‘All of the actions we do, whether they are in Jerusalem or anywhere else in Israel, are based on Torah…We are fulfilling the Torah’s commandments. What we see here, around us, are people raising money for those who put their energy into Torah. This entire process strengthens those who learn Torah every day, and it gives me strength because I know that I am fulfilling what the Torah says…’
ed note–once again, something that should not need repeating but nevertheless must be repeated in the interests of disabusing those who–despite not just a mountain of evidence, but indeed a mountain RANGE–continue to cling irrationally to the notion that modern day Judaism and its followers have abandoned the Torah and instead follow the Talmud.
Torah or no Torah, these Jooz still twist it to their own ends. For “Whose end is destruction; whose God is their belly; and whose glory is in their shame; who mind earthly things.”[Philippians 3:19]
And, “And He said: I will hide my face from them, and will consider what their last end shall be: for it is a perverse generation and unfaithful children.” [Deuteronomy 32:20] And, no, God was not talking about Gentiles but the Israelites.
So let these psychopaths celebrate the Torah all they want; in the end, it will do them no good.
If anyone’s interest you may read the rest here: http://www.drbo.org/cgi-bin/d?b=drb&bk=5&ch=32&l=20#x
ed note–there is no ‘twisting,’ Gwaredd. All anyone need do is sit down for a few minutes and (with a rational mind not clouded with a bunch of religious sentimentalism) read for themselves various pages within this ‘holy’ book which the Jews do indeed revere and they will see for themselves that the ‘Jewish problem’ as it has existed for thousands of years can be traced directly back to the contents of this book which has acted as a ‘how to’ guide for all their evil.
So for 70 years my mind is “…clouded with a bunch of religious sentimentalism…” In that case, I shouldn’t even bother with Church any longer since I will just continue to get my head filled with more “religious sentimentalism”. Yup, believe nothing; just stay home and get blotto. Sounds like a good idea to me.🙄
ed note–I am not in the position of knowing whether your mind is or is not clouded with religious sentimentalism. But what I know is this–if someone is unable to understand and accept that 2+2=4, an immutable law of mathematics which God created, then there is something wrong with the circuitry.
The Jewish Torah, as we have pointed out on this website over, and over, and yet over again, is very clear on certain matters and is spelled out in black and white lettering for those with eyes to see and with ears to hear, and yet, despite this, we are forced, over, and over, and yet over again, to jump through hoops, bend over backwards and in all other ways, spend an insufferable amount of time explaining the obvious to those who simply refuse to see the obvious because indeed it does happen to clash with their religious sentimentalism.
If indeed you do not fall into this category, then God bless you. If you do happen to fall into this category, then it should be obvious where the onus lies.
pretty sure st paul considered torah to be rubbish
st marcion and others tried to remove all torah influences
majority of non jew converts to christianity wanted nothing to do with the evil of torah
The Non-Jew is liable for a death penalty if he studies the Torah, where the “Oral Torah” is implied, See Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 59a
There is no death penalty for studying the 5 books of Moses for the Goyim.
When Jews speak about Torah among themselves they mean the total sum of :
—-The Oral Torah (= Talmud) -Torah shebal peh,
—-The written Torah (=5 books of Moses) – Torah Shebiktav
—-The commentaries and commentaries upon commentaries on the Talmud by the rabbis throughout the centuries where the most important is Maimonides -RAMBAM.
From the consensus among the rabbis Jewish law Halakhah is derived such as the 613 commandments, for instance
* “Lo moridim , lo moalim” -Forbidden to save Non-Jew from death
No penalty in talmudic court “Beit Dinh” if violation occurs. Repentance is sufficient
*Forbidden to break the Sabbath to save a Non-Jew from death.
Death penalty for the Jew if he does. See
* “Lo Sichonaym” – Acts out of compassion are forbidden towards the Non-Jew, see
—-The prohets (the rest of the old testament)
—-The Zohar (=Kabbalah)