
KATHEON – “One thing is clear: Brexit means that the same forces that created the European Union, the same old globalist club, are now dissolving it for their own purposes, having become disappointed or now looking for a different strategy. Anyway, this will clearly lead to chaos.

Such chaos has existed in the Middle East and the Arab world for a long time now, but now it is Europe’s turn. And everything is prepared for this. The British might be somehow simply fleeing a sinking ship. But they are not exactly safe.”


3 thoughts on “Alexander Dugin On The Brexit: Nothing Personal”
  1. In essence it’s the same hunters in new garb only. The empire of chaos will employ new methods in its attempt to further enslave humanity while keeping the farce of democracy alive.

  2. #2. I am with you. Its the people’s vote and I really hope it prevails. But since when the governments comply with the people’s wishes?. Remember in 2003 when Bush was selling his invasion against Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world marched in hundreds of cities and in the US against the war. Did it matter? The Zionists forced us to accept their diabolical wishes like it or not.
    Besides, the masters of the world, The Rothschild’s Criminal Mafia control the whole world from London.

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