bibi peace


5 thoughts on “Alarmed European Jews Want Netanyahu Replaced with a Leader for Peace”
  1. So the heartless European Jews have not been alarmed over the years whilst little Palestinian children are shot dead, and pregnant Palestinian women are being shot in the stomach?

    So why would the Jews want to change now? They don’t. They just want to look like they are no longer with the several thousand year old program of extermination of any peoples living on land that they wish to take, and of course they really are still with the program, and lying about it is just another example of their typical shiftiness.

  2. All are tactics with the Jews.
    As half Jew Lenin put it; ” when you encounter resistance withdraw .”

    The Jews had to replace ” Conservative” jingoistic Bush 2 ,with a ” Liberal Muslim” ; Obama,because the Republicans jingoism was to obvious,snd ignited go much opposition.

    Obama is doing what the Neoconservatives /Jews desire but in a more subtle form.

  3. Dante
    since when was Obama a ‘Liberal Muslim’??
    What just because he has the name of Hussein??
    His first name IS BARAK [as in Ehud BARAK] but Americans say nothing about that!
    His mother has Jewish roots and some allege that his ‘Muslim’ father is indeed NOT his real father. but that is another long winded issue.

    Obama is a staunch Zionist, very pro Israeli and very proud and happy to speak Yiddish’ and his wife’s cousin is a well known Rabbi
    Obama’s Mentors have all been Jewish, [Rahm Emanuel, Kissinger] as are the vast majority of his Government.
    He more than any other US President thus far, has given more military and Financial assistance to Israel, and killed more Muslims with just a couple of years of his presidency, with his blood lust wars for Israel against Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan as well as 100% support for Israel’s war Crimes against Palestinians
    There is absolutely nothing Muslim about ZIONIST Judeo Christian Obama- nothing.
    It is disingenuous of anyone to claim he is in anyway linked to Islam.
    He is a Judeo ZIONIST Initiate through and through

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