a US vet living expat in London with my family) and I just checked this page . I have a webinar to login in a bit, and it is late, so I will try to answer here later. I like the way you consider issues and admit your process . I like the longer answers you write, and multi level analysis of issues. If I have not answered you tonight ish or tomorrow , feel free to goose me at my email. If you want to keep discussing this and other things offline…ditto, because I imagine tis venue comment forum will exhaust itself anyway. I can be written at ancient(NO SPACES between words)engineers AT googlemail DOT com.

  27. I guess the Israeli pilots know only how to bomb unarmed civilians.!!! But once they confronted with a real threat they run a way!!!

  28. Jack #41; The jooz are basically cowards. Always have been, always will be. That is why they must get the dumb “goys” to do their dirty work. They start WWI and get the Gentiles to kill each other. They start WWII and get the stupid goys to kill each other AGAIN! However, now the Internet is waking people up and they can no longer fool all of us. Their days are numbered. However, I do NOT want them exterminated for their crimes against humanity (even though they deserve to be) for the last three thousand + years. Oh no, I want them to live and prosper so that they may pay REPARATIONS for three hundred years to the Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and Gentiles in general for their Satanic doings upon humanity. MAKE THEM PAY AND MAKE THEM PAY FOR CENTURIES!!!

    I think 25% of their gross income, realized and unrealized, to be paid is quite fair. What do all of you think?

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