
GLOBAL RESEARCH – Finally, the skeleton is out of the Arab Spring closet via an article in Foreign Policy written by Jonathan Spyer. Israel has been at war for total dominance in the Middle East and, according to the senior research fellow at the Global Research in International Affairs Center (Rubin Center) and Jerusalem Post columnist, Tel Aviv is about to engage in Syria to confront Iran. CONTINUE READING

5 thoughts on “All Blood Leads To Israel – Israel’s Role in the Cataclysm to Come”
  1. P.s. I do hope for a lot of comments. One that I should have noted above is that, along with the global context of the analysis, I wish that Mr. Butler had made sure to recognize Palestine as the core issue that drives all of Zionism’s psychosis and criminality. Palestine Is STILL The Issue!

  2. Well, the agenda for the Middle East was clearly spelled out in 2006 in the aftermath of the Mossad/CIA controlled and operated IXXI ‘Pearl Harbor Event’, by Jewish General Wesley Clark … Namely, seven countries in five years …
    The question, according to Phil Butler, remains, “What can we do about it?” … “The answer to the question is not a positive one, for in the west the game is pretty much rigged. Citizens are either distracted by local crises, or they are uneducated and apathetic toward global geopolitics. In short, we’re ill prepared to do anything at all.”
    One hears loose talk by various web pundits that ‘people are waking up’. I see practically no evidence of it on the ground. Even if White Europeans are partly awake to the destruction not only of the Middle East, but of their own homelands, they have little to no idea of the root cause … namely Jew control of the money supply. In my experience, the mere mention of it causes grown men to recoil in fear and horror, such is the depth of the conditioning. The Jews have managed to replace Christ as a figure of murdered and mutilated innocence.
    Until White Europeans finally jack up and refuse to keep paying the Jews to wage war on them, they will proceed toute suite with their agenda … namely the takeover of the entire planet and in the process, the utter and total destruction of their primary historic enemy – the White European. And the only way to stop paying tithes to the Jews and to force a crisis is to nationalize the central banks and completely wipe the usurious debt the Jews have saddled us with. Iceland managed it.
    At the end of the day and the going down of the sun, the Trumpeter is subject to the same agenda. Very little he can do to reverse the tide, even if he wanted to. In the end, it is strictly business. And the business is keeping the shitty usurious money system to which we are all yoked, operating…
    We hear the siren scream
    It sounds so lean to me
    We love to shake it down
    Know what we’re talkin’ bout
    In rock we trust, it’s rock or bust
    In rock we trust, it’s rock or bust
    In rock we trust, it’s rock or bust
    In rock n’ roll we trust, it’s rock or bust

  3. Intelligent comment, James Benn! I really like “The Jews have managed to replace Christ as a figure of murdered and mutilated innocence.”! Sigh….

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